Panther Commando

Chapter 2393: Electronic suppression

Su Qiang hesitated and replied: "The location of the company is extremely hidden, but now it is suddenly and accurately attacked by the Red Army's artillery fire, which shows that the Red Army's reconnaissance troops must have invaded our blue side hinterland! I have ordered the troops to strengthen the vigilance and strictly Check all suspicious persons and vehicles."

After Xing Tie heard this, a rage flashed in his big eyes, and he asked sharply, "Did they implement the order that ordered them to attack the other's armored troops?"

Su Qiang's expression dimmed, and he replied in a low voice, "According to the information obtained by the front-line reconnaissance troops, we just passed the coordinates of the opponent's armored assault battalion. Before they could fire, they were destroyed by the sudden artillery fire. According to the director According to the battle damage assessment of the Ministry, this company has been completely wiped out, and the opponent's precision strike capability is too strong."

Hearing this, Xing Tie suddenly flashed a fire in his furious eyes, and the muscles on his face trembled violently, but he suddenly took a deep breath at this moment, and his eyes suddenly calmed down. .

Xing Tie suddenly turned his head to the sand table, pointed to the foot of a mountain near the mountain where the Red Army armored assault battalion was located, and suddenly ordered loudly: "Order the first self-propelled howitzer battalion that has just arrived to attack this mountain immediately, this armored assault battalion must be here. A mountain col!"

"Yes!" Su Qiang replied immediately, then turned around and gave orders to the combat staff behind him. He then turned to look at the sand table and said, "Commander, the helicopter brigade is approaching this area. Did you order them to be dispatched? I estimate that the armored battalion of the Red Army is being transferred, and the helicopter brigade can just take advantage of its speed to strike along the way."

On the battlefield, armed helicopters have always been known as the killers of armored vehicles. Calling a helicopter group is of course the best choice, but Xing Tie understands that now each armored unit attaches great importance to air defense according to its own weaknesses. The anti-aircraft firepower of the aircraft, once the helicopter brigade rashly strikes, it is very likely to fall into the strike range of the opponent's pre-arranged anti-aircraft firepower, which is too dangerous.

Xing Tie quickly analyzed how to use his own attack methods in his mind. He pondered for a moment, then turned back with a grim expression and looked at the electronic screen behind him. The arrow is moving slowly on a military map.

He stared at the few blue arrows around the Hongfang Mountain Col and pondered for a while, and suddenly said to himself: "The Red Army must have considered that we have discovered their armored troops and are sending superior troops to approach this area, so The red side will urgently order the armored battalion to break out immediately, and mobilize the surrounding air defense firepower for emergency rescue. At this time, it is too risky for us to send helicopters to strike, and this is the assembly place of the Red Army troops, and their helicopter brigade must be nearby. "

When he said this, he suddenly raised his voice and said loudly: "The forward electronic reconnaissance force immediately monitored the red fire control radar in this area, and ordered the helicopter brigade to send two helicopters to approach this area to pretend to attract the firepower of the red side. The other four armed helicopters were ordered to covertly enter the surrounding airspace of 504, and waited for the firepower of the howitzer battalion to attack, and ordered two feinted armed helicopters to attack the fleeing red armored targets! The remaining four provided fire cover. They must be completely wiped out. This armored unit of the Red side is the main force of the Red side."

A series of orders came out from Xing Tie's mouth, and the atmosphere in the command tent was extremely tense. All the combat staff members nervously conveyed the combat orders issued by Xing Tie to their subordinate units.

At this time, Xing Tie's face no longer had the angry look he had just given. After he issued the order, he put his hands on the border of the combat sand table, stared at the rolling hills on the sand table, and pondered the next move of the Red Army. After a while, he straightened up and turned around, staring straight up at the electronic display screen behind him, a sneer on his gloomy face.

On the electronic display screen, the arrows representing the red troops still lay quietly on the screen. The troops that were supposed to move according to his order did not respond quietly. Xing Tie's eyes suddenly widened. Turning his head, he shouted sharply at the combat staff who conveyed the order from the side: "What are you doing to eat? Why hasn't the order been conveyed yet!"

"Report, the Red Army suddenly carried out large-scale strong electronic interference on my forward positions, and several of our troops near the col were unable to receive orders!" Chief of Staff Su Qiang immediately turned his head from the communication equipment next to him and reported.

Xing Tie was stunned, with a surprised look flashing in his big eyes, and he said loudly, "How is it possible? How can the other party have such a high-power electronic interference device! Staff Officer Yu, what's going on?"

A young staff officer wearing glasses turned around and reported with a pale face: "Report, I don't know why the other party has such a high-power jamming device. Our unit has not been equipped with such a powerful electronic jamming device."

Chief of Staff Su Qiang then asked in astonishment: "How is it possible? Our division is equipped with the most advanced electronic countermeasures equipment in China. How could such a high-power electronic interference equipment suddenly appear in the Red Army? This exercise did not call the Air Force's electronic aircraft."

They all know that if the other party implements such a large-scale electronic suppression of their blue army positions, only the large-scale electronic warfare aircraft of the Air Force can have such a large development power. There was silence in the Blue Army headquarters. At this time, no one could understand how the Red Army suddenly had such a powerful electronic suppression method.

As time passed by, Xing Tie looked at the battle sand table in surprise, puzzled. Twenty minutes passed, Su Qiang cursed in a low voice, and turned around to order Su Qiang to inquire about the source of the electronic interference. At this time, a staff officer on the side suddenly reported: "Report, communication is restored! Order! has been communicated."

With the sound of his report, the blue arrow on the electronic display screen suddenly changed direction, and then quickly advanced to the command area. It was obvious that the subordinate unit had already started to act according to Xing Tie's order.

Staff Officer Yu wearing glasses looked at the moving blue arrow in surprise, and said suddenly: "The other party can't have such a high-power electronic jamming device, they just implemented electronic jamming on the surrounding area of ​​​​our close to the red armored battalion. . This must be the Red Army dispatched electronic jamming drones, flying over our troops to carry out close-range jamming!"

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