Panther Commando

Chapter 2408: tempting vegetable aroma


The mountains seemed to suddenly become clear and translucent, and many Blue Army soldiers were walking out of a grass-green tent spread across the mountains; several military jeeps and transport vehicles loaded with supplies also started at this time, Drive along the rugged mountains to the distance; the figures of guards and sentries are faintly revealed on the top of the surrounding mountains, and the silent mountains suddenly become lively.

The wind knife lay in the grass under the boulder, raised his head slightly and looked around. The hillside they were on was steep, and at the foot of the mountain were rocks of various sizes that rolled down from the mountain.

Feng Dao observed the surrounding terrain and said with satisfaction: This is really not suitable for the blue army to set up camp, not only military vehicles cannot pass smoothly, but it is also difficult for infantry to find a flat place to set up tents in this terrain, so this side The hillside seemed quite quiet, and there was not a single figure around. Only the swaying sentinels could be seen on the tops of the hills several hundred meters high in the distance. They did find an excellent daytime hiding place.

His eyes immediately turned to the foot of the mountain in the distance. Grass-green military trucks were neatly arranged on the side of the mountain, covered with furry camouflage nets. Several towering antennas were erected on several armored vehicles.

The wind knife then slowly raised the telescope and looked at the top of a mountain of more than 300 meters to the side. There were military tents on the soothing hillside. On the stand, there are tall antennas standing high, and there is a small iron box not far away. Around the top of the mountain, there are more than a dozen guards.

Fengdao stared at the tent on the hillside for a while, and then looked at the foot of the opposite mountain. The missile launchers of several missile launch vehicles were already erected high, and the long missiles pointed obliquely to the blue sky, scattered around. There are several radar detection vehicles, and radar antennas of different sizes are slowly rotating.

Fengdao focused on the top of the mountain in the distance, and secretly said in his heart: "There should be the information processing center that Mr. Yu said, there should be an information processing relay station on the top of the mountain, and the box around it should be the one that Mr. Yu said. Processing equipment for information exchange.”

He then turned his head to look at the hillside above him. The steep hillside was overgrown with weeds. Pieces of jagged rocks hung halfway up the mountainside. Several twisted small trees emerged from the rock peaks, swaying tenaciously in the mountain wind. A few dry branches. Further up, you can see patches of mottled white snow. The more white snow goes up, the more plants on the hillside become bare. There are also gray-black rock masses exposed under the raised rocks. .

Feng Dao estimated the distance from the snow-covered mountainside to the top of the mountain with the antenna erected on the opposite side, and secretly said in his heart: "It's not close, at least a distance of 1200 to 300 meters, it seems that the pressure on Zisheng is not small. He then turned his head to look at Lin Zisheng on the side, and saw that he was lying on the back of the sniper rifle aiming at the top of the mountain in the distance, obviously also measuring the distance between the two mountains, looking for the best sniper spot.

After Lin Zisheng observed the target, he turned his head to look at the top of the mountain where he was, then turned his face to the wind knife that was looking at him and said in a low voice, "The target is the equipment box on the opposite mountain. Mr. Yu specially showed it to me before coming here. She obtained a complete picture of the information equipment and pointed out several targets that can be attacked. She said that if you hit one of them, you can temporarily disable the opponent's equipment, and the small box on the opposite top of the mountain is one of them."

Fengdao raised his hand and made a clear gesture, and then asked in a low voice: "The distance from the halfway up the mountain to the target is about 1,200 meters, are you sure?" Lin Zisheng's face with camouflage paint showed a row of white Teeth smiled, raised his hand and made an "ok" gesture, and then whispered, "I've already shot a few times before I came here, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Fengdao grinned with confidence. He knew that Lin Zi was introverted by nature, but there would never be any moisture in what he said. He said that if there is no problem, there is absolutely no problem. Moreover, he said that he had already tried firing, and the longest shooting distance at that time must have been more than 1,200 meters.

The two were talking in a low voice when Bao Ya suddenly raised his hand and pointed upwards. Feng Dao and the two quickly turned their heads to look up the mountain. A few black spots were slowly moving on the steep hill above. Lin Zisheng slowly Moved the muzzle and aimed upwards, then lowered the gun and said in a low voice, "It's a few blue sheep."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the black dots that were walking slowly on the top, suddenly accelerated and ran to the distant hillside, and then went up and down on the steep rock wall, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. in the sight of several people.

A few people in the wind knife were startled, and they understood that the blue sheep must have been frightened, otherwise they would not be so desperate to fly on the steep rock wall. A few people quickly lowered their bodies and looked up the hillside. A vigorous animal suddenly appeared on the steep side hillside, and it was ups and downs and quickly chased the few blue sheep in front.

Fengdao saw that an animal frightened the group of blue sheep, and his heart immediately relaxed. He raised the binoculars and looked up, only to see that it was a large leopard with black spots, chasing quickly on the hillside. prey in front.

"At such a high altitude, this should be a clouded leopard," Lin Zisheng also put down his sniper rifle and whispered. Feng Dao turned around and looked around, put down the telescope and lay in the grass, whispering to the three of them: "Take turns to be on Change the guard in two hours. Dazhuang, you come first." , lying in the grass and closed his eyes.

The bright sunshine and clear mountain air have always shrouded the mountains, and there are blue army soldiers traveling through the rugged mountains at the foot of the mountain. Contrary to these blue army soldiers, the hidden wind knives on the hillside are a few people. It was lying motionless in the grass, daring not to move at all.

There were worms and ants crawling over the bodies of several people from time to time. These little beings didn't seem to realize that the few lying motionless in the grass were actually living creatures.

In the evening, the sun finally fell from the high mountain top in the west, and suddenly there was a burst of tempting aroma of food. Several people in Fengdao opened their eyes and looked around. The busy mountains suddenly quieted down as night fell, and only a few Blue Army soldiers were walking in the mountains.

It was only at this time that several people breathed a sigh of relief. They took a few breaths on their noses, and suddenly there was a sound of "gurgling" in their stomachs. From the morning to now, several people have not eaten anything, fearing that the smell of the food will attract more insects or beasts around, so they can only add a little water to persevere. Now, several people suddenly smelled this tempting vegetable fragrance, and suddenly felt hungry.


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