Panther Commando

Chapter 2418: disguise

Feng Dao said, turned his head to look at the other three blue troops, and saw that there was also a second lieutenant looking at him with a dejected face. Obviously, he should be the platoon commander in charge of this defense area, and now he is accompanying the company commander. When Cha Gang came, he didn't expect to be in a pot with their company commander here.

Fengdao grinned at the captain and second lieutenant, and then said: "Brother, I'm sorry, but I have to borrow the uniforms of the two of you officers." Taking off his shirt, Feng Dao immediately took the captain's shirt and put it on himself, while Bao Ya put on the second lieutenant's shirt.

Feng Dao looked down at his new captain's uniform, raised his hand and pinned the badge he just took off to his chest, then reached out and took off the badges on the chests of the other two soldiers, turned around and handed it to Da Zhuang. And Lin Zisheng, who was holding a sniper rifle and facing the forest outside.

A few people were ready to stop, Bao Ya turned his head to look at Feng Dao and asked, "Should you tie them up too?" Feng Dao shook his head, looked at the captain sternly and said, "You should be clear about the rules of the exercise, if you dare to die in battle If you make a sound or sound the alarm, I believe that the military court will definitely be waiting for you!"

The captain's face changed color immediately after hearing this, and he immediately replied: "Understood, don't worry, even if our Blue Army loses, we will lose in an upright manner, and we will never do those stealthy things!" Holding the sign hanging on the chest of the wind knife, he asked hesitantly, "Aren't you going to bomb the arsenal?"

The wind knife took out the captain's military ID card from his jacket pocket and glanced at it, then grinned and looked up at the captain's eyes without making a sound. The captain saw the smile on Feng Dao's mouth and knew that he had guessed correctly. A light suddenly flashed in his eyes, but he didn't make a sound.

Feng Dao raised his hand and patted his shoulder lightly, raised his hand to look at his watch, then turned his head to Bao Ya and said, "Come here." After that, he turned and walked towards the depths of the forest.

Bao Ya followed him to the forest, and Feng Dao whispered to Bao Ya: "It's time to contact a group, you report to the captain that the designated task has been completed, and now you find the blue army arsenal, we are preparing for action", " Yes" Bao Ya immediately took out the communication equipment and called a group led by Wan Lin. Feng Dao turned his head to look around, and then suddenly said: "By the way, inform them that the Blue Army used an additional password at night."

Bao Ya quickly reported the situation on his side to Wan Lin, and then put away the radio and walked to the forest with Feng Dao. Feng Dao looked outside the forest, then raised his wrist to check the time, turned around and said to the captain in the forest, "By the way, after the exercise, you should go to the hillside five kilometers away to the north. There are several of your brothers under a rock, and we stuffed them into the crevices of the rock. Hehe, I saw them apologize for our brothers."

After Feng Dao finished speaking, he turned around and whispered to Bao Ya and the others, "Let's go!" As he said, he strode out of the forest. Hesitantly followed Feng Dao and walked out, his footsteps seemed extremely firm!

At this time, the task assigned to them by their superiors has been completed, but since they have discovered such an important position in the Blue Army's arsenal, these Leopard team members will never stop their actions.

The four blue officers and soldiers in the forest watched helplessly as Feng Dao strode towards the arsenal with admiration in their eyes. They knew that going deep into such a tight military location would be tantamount to going through fire and water.

At this time, the blue army sentries who were killed by the wind knives from the side also walked over from the forest in dejection. They looked up at the gloomy company commander and platoon commander, and all stood silently aside. .

The second lieutenant platoon commander turned his head and glared at a few of his subordinates who had been killed. He was about to open his mouth to reprimand, but then he looked at the company commander beside him, and suddenly realized that he had also been cleaned up by the other party. He sighed lowly, and said in his heart: "Forget it, aren't you and your company commander killed by these Red Army scouts? What right do you have to blame these soldiers now?"

He then turned his face to look at his company commander and said in a low voice, "Let's just watch them blow up our arsenal? This is too useless."

The captain looked at the backs of Fengdao and sneered: "Hey, blow up the arsenal? They are dreaming. They want to enter the security area with the overheard password and our pass, then they are looking for death! We even The pass is used for peripheral security, and it only shows the identity of our security force. To enter the arsenal, you must use the special pass issued by the division headquarters with various secret levels. Even if you enter the arsenal, you must also be restricted according to the security level on the pass. Activity area. Hey, we really treat our arsenal as a no-man's land, let's just sit here and watch!"

He then turned to look at his soldiers, with a guilty look on his face and said: "However, I really admire these Red Army scouts, they can pass through many levels in our Blue Army and go deep into the arsenal. It's really amazing! We must all learn from others!"

At this time, Feng Dao and a few people disguised as the Blue Army's guards, strode towards the foot of the mountain where the arsenal is On the way, Lin Zisheng asked in a low voice: "Legend, we are not Go straight to the arsenal, right?"

The wind knife replied in a low voice: "How is it possible? Didn't you see the expression on the captain's face just now? This kid's eyes flashed when he saw that we were going straight to the arsenal. They are the peripheral security force of the arsenal. The sign on our body has no right to enter the arsenal at all, and once we enter rashly, we will definitely be surrounded by a large number of people."

Lin Zisheng grinned when they heard Feng Dao's words. At this time, Feng Dao looked at the Blue Army security post not far away, and suddenly turned around and walked towards the foot of the side of the mountain. There was a hillside directly facing the foot of the mountain where the arsenal was located, about three or four kilometers away from the arsenal.

The thick night shrouded in the mountains, only the direction of the arsenal was dimly lit, and a forklift was busy beside several heavy trucks in the distance. There is a fence-like thing across the side hillside and the open ground where the arsenal is located, dividing the foot of the mountain below and the arsenal into two different areas.

While observing the wind knives, they strode towards the foot of the mountain. Just as they approached a mound outside the fence, a shout suddenly came from under the mound: "Password?" followed by a bright flashlight. The beam of light suddenly lit up, shining straight on the face of the wind knife walking in front, and the sound of pulling the bolt was also heard in the shadows beside the mound on the side.

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