Panther Commando

Chapter 2392: emergency order

After listening to Wan Lin's words, Zhang Wa glanced at the bandage on her body with a wry smile, and muttered, "It's still a show, which of us are not regulars in the hospital!" Wan Lin and several others heard Zhang Wa's muttering sound, his face also showed a wry smile.

These people really don't need to perform. The heart-piercing pain when they are injured has already penetrated into everyone's bone marrow. As long as they need, they can recall this pain at any time, and their faces will naturally show that time. Painful expression when injured.

In the Red Army headquarters at this time, Li Dongsheng looked at the flash of fire on the screen at the Blue Army's position, his face was very serious. Hong Tao, who was on the side, also looked very nervous. He stared at the sand table and said, "Good guy, the Blue Army actually sent a self-propelled rocket company to a place so close to us in secret, it's too dangerous, fortunately, it was captain Wan They found it! Now we have the company out of the drill."

Hearing his words, Li Dongsheng turned his head and stared at the sand table, pointed to a place with a small red flag and frowned and said to himself: "This is the position where our armored assault battalion is on standby, and the opponent's rocket company actually ran within a distance of them. Ten kilometers away, it is too dangerous! This shows that the scouts of the Blue Army have entered this area, and it is very likely that they have found a hidden armored battalion in this col!"

He pondered and said this, his face suddenly changed, and he pointed at the sand table and ordered urgently: "Order, the second and third companies of the armored assault battalion immediately move to the 308 and 410 areas on the left and right; order the first company to withdraw to the 505 area. Attract the blue army's attention! Order the frontier electronic reconnaissance countermeasure unit to strengthen the electronic reconnaissance in this area, order the electronic information brigade to use aerial electronic drones to initiate strong interference, and comprehensively suppress the communication signals of the blue army's forward positions! Order Zhang Dahu of the special reconnaissance team Immediately scout the movements of the Blue Army artillery units!"

Following Li Dongsheng's nervous voice, the atmosphere at the Red Army headquarters immediately became extremely tense. "Yes!" The staff officer behind replied, turned around and quickly issued an order to the subordinate unit, but there was a confused look in his eyes, as if he didn't understand why the brigade commander issued the order to retreat the armored assault battalion so urgently ?

Now that their own Red Army has wiped out the Blue Army rocket artillery company that threatened the armored battalion, the threat has been lifted, and the exercise has just started. Why did the brigade commander suddenly activate strong electronic interference at this time? Interference measures are also the trump card used by the Red Army in the decisive battle.

Hearing Li Dongsheng's order, Hong Tao glanced at the sand table suddenly, and his face suddenly became very nervous. He turned around and ran to the communications staff officer, picked up the microphone and shouted nervously: "Captain Zhang, your battalion has been exposed, immediately evacuate as quickly as the brigade commander ordered, hurry!" At this time, he also realized the urgency of the situation.

The communication sounds in the Red Army command post became one, and Yu Jing, who was beside him, immediately sat in front of the computer and stared at the computer screen, her fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, and at the same time, she commanded the microphone: "Lingling, right now. The Blue Army's forward positions are implementing repressive electronic jamming! Order the electronic countermeasure drones in the air to immediately activate high-power jamming equipment. Xiaoya, order your forward electronic reconnaissance team to search for suspicious radio signals immediately!"

A series of orders came out one after another from Li Dongsheng's Red Army headquarters, and the air in the Red Army headquarters seemed to freeze. At this time, all the personnel in the headquarters have understood that their armored assault battalion is the main fire strike force of the entire Red Army. Now the other party has sent a self-propelled rocket launcher company to secretly approach, which shows that the location of the assault battalion is very likely to be used by the Blue Army reconnaissance force. It was found that other strike units of the Blue Army are also approaching this area!

Although the intelligence from the front discovered this extremely threatening Blue Army rocket artillery unit, and instructed its own troops to strike in time, but the other party must have other means of attack, and now the armored assault battalion is at stake!

In a mountain in the hinterland of the Blue Army, a water surface of 20 to 30 square kilometers is rippling with the mountain wind and blue waves. The lake reflects the shadows of black mountains. The lake that fluctuates with the wind is glowing with white streaks in the dazzling sunlight. ripple.

The lake shore on the north side of the lake is covered with tall weeds and rocks, not far away is a towering mountain, and there is a huge crack in the mountains facing the lake, as if a mountain was surrounded by a sharp giant. The axe split open, revealing a huge mountain pass. The two mountains on the left and right of the mountain pass undulating on both sides along the spacious lake, just enclosing the lake shore on the north side of the lake into a huge empty field.

A variety of military vehicles covered with camouflage nets are neatly parked at the foot of the mountains on both sides. Several large grass-green military tents stand at the foot of the mountain on the left side. Around the tents are towering antennas. An armored command vehicle with an antenna erected was parked around the tent, and a circular radar antenna on a heavy truck was slowly turning.

On the two surrounding hills loomed and vigilantly swayed the figures of some guards. There were several armored personnel carriers on the grass near the lake, several missile launchers were erected on several heavy trucks, and a group of heavily armed soldiers were scattered all over the place. Scattered among the field, all of them lay their heads out of the fortifications, watching their surroundings vigilantly.

The entire lakeshore was very quiet, the waves on the lake were rippling, and a few large silver-white fishes jumped from time to time in the sparkling waves, and there was not a single boat on the lake. Obviously, this area has been classified as a military restricted area, and any civilian ships and unrelated personnel are strictly prohibited from entering the exercise area.

In the big tent of the blue army headquarters, the blue army commander Xing Tie is paying attention to a large sand table placed in the middle of the tent. The sand table is densely marked with small red and blue flags. The blue flags are the current positions of their units, and the red flags are the units of the Red Army that are marked in real time according to the information provided by the Blue Army reconnaissance unit. approximate location.

At this moment, Colonel Su Qiang, the lanky chief of staff of the Blue Army, hurried in from outside the tent with a dignified face, strode to Xing Tie's side, and reported to Xing Tie in a low voice with a pale face: " The self-propelled rocket company I sneaked into the front line was suddenly attacked by the Red Army's intensive artillery fire, and the director's command has now decided to withdraw from the exercise."

Xing Tie, who was staring at the sand table, turned his face sharply, a look of astonishment appeared on the big face of the four sides, and the two thick eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together at this moment, he asked sharply: "How is it possible? They are practicing. You have already sneaked into this position secretly from the beginning, how could it be discovered by the Red Army?"

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