Panther Commando

Chapter 2409: Wisdom in a hurry


Feng Dao heard the sound in the stomachs of the people around him, turned his head to look at the surrounding teammates and grinned, and Bao Ya took a sip from the water bottle and cursed in a low voice: "What are you doing, these bastards? What to eat? Isn't this greedy for Lao Tzu?" Kong Dazhuang and Lin Zisheng both covered their mouths and laughed.

The wind knife was lying in the grass and looked around, and said with a low laugh, "Hehehe, bear with it. After a while, it will get completely dark and we will eat." Before he could finish his sentence, there was a sudden burst of gravel rolling on the hillside. With the sound of falling, several people quickly turned their heads to look up the hillside, and their faces became nervous.

Several blue sheep are rushing down the steep hillside at the top of the side, and their expressions are very panic. They are only more than 200 meters away from their location, and they are rushing towards their hidden direction!

The expressions of Feng Dao and the others have changed. These blue sheep are only herbivores, and they are at the bottom of the entire natural food chain. They are running away in such a panic, which means that there must be large carnivores behind them chasing them.

Several people hurriedly turned their heads and looked out from the gap in the grass in front of them to the surrounding mountains. The rush of a few blue sheep has attracted the attention of the blue army guard soldiers in the distance. Sentinels on the top of the mountain in the distance are holding binoculars. Looking here, a group of soldiers at the foot of the mountain in the distance also turned to look here.

Sure enough, a large clouded leopard nearly one meter long emerged from the hillside above in a short time. The leopard moved agilely on the steep rock wall and quickly chased the prey running in front. agile.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the hearts of Feng Dao and several people sank! A few blue sheep are nothing to be afraid of, but if this ferocious carnivore continues to chase, its keen sense of smell will definitely find them these big living people hidden in the grass, then they can only show up with this one. Only a ferocious leopard fights, but once there is a conflict with this snow leopard, several people will definitely be exposed to the eyes of the surrounding blue army.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Lin Zisheng quickly took out the silencer from his body and twisted it on the muzzle of the sniper rifle. Then he pulled the bolt towards the clouded leopard that was rushing from above. The muzzle was aimed at the ferocious leopard and moved slowly.

Seeing Lin Zisheng's actions, Fengdao turned his face and looked towards the mountains in the distance. A few shadows had already stood on the tops of the surrounding mountains, all of them holding binoculars or looking through the scope on the gun. , The movement of the hillside here has alerted the surrounding Blue Army sentries.

Feng Dao's eyes swept around quickly. When he saw the blue army sentry, he suddenly realized that it was an exercise now, and there was no live ammunition in everyone's guns. He quickly reached out and gently pressed the sniper rifle held by Lin Zisheng, Shaking his head slowly, he gently pointed to the smoking device on his body.

Lin Zisheng suddenly realized that there was no bullet in his gun, so he quickly put his rifle in the grass, lay in the grass and looked at the blue army sentry in the distance, thinking to himself: I'm really dizzy, don't say that the gun was shot If there is no live ammunition, even if there is, it cannot be fired at this time. Once the clouded leopard is shot and killed, it will also arouse the vigilance of the surrounding guard soldiers, and they will definitely send someone over to check.

Thinking of this, Lin Zisheng quickly stretched his right hand to his thigh, and pulled out the saber on his leg. At this time, Feng Dao, Bao Ya, and Kong Dazhuang also put down their guns, and they all pulled out their sabres from their legs and stared at the animals running in the distance, ready to defend themselves when the snow leopard found itself attacking.

At this time, the figure of Xiaohua suddenly appeared in the minds of several people. If they followed this strange beast, the immediate crisis would have been resolved long ago.

Just when a few blue sheep panicked and ran to the rock where they were more than ten meters away, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Feng Dao's mind, followed by a bright light in his small eyes. He threw away the saber in his hand, covered his mouth with his hands and suddenly let out a roar that mimicked Xiaohua.

The rushing blue sheep suddenly heard the roar in front of them, and immediately stopped their four hooves in panic, all lowered their heads and looked nervously at the bottom of the roaring rock. The horns of tens of centimeters long stretched forward, as if facing an enemy.

The wind knives lay motionless in the grass, and their heads stuck in the grass were all staring at the blue sheep on the side. At this moment, a few blue sheep suddenly turned around and ran down the hillside in fright. Their bodies jumped two or three meters away before they landed on the hillside below, and then quickly went down the hillside. rush away.

The wind knives were overjoyed, and hurriedly held the saber to look at the clouded leopard behind. The clouded leopard that was chasing after heard the roar in front, and suddenly stopped the body that was running, and there was a flash in the two round eyes. A gloomy light, staring at the bottom of the rock, his slender and sturdy waist tightened tightly, and he was ready to pounce at any time as if he was facing a big enemy.

The roar that was similar to their leopard but different from the leopard just now made this ferocious carnivore really suspicious. It seemed to have the tone of a mountain king that scared it, but it didn't seem to be exactly it.

At the moment when the clouded leopard hesitated, the blue sheep in front had turned around and ran down the slope. The clouded leopard stared hesitantly at the tall wormwood under the and turned around. It also ran down the hillside and continued to chase the prey that was about to reach its mouth.

The wind knives in the grass saw a few animals turn around and run towards the hillside below, and they let out a long sigh of relief. The sudden situation just now really startled them. No one thought that when it was getting dark, this ferocious clouded leopard would suddenly run to this steep hillside in search of prey.

The eyes of several people then looked around through the gaps in the surrounding grass. The blue army soldiers in the distance were still holding up binoculars and gun bodies with scopes, but their eyes had turned to the hillside below, and they were looking at this side with great interest. The clouded leopard and the blue sheep, who were running wildly, whispered and whispered about this rare mountain scene.

Only at this moment did the dangling hearts of Feng Dao let go. Bao Ya, who was lying not far from the wind knife, quietly stretched out his right hand and gestured towards the wind knife behind him with his thumb, praising him for being wise in a hurry just now.

The sky soon became dark, and the wind knife and a few people looked around vigilantly, and hurriedly lay down in the grass to take out the individual rations and devoured them, then raised the kettle and drank two sips of water. In the shrouded grass, he slowly knelt up on one knee and raised his gun to look around.


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