Panther Commando

Chapter 2419: silent lake


In the dazzling beam of light that suddenly lit up, Feng Dao raised his hand to cover his eyes and answered the password in a low voice. With the answer of the wind knife, the dazzling beam of light suddenly disappeared, and a shadowy figure stood up like a ghost on the side of the hill, raised his gun and whispered to the wind knife walking in front: "You, come here, the rest stay where they are. move!"

The wind knife hurried forward, his hands drooping naturally, to avoid his actions irritating the other party. At this time, his eyes have swept across the surroundings quickly, and two black shadows have appeared on the top of the hill in front, one machine gun is facing the three Baoya behind, and the other person's assault rifle It was firmly locked in front of his chest, and on the side of the hill was the long fence.

As the wind knife slowly walked forward, he looked out of the corner of his eyes to the side fence. The fence wall was as high as one person. A cold light flashed in the night, and the cordon stretched along the mountain to the distance, enclosing a large open area of ​​two or three thousand square meters at the foot of the mountain where the military arsenal was located.

Helmets are showing from time to time on the hills around the cordon, and the black barrels of the guns in the grass are also moving slowly. There must be guard posts set up by the Blue Army.

The wind knife came to a stop more than two meters away from the shadow in front of him. The shadow on the opposite side raised his right hand, and the flashlight beam lit up on the sign on the chest of the wind knife. The shadow then turned off the flashlight and asked in a low voice. : "Why did you come here?"

Fengdao quickly replied: "We just finished checking the post from the back hill, and we thought of this hillside to see the alert brothers above. It's a bit closer here. Hehe, I'm sorry to bother you brothers." He raised his hands. Facing the two shadows who raised their guns on the top of the side hills and greeted them, "Brothers have worked hard."

"Hehe, it's okay, you have been working hard enough in checking the post in the middle of the night. Let's go quickly." The shadow in front had already seen the captain's uniform on Feng Dao's body. Now that the captain was very polite, he quickly waved his hand and said.

Feng Dao smiled and waved his hand, turned and walked towards the side hillside. Their excuse was Chagang. There was a dense grove halfway up the hillside. It was the most suitable place to set up a guard post. Now they could only bite the bullet and head there.

A few people just walked to the edge of the forest, and a low voice of asking password came from the dark forest. After Fengdao answered the password, they saw three shadows have appeared at the edge of the forest, and one person laughed in a low voice: " Company Commander Zhang, how did you get caught by those people below?" Another person also laughed, "That's right, your voice has changed. Are these people from that unit? You're so vigilant."

It turned out that the three of them had already seen the scene under the mountain just now, so they thought it was their company commander who came to check the post, but in this dark night, a few people did not notice the faces of the people in front of them.

"Haha" Fengdao raised his hand to cover his mouth and laughed dryly. He stepped into the forest with Bao Ya and a few people behind him. He stretched out his hand and covered the mouths of the three sentinels. Then he raised his right palm and knocked the three of them unconscious and dragged them into the forest. in the forest.

The wind knives dragged the three sentinels into the depths of the woods, then killed the three sentinels according to the rules of the exercise, and then reappeared at the edge of the forest.

Not far from the foot of the mountain is the cordon drawn by the barbed wire. Under the barbed wire, there are guards on the hills two or three hundred meters apart. The machine guns are facing the surroundings, and in the low-lying places between the hills in the distance, there are also anti-aircraft machine guns with towering barrels. There are also anti-aircraft artillery positions and missile launching positions in the mountains in the distance.

Feng Dao and several people hid behind the tree and stared at the heavily guarded arsenal in front of them, but their brows were already wrinkled, and they all understood in their hearts that in this kind of iron barrel-like strict vigilance, it was a matter of going deep into the arsenal. Compared to Dengtian, it is necessary to attack from a long distance, and several of them did not carry heavy weapons.

At this time, at the foot of the lakeside mountain dozens of kilometers away from Feng Dao and the others, Wan Lin and the others were quickly moving forward along the ups and downs of the foot of the mountain. The thick night, rolling hills and the rippling sound of the surrounding lakes provided excellent cover for their actions.

At this time, Wan Lin and Xiao Hua had already run to the front, closely followed by Zhang Wa, Wang Dali, Brother Feng Yu, and finally the broken Cheng Ru. After several hours of fast travel, several people could clearly see the huge gap between the two mountains in front of them. The dark blue night sky and the twinkling silver stars behind the gap were like the background of the two mountains. Generally, two adjacent mountains are set off very towering.

Wan Lin walked in concealment among the rocks at the foot of the mountain, among the cluttered tree trunks and grasses, while observing the location of the target in the distance and the surrounding terrain.

Under the action of the breeze and tide, the lake water kept rushing to the shore, and the surging lake water rose and fell under the dim starlight. The shore of the lake widens and narrows with the mountain, and in some places the lake is already connected to the foot of the mountain in front.

At this moment, Xiao Hua, who had been running in front of Wan Lin, suddenly turned her head and glanced back, and the blue light flashed in her eyes. Wan Lin quickly stopped and leaned tightly against a rock on the side raised his hand and gestured to Zhang Wa and the others to "hide". Zhang Wa and a few people in the back saw Wan Lin's gesture, and immediately lay on the ground behind the surrounding hidden objects.

Wan Lin looked forward attentively, the lake shore in front of Xiaohua was glowing with water, the swaying lake water had been connected to a steep cliff on the side, and the road to the lake shore in front had been broken.

Wan Lin looked sideways at the cliff. The steep rock was almost cut into the rippling lake below like an axe. There were black rocks exposed on the hillside near the cliff. less than one plant.

Wan Lin frowned and looked at the terrain in front of him, then he fell on the ground and crawled towards the flowers in front of him. He climbed to Xiaohua's side and saw Xiaohua was looking towards the top of the mountain with her head sideways, her small ears were flapping vigorously, as if she was listening intently to what?

Wan Lin quietly climbed two meters to the lake, and then turned his head to look towards the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain is bare, about 300 meters high, and there is not a single figure in the darkness.

He looked at Xiaohua on the side in surprise, Xiaohua turned her head and glanced at Wanlin, and then suddenly jumped up from the foot of the mountain, the long nails on her claws burst out, and grabbed a rock wall more than two meters high. , then jumped up again, and jumped up and down on the steep cliff to the top of the mountain.

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