Panther Commando

Chapter 2402: 2 pieces of information

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Li Dongsheng took the report and glanced at it, with a surprised look on his face, and then said to Hong Tao: "Transfer the last piece of information they sent at night."

Hong Tao immediately took another piece of information from the next staff officer, looked down and said: "There is a contradiction between the two pieces of information before and after, the former piece of information shows that the Blue Army tank regiment is heading towards the 502 area; The intelligence said that the blue army's large supply convoy was heading towards the 503 area, which should not be."

Li Dongsheng stared at the sand table for a while, then suddenly turned his head and shouted, "Comrade Li, bring up the military satellite maps of areas 502 and 503." "Yes" A staff officer on the side replied immediately, and on the big screen on the side of the command tent A detailed military satellite image was immediately displayed, with rolling hills and ravines clearly displayed above.

Li Dongsheng and Hong Tao stared at the picture intently. Yu Jing, who was beside her, was also looking at the clear map on her computer. She stared at the satellite picture on the screen, and quickly moved the mouse with her right hand to mark the map. After a while, she suddenly said, "Brigade Commander, look at this area." As she said that, she moved the mouse with her right hand to draw a red line between the two mountains, and then tapped the keyboard again. The picture shown immediately replaced the picture on the big screen.

Li Dongsheng and Hong Tao stared at the red line on the screen, Li Dongsheng murmured in a low voice: "No wonder, there is such a shortcut to connect 502 and 503, but our military map does not mark this passage. Ah."

Yu Jing had already stood up to Li Dongsheng and Hong Tao's side at this time, she raised her finger and pointed to the red line and said, "In the military map issued to us by the command, this passage is not indicated, because this area is interspersed with rocks and terrain. It is extremely complicated, and it is really impossible for ordinary mechanized troops to pass through.”

Hong Tao suddenly realized what Yu Jing said, and immediately took it over and said: "What a cunning blue army, this passage is difficult for mechanized troops to pass through, but they can no longer talk about the heavy armored regiment composed of crawler tanks! They are this Obviously heading towards the 502 area to confuse our sight, in fact, suddenly covertly inserted into the 503 area on the way!"

Li Dongsheng's face also became very serious. He stared at the 503 area and muttered in thought: "What is the purpose of this main tank regiment of the Blue Army here?"

He said, moving his eyes to the adjacent 504 and 505 areas, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, raised his finger to the map and said: "Hehe, I understand, at present, the Blue Army has concluded based on the known information: our armored assault battalion This main force once assembled in the 504 area, and the 505 area on the side and rear wing is a high mountain, which is very convenient for the troops to hide. At present, a company of the armored assault battalion is retreating to the 505 area, and our helicopter brigade has also appeared in this area. Therefore, the other party must think that the 505 area is our base camp, and the command organization and various main forces are also deployed in this area."

Hearing his analysis, Hong Tao also showed a smile on his face. He took the words of the brigade commander and said, "Yes, there is a big mountain across the 505 area. Although it is suitable for covert assembly and attack, once it is suppressed by the opponent's firepower, it will not be able to make a big difference. Scale transfer! The blue army suddenly transferred the main tank regiment to the 503 area, just to suppress our troops from the surrounding area under the 505 mountain, and the rest of the troops must be gathering in this area!"

At this time, Yu Jing on the side also understood the Blue Army's combat intention. She glanced at Li Dongsheng and Hong Tao with admiration, and asked in a low voice, "Then what should we do now? Area 505 is the location of our original headquarters. There is also one of our electronic simulation units, which is currently simulating the communications signal of the command."

When she said this, her big eyes flashed twice, and she said with surprise: "Yes, the electronic reconnaissance unit of the blue army must have detected the analog electronic signal we launched, thinking that our red command is still in the 505 area! "

Hearing Yu Jing's words, Li Dongsheng suddenly turned around and strode to the front of the combat sand table, put his hands on the border of the sand table, and stared at the 505 area with glowing eyes, and then suddenly straightened up and shouted: "Order the first and second divisions of the special reconnaissance team to immediately move closer to the 502 area, track and monitor the blue army tank regiment's moving direction, and make sure to implement the whereabouts of this tank regiment. Order the second and third companies of the hidden armored assault battalion to immediately move to the 503 area. Maneuver, order the self-propelled artillery battalion to enter the junction of areas 502 and 503."

He issued an order in his mouth, his eyes still looking at the screen, and then he ordered: "Order the armed helicopters of the helicopter brigade to secretly move to the second position, and the transport helicopters are still feinting in the 504 area to attract the blue army's attention. The air defense of the armored assault battalion The firepower and the helicopter group's own anti-aircraft fire provides air cover for the transport helicopters!"

"Order the retreating armored assault battalion 1st company to continue to advance to the 505 area, attracting the blue army's attention, order the 2nd and 3rd companies to quickly advance to the connecting channel 502 and 503, and occupy the surrounding favorable terrain; order the self-propelled artillery battalion to approach this area at the same time. Channel; order the electronic analog team in Area 505 to increase the analog signal strength"

Li Dongsheng ordered in his mouth, his eyes fixed on the combat sand table in front of him, and then he turned to look at Hong Taotao and said: "The other party deploys a tank regiment in 503, then their machine infantry regiment will also appear nearby, order the second battalion, The three battalions secretly sneaked into the mountains around 503 to set up an ambush, and once the Blue Army tank regiment was annihilated, our artillery fire would immediately be transferred to the surrounding Blue Army infantry regiments!"

Li Dongsheng issued several orders in a and then looked at the satellite map coldly and said: "Hey, Xing Tie of the Blue Army is going to make dumplings for my Red Army in the 505 area, what a big appetite! Come! Well, let's put a bag and wait for them too! Order Wang Hong's spy battalion's second and third companies to prepare for the landing." "Yes!" Hong Tao shouted excitedly, turned around and walked to the side of the communications staff officer.

Yu Jing heard Li Dongsheng's voice and whispered: "It seems that you are planning to concentrate your superior forces at the junction of the 502 and 503 areas and eat the tank regiment of the Blue Army?"

Li Dongsheng turned his head to look at her and nodded his head heavily, raised his hand to draw a few lines on the 502 and 503 areas on the sand table, the bloodshot eyes flashed, and a murderous look suddenly floated on his face: "Yes! I It is to take advantage of the unpreparedness and concentrate the superior forces to eat it before they take a stand!"

There was an air of arrogance in his tone, and his tone was decisive! He paused for a while, and then whispered: "Hey, we are not as good as you in terms of firepower, but in terms of maneuverability, we will never be worse than any army! Come on!" Li Dongsheng's powerful hand suddenly Lift it up, and then slash down with a strong wind!

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