Panther Commando

Chapter 2404: moving shadow


Wan Lin knelt under the tree on one knee, holding a sniper rifle and staring at the dimly lit lights across the lake, with little flowers lying on the branches above his head.

Wan Lin raised his gun and aimed at the light on the other side for a while, then lowered the muzzle of his gun and looked down the mountain. The mountain wind was blowing from the side of the mountain, and the calm lake was rippling in the mountain wind. He stared intently at the rippling lake under the dark passage: The lake at the foot of the mountain covers more than 30 square kilometers. It seems to be a large lake formed by the accumulation of spring water and rainwater in the mountains. Now his position is about 20 kilometers away from the opposite lake shore.

Wan Lin immediately raised his muzzle and looked around. In the dim starlight, the entire mountain area looked very dim, and the bright spot in the distance was like a group of fireflies gathered in everything, very faint.

After Wan Lin observed the surrounding scene, he moved his gun and took a closer look at the dim light on the opposite side, thinking in his heart: "It seems that I have really found the right place, the lake shore on the opposite side is pitch-dark, obviously a wartime light control has been implemented. , Now this light has been on for so long in the dark night, which means that the commander of the blue army command must be looking out, otherwise the soldiers of the security force would have stopped him long ago."

He took a few breaths of the fresh mountain air, slowly put down the sniper rifle in his hand, and then waved to Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa, who were hidden behind two trees on the side. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa immediately turned their guns around and glanced at the top of the mountain behind them, then lowered their guns and lay on the ground, slowly creeping towards Wan Lin.

At this time, Wan Lin also lay on the ground, turned his head and glanced at the top of the mountain behind him, and then slowly climbed to the bottom of a raised boulder not far away. The movements of several people are extremely careful. There are blue army guards on the top of the mountain hundreds of meters behind. As long as they make a little noise in their movements, they may attract the attention of the sentry on the top of the mountain.

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao quietly climbed to Wan Lin's side, Wan Lin covered his mouth with his hands and whispered to the two: "The place where the lights on the lake shore opposite must be the location of the Blue Army headquarters! I guess they didn't expect to be here. In the dark mountains and clear air, the light travels so far."

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa nodded, with mocking expressions in their eyes. Wan Lin immediately pointed to the foot of the mountain below, and then whispered: "The surrounding area is heavily guarded. We move from the foot of the mountain to the lake on the left side. Once we find that the other side is too guarded, we will swim through the lake."

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa nodded, turned and climbed down the mountain. When they passed by the vigilant Dali and Yuwen brothers, they raised their arms and waved forward.

When Wan Lin saw his teammates set off, he turned around and waved at Xiaohua on the tree branch, and then pointed to the foot of the mountain. Xiaohua immediately jumped down from the tree branch silently, turned her head and ran down the mountain.

The moonlight shone on the dim mountains, and the whole mountain was shrouded in a thick night. The mountain is very quiet, only the sound of the lake at the foot of the mountain rushing to the shore, and occasionally the faint sound of guns blaring from time to time in the distance.

Wan Lin and the others ran along the foot of the mountain to the left side of the mountain. Their figures rose and fell in the darkness. Xiao Hua ran unhurriedly several dozen meters in front of them, and then ran to the side of the foot of the mountain. At the edge of the lake, he ran to the half-mountain **** on the side, with blue light looming in his eyes, and occasionally ran to the rock in front of him, turned his head and looked back, waiting for Wan Lin and the others who followed up and down.

At this time, Zhang Wa ran at the front as a scout, followed by the Yuwen brothers on the left and right, followed by Dali with a machine gun and Cheng Ru with a sniper rifle. Several people used typical single arrows in their running. Fight formation so that mutual cover can be provided in the event of a sudden fight.

Wan Lin bent down and ran at the end, his sharp eyes staring at the backs of the teammates in front of him. The feet of several people are very light, and there is only a very low "rustling" sound under their feet. They all bend down and move their bodies forward carefully to avoid the sound of kicking the gravel under their feet. This place has entered the Blue Army headquarters. The security area of ​​​​the blue army may encounter the security force of the blue army at any time, so everyone's actions are extremely careful.

Wan Lin raised his head while running and looked towards the opposite lake shore. The light in the distance had disappeared, and only the mountain opposite the lake showed a dim outline. At this time, he was also very nervous. Although the headquarters of the Blue Army was not far away, the straight-line distance was only more than 20 kilometers, but they were detouring from the tortuous lakeshore, so at least seven or eight kilometers more travel, On the shore of the lake close to the Blue Army's stronghold, they didn't dare to raise the speed and run wildly, and a group of Blue Army guard officers and soldiers must be arranged on the surrounding mountains.

Under the cover of the night and the complex terrain in the mountains, a few people ran up and down for more than ten kilometers. Wan Lin turned from the foot of the mountain in front, and suddenly saw the shadow of the mountain not far ahead, as if suddenly in the middle. It was hacked with an axe, and a large wedge-shaped gap was cracked.

Wan Lin was startled. Just as he was about to remind his teammates in front of him, there was a "click" in the earphones, and Zhang Wa in front of him also sounded the alarm at this time. Get down, raise your gun and aim forward.

At this time, Xiao Hua, who had been running in front, suddenly disappeared. A few black shadows appeared in the gap in the front of the mountain, and they were moving unhurriedly towards the lake.

Wan Lin frowned and looked up at the hillside in front of him. The hillside was overgrown with weeds, and small trees and rocks were scattered all over the undulating It was impossible to see the hillside clearly. Given the specific situation, he quickly put his head on the ground, stretched out his ears and listened to the surrounding movement quietly for a while, and then crawled forward.

He climbed behind Zhang Wa, who was at the front, and saw that he was lying on the back of a rock and raising his gun to observe the surroundings. Xiaohua was also turning his head and looking back in a bush not far ahead.

Wan Lin raised his hand and made a "don't move" gesture to Xiao Hua in front of him, and then slowly climbed to Zhang Wa's side. Zhang Wa turned around and saw the leopard's head crawling over. She raised her hand and pointed to the gap. Wan Lin stretched out his sniper rifle from the rock and aimed forward.

In the distance, a group of animals with a height of less than one meter are walking out of the gap in the mountain unhurriedly. Wan Lin frowned. He didn't expect to encounter such a group of animals at this time. He aimed at one of them and looked carefully, only to see that there were a pair of slightly curved horns on the top of the animal's head.

Wan Lin immediately raised the muzzle of his gun to look up the slopes on both sides of the mountain gap, and whispered to Zhang Wa, "It's a wild goat, who came to the lake to drink water, how come there are so many, there are twenty or thirty of them? ." He immediately raised the muzzle of the gun and looked towards the hillside, and continued to whisper in his mouth: "Look at the surrounding hillsides, this mountain pass can go straight to the lake, and there can be no blue army guards."


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