Panther Commando

Chapter 2403: run away

The Red Army headquarters was silent, and every staff officer and communications soldier turned their heads solemnly to look at their brigade commander, and with the brigade commander's sonorous voice suddenly brightened in their eyes, they understood in their hearts: their own The brigade commander has already laid out a big bag, and he has seen the dawn of victory!

At this time, the blue army headquarters seemed very quiet. Except for the ticking of the radio in the tent and the slight electric current from the equipment, almost no other sound could be heard.

Master Xing Tie also stared at the sand table with bloodshot eyes and pondered, with a tired look on his face. It has been three days since the exercise started. Although the cannons rumbled and the gunshots continued in the exercise area, there was no major exchange of fire between the red and blue troops. The gunfire was only a small battle that occurred locally. The reconnaissance results are being adjusted.

And Xing Tie has been in the command post for the past few days, only leaning on a chair for a few hours to rest briefly. At this time, Chief of Staff Su Qiang walked over to him to see the tired look of the division commander, and said in a low voice, "Master, let's rest for a while." Then he pulled his arm and walked to the side of a camp bed.

Xing Tie gently pushed his arm away and said in a low voice, "It's alright," and then asked in a low voice, "Has the tank regiment started to intersperse the 503 area?"

Su Qiang replied in a low voice: "The tank regiment is rapidly heading towards that secret passage. It is expected to arrive in the evening the day after tomorrow, and then cross that passage overnight and head towards 503. The transport brigade has already moved to the 503 area synchronously," Master Xing said immediately. : "Okay, we must let them strengthen their vigilance to prevent the Red Army scouts from approaching this area."

"Yes. In the afternoon, the 1st Regiment of Jibu has dispatched a battalion to comprehensively strengthen the search and vigilance in the surrounding area. No Red Army scouts have been found so far," Su Qiang reported immediately.

Xing Tie followed and asked, "Where are the second, third and artillery regiments of the Machine Steps?" "We are moving towards the mountains near the 505 area. Looking at the current progress, we should arrive at the offensive position at the same time as the tank regiment." Su Qiang said The voice seemed very firm.

Xing Tie looked up at his chief of staff and nodded, then said: "Very good, you can rest for a while, the time to get really nervous is coming soon, our troops will definitely reach the designated attack position in the day after tomorrow, and the general attack will be in the day after tomorrow. Four o'clock at night!"

"Yes!" Su Qiang replied loudly, and the surrounding staff officers and communications personnel suddenly heard the chief of staff's loud answer, and all raised their heads suddenly, with a light in their eyes, they knew in their hearts that the decisive battle was about to begin!

At this moment, there was a sudden violent explosion in the distance, followed by the sound of dense gunfire. Xing Tie frowned, strode to the front of the tent and opened the tent curtain to the outside. look.

The mirror-like lake in front of you is reflecting the rolling hills in the moonlight, and clusters of red firelight are flickering from the reflected lake.

Xing Tie raised his eyes and looked towards the mountains in the southwest. The sound of violent explosions and gunshots were coming from behind the tall hills in the distance, and clusters of red explosions illuminated the night sky in the distance. A dark red.

"It was the Second Regiment of the Machine Steps who were fighting fiercely with a sneak attack of the Red Army. The Red Army had about one reinforced company. They were hiding near a valley and suddenly attacked the first battalion we passed through the canyon. Our second battalion Reinforcements have already been sent, and the specific situation is unknown now." Chief of Staff Su Qiang walked over quietly and reported from behind Xing Tie.

Xing Tie's face became very gloomy, and he still looked at the explosion in the distance without saying a word. He knew in his heart that this must be a harassing unit of the Red Army. The fighting time would not last long.

Sure enough, about half an hour later, the sound of gunfire in the distance gradually weakened, and then only sporadic gunshots could be heard from a distance, and the thick night shrouded the mountains in the distance again.

Xing Tie looked at the thick night in the distance, turned his head to look at Su Qianggang, what did he want to ask? But the night sky in the due west suddenly flashed red again, followed by violent explosions and gunshots.

"Is it the position of the Second Regiment of the Machine Steps?" Xing Tie asked with a frown, "Yes, it is the position of the Third Regiment of the Machine Steps." Su Qiang also looked up at the distance and replied. At this time, a staff officer strode up behind Su Qiang and whispered a few words, then turned around and walked back.

Su Qiang turned his head to look at the firelight in the distance, and reported in a dejected tone: "It was the 1st battalion and 1st company of the 3rd Regiment of Machine Steps, and was suddenly attacked by ambushes during the march. The army is annihilated!"

"Damn, didn't you tell them to do a good job of reconnaissance on the move? What are the leaders of the second and third regiments doing!" Xing Tie roared angrily. The decisive battle has not yet begun, but his two main troops have been attacked one after another, and they have lost their soldiers, which really makes him very angry.

Su Qiang looked at the fire in the night sky in the distance and did not answer. He knew clearly that the Second and Third Regiments of the Machine Buns must have dispatched scouts before the action, but now they are facing the troops of the Red Special Forces ~These troops are like cunning foxes in the undulating mountains, and their concealment skills are indeed extraordinary. The personnel sent by their own troops for reconnaissance were either killed by their opponents, or they did not find these hidden Red Army troops at all. When fighting, these Red Army special forces were as slippery as loach, they ran away after the fight, and never reluctant to fight.

At this moment, on the halfway of a mountain several hundred meters high opposite the lake where the Blue Army headquarters is located, a few shadows are kneeling behind a few thick tree trunks, raising their guns and looking at the dim light across the lake, The barrels of several dark guns seemed to be solidified, pointing at the opposite lake shore and motionless.

On the top of the mountain behind them, there were several black figures walking towards the side of the mountain, and then they saw a few people standing up and walking towards the top of the mountain behind. Obviously, the Blue Army guards on the top of the mountain were changing the guard.

The people on the mountainside were the same people from Wan Lin who had hijacked a medical armored vehicle. When they drove the armored car to the lake for dozens of kilometers, Wan Lin saw that the checkpoints in front were getting denser and denser. Knowing that he was approaching the target, he immediately ordered the car to be driven into the depths of the mountain on the side. Get off the car on foot in the low-lying area of ​​the mountain and run towards the lake.

The mountains were densely covered with various troops of the Blue Army. Wan Lin and the others could only follow Feng Dao and the others. They adopted the method of walking by day and night, using the cover of darkness and rolling hills to secretly climb the mountainside of this hundred-meter-high mountain. .

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