Panther Commando

Chapter 2407: white snow peaks


cpa300_4(); With the low laughter on the top of the mountain, the voice who complained first sounded again: "Fuck you, I'm almost frozen into a popsicle here, and you want me to go to the top of the snowy mountain? You boy Isn't it hurting free#novel reading]>

Feng Dao was lying on the hillside, looking up at the Blue Army sentinels who were constantly walking on the side of the mountain in the dark, secretly thinking: "No wonder these boys are walking back and forth, it turns out that it is too cold upstairs, so they rely on walking to clear the way. Bloodline. It seems that the top of the snowy mountain in front is indeed cold." He thought, turning his face to look at the snowy mountain in front of him.

In the dim starlight, the mountain in front is like a giant standing on the mountains, and the mountain below is integrated with the surrounding undulating mountains, rolling toward the distance, and the vegetation is also very lush. But from the halfway up the mountain, which is about a thousand meters away, the mountain above suddenly rises up. The steep mountain is like a huge white ice cone, drilling straight into the dark air. The whole snow-capped mountain is in the dark. It looked very majestic in the night.

The wind knife looked up at the top of the snow-capped mountain. The half-mountain near the peak was surrounded by white clouds, like pieces of silk floating in the air, which separated the peak from the mountain below, and the snow-covered peak and mid-air The surrounding white clouds almost became one.

Feng Dao carefully observed the snowy peak that was about to start action, thinking about the secret way to sneak into this mountain. At this time, clusters of flashlight beams appeared from time to time in the mountains below the snow-capped mountains, and there were faint lights on the distant hillsides. Obviously, the slopes and foothills near the foot of the mountain are indeed filled with various logistical units of the Blue Army, and the vigilance of these troops is obviously not as high as those of the combat troops on the front line.

At this time, Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng, who were on the side, quietly climbed to Feng Dao's side. Feng Dao turned his head and glanced at the two of them, and then made a warning gesture to Kong Dazhuang who was holding his gun on the side and aimed at the surrounding, then beckoned to Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng, and turned around and drilled into the thick woods on the side.

Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng saw the wind knife's gesture, and immediately took their guns and followed them. Several people squatted in the dark jungle, Bao Ya said in a low voice: "The troops around here seem to be not very vigilant, don't they implement lights? control?"

Lin Zisheng replied in a low voice: "From what I have observed, the logistics force is deployed here. It seems that President Yu's judgment is quite accurate. The grassroots information processing center must be here."

Fengdao also said in a low voice: "Yes, these logistics units are generally at the rear of their own positions, and their vigilance is indeed not high. In addition, the front-line troops are generally equipped with individual night vision equipment, while the logistics units have not yet equipped these. Expensive equipment, at most there are some on-board night vision equipment, so whether they change the guard or check at night, they can only use flashlights for lighting."

Bao Ya raised his wrist and glanced, then looked at Feng Dao and asked, "It's already three o'clock in the night, should we speed up and approach the snowy mountain in front of us?" Feng Dao immediately replied: "Yes, we must approach it tonight. Snow Mountain, I guess the brigade is also anxious, the exercise has been going on for several days, and the decisive battle may start at any time."

He said that he took out the map and put it on the ground, pointed to the map and told the two of them in detail his thoughts on approaching the destination. Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng looked at the map for a while and nodded, and Feng Dao put away the map and said, "Okay. , so decide, come out!" He got up and walked to the edge of the forest.

Several people from Fengdao got out of the woods halfway up the mountain, and immediately fell on the ground and crawled down to the foot of the mountain in front. On the dimly lit hillside, there were many chaotic rocks. Pieces of tall wormwood and small trees swayed in the breeze. Under the cover of the wormwood and the rocks, a few people moved their bodies down quickly. The sky was bright, and they couldn't move in concealment in the mountains full of blue troops.

When the sky was slightly bright, the wind knife and several people had come to the foot of the snowy mountain. They looked around. The wind knife raised his hand and pointed to the side of the steep mountain, then bent over and ran to the side. followed.

The wind knife was anxiously observing the surrounding terrain while running. The hillside was overgrown with weeds, but there was no cave where he could hide. At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and the situation of several people was getting more and more dangerous.

The mountains shrouded in the night gradually became blurred, the dark sky has become dim, and the dim mountain shadows in the distance have gradually become clear. As the wind knife moved up and down along the hillside, he watched the surroundings vigilantly. Several of them had already climbed more than 200 meters on this snow-covered mountain, and the white snow-capped peak was right there. above the head.

He glanced anxiously at the surrounding terrain, raised his hand to the back and made a "stop forward" gesture, then lay down under a rock on the hillside and raised his gun to look around.

Under a high uplifted rock on the hillside above, there is a large half-human-high wormwood swaying gently in the wind. Fengdao was overjoyed, raised his hand and made a gesture to the back, turned around and crawled into the grass, and the three Bao Ya behind him also quickly crawled over.

The wind knife bent down and climbed forward a dozen meters among the wormwood piles, then stopped under the rock, turned around and made a "hide in place" gesture to the few people who followed Bao Ya, and then stuck his head out quickly. Look around.

The mountains have become hazy Pieces of rock and green vegetation have been revealed. There was not a single figure around. Seeing the safety of the surroundings, Feng Dao quickly put down the assault rifle in his hand, pulled out the saber, and quickly cut off the tall wormwood around him, and then quickly weaved it.

A few people lying around Bao Ya saw the action of the wind knife, and already understood what he meant. They were preparing to hide in this haystack for more than ten hours to spend the day. Several people also quickly put down their weapons, and quickly pulled up the wormwood around them to make a disguise.

Several people had learned from Wan Lin the camouflage technique of the hunters in the mountains. After a short time, they had already weaved a simple camouflage cloak with weeds of different lengths and tough grass stalks around them. They immediately covered the cloak tightly. On his body, he then quietly lay motionless in the grass.

The silhouettes of several people who were still faintly showing in the grass just now merged with the surrounding environment in an instant. Feng Dao turned his face to look at the three lying teammates around, and then put his head in the grass.

The mountains gradually became brighter, and the temperature at the foot of the mountain was as warm as spring. The foot of the mountain and the half-mountain where Feng Dao and the others were located were two different seasons. Groups of insects "buzzed" flying over the grass on the hillside. , from time to time there were birds chirping from the mountains passing by in the air, but then there was a chirping sound in the side where the military camps were scattered, and they turned their heads and spread their wings to the surrounding mountains.

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