Panther Commando

Chapter 2478: Know yourself and the enemy

Professor Chang said, looked at Director Xiao next to him and said, "Director Xiao, please inform Captain Wan of the follow-up situation of today's hotel incident in detail."

Director Xiao's expression darkened immediately, he looked up at Wan Lin and said, "It has been confirmed that there are three opponents in room 1616 of the hotel. The opponent forcibly rushed out of the hotel and drove away after a shootout with us. It is currently confirmed that they One was injured."

Wan Lin nodded as he listened, looked at Director Xiao and asked, "Apart from the sacrificed team member, are there any injuries on our side?"

Director Xiao replied immediately: "Yes, a team member in the hall was hit in the abdomen by the opponent, and now he is out of danger after surgery. At present, the situation on our side is one death and one injury. Fortunately, there were no casualties among the waiters and guests in the hotel. . I have ordered the information to be strictly sealed, and there has been no large-scale leak of the gunfight in the hotel."

He then looked at Professor Chang with a gloomy face, and continued: "After the other party drove away from the hotel, we sent the armed police to chase along the way, and set up a card to intercept the other party's escape route. But the other party suddenly disappeared on the road, traffic control The department's road surveillance cameras showed that they were in a dense road network in an old city and suddenly disappeared from the cameras."

He shook his head in frustration: "Afterwards, we blocked this area, checked the surveillance video of all the surrounding roads, and found that the other party abandoned the vehicle in front of a residential building, and later checked the surrounding surveillance cameras, the other party may be Escaped in a black station wagon without a number plate."

Hearing this, Professor Chang looked at Wan Lin and said, "Judging from the current situation, the other party has already arranged a careful retreat plan. They must have set up a connection and contact point in the old city, and used the criss-cross road network to escape. . Now the public security department is checking the situation of the foreign population there from house to house. Judging from the current situation, I don't think the other party has fled the city."

Wan Lin nodded thoughtfully, he had long estimated in his heart that the pursuit would be fruitless. Those mercenaries, like themselves, must make a thorough evacuation plan before carrying out their mission, so it is difficult for the national security department's pursuit operations to achieve results in a short period of time.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that Wen Meng and Wu Xueying were going to report back, so he looked at the professor and said, "Just now Wen Meng and Wu Xueying called and asked Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng to take over the surveillance, and they both want to come back and report the situation in person. I guess They must have found something."

Professor Chang and Director Xiao's eyes lit up, Director Xiao immediately said hurriedly: "The hotel has just had a shootout, and other staff on the other side must have gotten the news, and there will definitely be chain changes. Wen Meng and the others will definitely find out about Yang Bin's side. There is a situation!" He said, his eyes anxiously looking towards the door.

At this time, his team members had just suffered heavy casualties, and he was really anxious to avenge his team members, so he was a little impatient.

Seeing Director Xiao's anxious look, the professor glanced at him reproachfully and said, "Don't worry, the more you face setbacks, the more calm you need to be. Don't worry, on our territory, your opponent will never be able to escape!" Xiao The director nodded and took a deep breath to calm his impetuous mood.

At this time, Xiaohua ran in from outside the house. Wan Lin turned around and hugged Xiaohua in his arms. Looking at Xiaohua's appearance, he must have walked around the base for a long time, remembering the topography and landforms in his mind. He knows that most mammals have this habit of staking, and Xiaohua is no exception when he arrives in a new place, and he will look more closely at the surrounding landforms.

When Director Xiao saw Xiao Hua running in, he immediately stood up and walked to the desk, picked up a leather bag, took out a small plastic bag and walked back. He looked at Wan Lin and said, "By the way, the forensic technicians cut a piece of **** cloth from the car seat abandoned by the opponent when they were investigating the scene. I asked for a small piece, you can take a look."

He had already guessed in his heart that Wan Lin and the others were the mysterious leopard commandos in the A military region, and he knew that the little animal that looked like a cat following Wan Lin must be the famous alien beast. Therefore, he deliberately brought back a piece of cloth stained with the opponent's blood, and wanted Xiaohua to remember the opponent's smell.

Wan Lin was overjoyed, took the plastic bag handed over by Director Xiao, then opened a small mouth and held it in front of Xiaohua's nose and said in a low voice, "Smell." He stretched out his right paw and pushed open the plastic bag in front of him, and gestured towards Wan Lin a few times.

Wan Lin nodded at Xiaohua, picked up the plastic bag and sealed the mouth, looked up at Professor Chang and Director Xiao and said, "Xiaohua is familiar with this smell, this person has appeared at the scene of the kidnapping of President Yu, and he must have escaped from the scene. One of the gangsters in the hotel. It seems that this group of people in the hotel is really the group of mercenaries who kidnapped President Yu, no wonder they act so fiercely."

He looked up at Director Xiao and said, "I'll keep this piece of fabric, and I'll let Xiaobai smell it when I look back. By the way, where is the other party's blood stains mainly concentrated in the car?"

Director Xiao was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant by asking about the location of the bloodstain, he immediately recalled and said, "I also went to the scene to check the suspect vehicle in The bloodstain is mainly concentrated in the rear seat of the car. On the left side of the car, there is not too much blood, it should be bandaged in time after they got in the car."

Wan Lin nodded and said: "If there is not much blood in the car, it means that the opponent's injury is not serious. At the entrance of the hotel, I carefully took a look at the blood on the ground. Judging from the location and the blood on the ground, the opponent should be left. The side arm or left flank was hit by a bullet. At that time, the two sides were using pistols, and the kinetic energy of the pistol bullets was not large, and the warhead may remain in the other party's body. If it was only a bullet scratch, they, the special operators, could handle it themselves. I won't go to the hospital for medical treatment."

He said, looked outside the door and said thoughtfully: "But if the bullet stays in the other party's body, they may need to find a professional surgeon to deal with it. Now that Wen Meng and Wu Xueying are in a hurry to come back, they must have found that Yang Bin has abnormal behavior. already."

Director Xiao nodded in admiration when he heard Wan Lin's analysis. Professor Chang looked at Director Xiao and said, "Did you see that this is actual combat experience. On the battlefield, you must learn to quickly judge the opponent's state. Even if the opponent is injured, you must know the approximate injury of the opponent and judge the opponent's combat strength. What does it mean to know yourself and your enemy? This is called knowing yourself and your enemy! Only by focusing on the details can you comprehensively judge the strength of your opponent and quickly and accurately decide your next action plan.”

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