Panther Commando

Chapter 2401: direction of travel

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Bao Ya looked at it for a while and asked, "Lao Feng, are you reporting this information now? This supply convoy must be responsible for delivering supplies to the armored regiment in front."

Fengdao put down the gun and hesitated for a while, suddenly opened the map and placed it in front of him, raised the gun to look into the distance, and then looked down at the combat map and said, "No, the Blue Army tank regiment is heading towards Area 502. But how does this large transport team head towards the 503 area?"

Lin Zisheng, who was lying at the bottom of the cave, also said in surprise: "That's right, the directions of the two are indeed different, but such a large transport team obviously provides supplies for the tank troops. Why are the two traveling routes different?"

Feng Dao's small eyes narrowed, staring at the map for a while, suddenly raised his left hand and patted his helmet lightly, and suddenly said: "The destination of the blue army tank regiment must not be the 502 area, now they The direction of travel must be feint, and they will definitely change direction and insert into the 503 area in the middle! Their move must be to attract our air and ground reconnaissance troops."

"Yes" Lin Zisheng also sat up and said in a low voice: "The current direction of the tank regiment must be feinting, attracting our reconnaissance attention and causing misjudgment by our command agency. Hehe, but they did not expect the subsequent large supply convoy. It will completely expose their whereabouts!"

Feng Dao nodded, turned his head and said to Bao Ya: "Immediately report the information on the discovery of the large blue army supply convoy! Remember, only report what we saw, not our judgment just now. Yes!" Bao Ya quickly Take out the communication equipment and quickly transmit the findings.

Several people understand in their hearts that the judgment of the battle situation is the responsibility of the commander, and those scouts who have penetrated into the hinterland of the Blue Army, as long as they report the reconnaissance intelligence they have seen, they must not add their own judgment to the intelligence. , otherwise it is very likely to interfere with the commander's judgment.

The wind knife immediately knelt down and raised the gun body, looked at the white mountain top standing high above the mountains in the distance, and then retracted the gun body and whispered: "Go!" Going out of the cave.

The moment he stood up, he suddenly squatted down again, raised his hand and made a gesture of preparation for battle. The few people behind were startled, and immediately clinged to the cave walls on both sides, raising their guns at the entrance of the cave.

The body of the wind knife was tightly attached to the wall of the cave entrance. The assault rifle in his hand slowly protruded from the side of the cave wall, and the gun body slowly turned down the hillside. Then he raised his left hand and extended three fingers. , and then slashed down slightly.

The following people immediately understood the meaning of the wind knife. The three Blue Army soldiers were walking towards the hillside. If the opponent entered the hole, they would kill it immediately! Several people immediately put the weapons in their hands gently on the ground, and then pulled out the saber on their legs.

It didn't take long, a low voice of conversation suddenly came from outside the cave, and one person whispered: "Is there a convulsion up there? This is our Blue Army's territory, what are we searching for, and our tanks have already set off. Isn't it superfluous?" Another voice sounded immediately: "Don't babble, we can do whatever we want, you sergeant still want to direct our old master to go?" With the voice, there was a low smile. The sound followed.

A few people in Fengdao in the cave heard the sound, and immediately understood that the other party had discovered that a Red Army scout had sneaked into their area, so they launched a large-scale investigation and clearing in the mountains. Feng Dao turned his face and looked inside the dark cave, then pointed to the depths of the cave at several people, and followed himself half a step back from the entrance of the cave.

Several people knew that they were in the hinterland of the Blue Army at this time, and their mission had not yet been completed. Unless it was absolutely necessary, they could not easily alert the Blue Army soldiers, otherwise the next task would become more arduous.

It wasn't long before the wind knives in the cave could clearly hear the footsteps coming from outside the cave. The sound was walking towards the cave. The brows of several people were wrinkled. I didn't expect that these blue soldiers were really Saw this cave.

The sound got closer and closer, and the darkened mountains outside the cave seemed very quiet. Even the faint roar of armored vehicles seemed to disappear suddenly, and the footsteps outside the cave seemed to be echoing in the ears of several people. . The hands of Feng Dao and several people were holding the saber tightly, and their eyes were staring at the hole with bright light.

"Squad leader, are we going to the cave to take a look?" There was a low voice of questioning outside the cave, and the footsteps suddenly stopped along with the questioning, and the nerves of the wind knives in the cave were all here. Instantly tightened.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from a distance: "Squad Leader Xu, speed up your search, and go back to the campsite for dinner after searching this hillside." "Understood!" A shout came from outside the cave, and just followed One person said in a low voice, "Go back. After searching for a long time, I didn't even see a Mao of the Red Army, but Lao Tzu's stomach was screaming." Following his voice, the footsteps outside the cave rang again, but the voice was directed towards him. Go down the mountain.

The air knives in the cave breathed a sigh of relief. They slowly put the knives back into their scabbards, and bent over to pick up the guns on the ground. The wind knife slowly lay on the ground and slowly climbed to the hole to look out.

Dark shadows were walking among the dimly lit mountains, and blue soldiers were walking down the hillside in twos and threes. The three soldiers below the cave were also striding down the mountain. Feng Dao looked at the shadows and whispered in his heart, "Fuck! It seems that at least one company is searching for this mountainous area~ If these soldiers entered the cave just now, only a few of them would be left alone. They can be taken down quietly, but there are their companions on the hillside not far away. It is very likely that they will see these people entering the cave. At that time, when they see these people entering the cave for a long time, they will definitely send them. People came over to check, and a few of them could only forcibly rush out of the cave to break through, which was really too dangerous.

Several people waited quietly in the cave for more than half an hour, until the night completely enveloped the mountains, they quietly got out of the cave and ran towards the snow-covered mountains in the distance.

The night shrouded the rolling mountains, the night sky was like a cauldron upside down over the mountains, and the dark sky was inlaid with twinkling light blue stars. In the mountainous area that should have been quiet, fierce gunshots were heard from time to time, and explosions of firelight that cut through the night sky illuminated the dim starry sky.

Inside the Red Army headquarters, Hong Tao was staring at a report he had just received from the staff, with a hesitant look in his eyes. Li Dongsheng asked, "What's going on?" Hong Tao raised his head and said, "It's the wind knife. Look at the information sent back urgently by their team." He handed the report to Li Dongsheng.

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