Panther Commando

Chapter 2479: pavement tracking

When Director Xiao heard Professor Chang's sincere words, he sighed and said, "Yes, it seems that these people in our operation department lack actual combat experience, not to mention my subordinates, even I myself lack this kind of actual combat experience. I have time. At the time, we also asked Captain Wan to give our team members some training, which is a **** lesson.”

After listening to Professor Chang, he said, "Let's not mention these things. After discussing and exchanging things, you can discuss it yourself. Now, the clue of the hotel has been broken. Let's study and study the key points of the next investigation."

Professor Chang looked up at Wan Lin and said, "At present, the hotel line is temporarily interrupted, and we can only re-determine the focus of the investigation. Just now, Director Xiao and I have gathered the recently known clues. From now on , the new boyfriend Yang Bin met by Hu Xiaohong in the research institute office is indeed a major suspect."

As he said that, he picked up a pencil on the table, quickly drew two lines on a stack of letter paper, and wrote the words "Yang Bin" and "Murderer" in a flash, then looked at Wan Lin and continued: " We believe that the current detection focus should be placed on these two lines. One is to increase the monitoring of Yang Bin and determine his identity as soon as possible. If he is indeed an intelligence officer of the opponent, we will see if he is exposed by his accomplices. What's the reaction?"

As he spoke, he used a pencil to heavily point on the words of the murderer, and said in a serious tone: "The second rule is that we must increase our strength and continue to search for the whereabouts of these escaped mercenaries, and we must arrest them as soon as possible. , these people are too dangerous around us."

After listening to Professor Chang's words, Wan Lin pondered for a while and said, "From the analysis of the current situation, Yang Bin is indeed very suspicious. I have ordered Wen Meng and Wu Xueying to monitor him, and Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng are also cooperating in the dark. So far, we haven't obtained anything of value. We will come back in a while and see if they have any new discoveries."

As soon as he finished speaking, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Report!" Wan Lin was overjoyed when he heard the sound, and immediately turned his head to look outside the door and shouted, "Come in!"

The door opened, and the slender figures of Wen Meng and Wu Xueying were immediately revealed. The two hurried into the room in casual clothes, then stopped and stood at attention, raising their hands to salute Wan Lin and Director Xiao, but their eyes focused on it. On the face of Professor Chang who was sitting next to Wan Lin.

The two put down their arms and ran to Professor Chang's side in surprise. Wen Meng grabbed Professor Chang's arm and called out affectionately, "Uncle Chang, why are you here in person?"

Wen Meng's father Wang Molin and Professor Chang were old comrades-in-arms and friends for decades. They had a good personal relationship, so Wen Meng and Professor Chang were very familiar with each other, and they called him Uncle Chang when they met.

Professor Chang looked at Wen Meng kindly, then turned to look at Wu Xueying and said, "Hehehe, didn't I miss you, so I came over to see you. Come, sit down quickly."

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying sat beside Professor Chang intimately. Wan Lin looked at them and asked anxiously, "Have you found anything from following that Yang Bin today?" He knew that Wen Meng called Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng out so late. Surveillance must have found valuable clues.

Wen Meng immediately replied: "Yes. Today, Yang Bin left the office building in a hurry at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. According to Yang Bin's usual work and rest time, he usually leaves the unit at 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening. It is indeed abnormal to go out so early today, so Yingying and I immediately followed him secretly. Yingying, tell me what happened next."

Wu Xueying nodded immediately and explained in detail how they were following Yang Bin.

At three o'clock this afternoon, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying were sitting in a small teahouse a kilometer away from Yang Bin's office building, chatting while secretly watching the distant office building.

At this moment, the two suddenly saw Yang Bin hurried out of the office building. After looking around, he walked to the side parking lot, jumped into a black car, and drove out.

Wen Meng glanced at Wu Xueying, got up and walked towards the door. Wu Xueying raised her hand and called the waiter to check out. The two immediately walked out of the teahouse door holding hands. Wen Meng said to Wu Xueying in a low voice, "You drive up and I'll take a taxi and follow."

Wu Xueying raised her eyes and glanced at the direction Yang Bin was driving, then walked unhurriedly to the silver-gray car parked on the side of the road, then glanced at the direction of the office building, and saw that no one was paying attention to her side, then opened the car door to drill Go in, start the car and follow. Wen Meng walked to the side of the road unhurriedly, raised his hand to intercept a taxi and followed far behind.

Wu Xueying drove in the side lane several hundred meters behind Yang Bin's car, and took advantage of the cover of the traffic in front of her.

Yang Bin drove very fast. After turning around in the urban area for several turns, he then drove towards the bustling streets of the urban area. The speed fluctuated in the traffic flow, changing lanes back and forth, as if he was paying attention to whether he was behind. tracked vehicle

Wu Xueying still drove unhurriedly in the side lane, and did not follow Yang Bin's car to change lanes, but her eyes were fixed on the rear of Yang Bin's black car.

At this time Wen Meng, who was sitting in the taxi behind, also stared at Yang Bin's vehicle. She saw the target vehicle in the distance changing lanes back and forth, and suddenly sneered in her heart: "This kid's alertness is still Really high, this is to use the direction of travel, speed, and lane changes to observe whether there is a car following behind. This Yang Bin has really received professional anti-reconnaissance training. It seems that Leopard Head's hunch is really keen, and you can see this at a glance Yang Bin is suspicious."

At this moment, Yang Bin's vehicle in front suddenly turned to a secluded street on the side, and then slowed down and stopped on the side of the road. He heard the roadside look around, and then saw him open the car door and walk out, carrying a backpack into a public restroom on the roadside.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in sportswear, a big sunglasses on his face, and a sun hat on his head hurried out of the bathroom. He walked to the side of the road, took a taxi, got in, and drove forward.

At this time, Wu Xueying had already driven past Yang Bin's car parked on the side of the road, and then turned to the side at the intersection ahead. Wen Meng's cell phone suddenly rang at this moment, and Wen Meng immediately understood that Wu Xueying was afraid of being exposed, so she drove right and got out of the track, and asked her to follow her immediately and continue to monitor her opponent.

Wen Meng immediately picked up the phone, covered her mouth and whispered to Wu Xueying of the other party's attire and taxi number plate, and asked her to follow.

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