Panther Commando

Chapter 2480: nervous yang bin

After Wen Meng informed Wu Xueying of Yang Bin's dress and the taxi license plate, she hung up the phone and turned to the taxi driver and said, "Follow the taxi in front of you, don't get too close, and don't let the other party find out."

When the driver heard Wen Meng's words, he turned his head and glanced at the beautiful girl beside him, and said with a smile, "You are not going to Minghua Hotel." This is the destination that Wen Meng told him when he got into the car.

Wen Meng immediately waved his hand and replied, "I won't go now. I saw a friend just now. I'll see what he's going to do."

The driver glanced at the taxi in front, and suddenly grinned: "Did you see your boyfriend get into that taxi, haha, are the young couple having a fight?"

Wen Meng laughed when she heard the other party's question, and then replied: "Yes, yes, this kid is too distracted. I'm not at ease with him, so follow him to see why he runs out during work hours. Be careful, Don't let the other party find out that I'm stalking him. Hee hee, this is secret stalking."

The taxi driver was a middle-aged man in his thirties. He was very talkative and enthusiastic. He immediately smiled and said, "Girl, no problem. I'm an old man. I'm sure I won't let the other party find out. Just take a look!"

He turned his face and glanced at Wen Meng who was sitting in the passenger seat, and said with a smile: "You are so beautiful, he is so unreasonable, this kid is so inauthentic, it is his eighth life to find a girl as beautiful as you. The blessings from cultivation are too insatiable. Girl, don’t worry. Look at me, he will definitely not be able to escape.”

Wen Meng looked up at the taxi driver and said with a smile, "Brother, don't get too close, if he finds out that I'm following him, we'll be finished." The driver smiled and said, "Understood, I'm an old driver. It can also let him find out that I am someone from the past. Girl, don't worry."

The taxi driver's driving skills are indeed very good, and he has been following Yang Bin three or four hundred meters behind the car. After Yang Bin took a taxi around the downtown area for a few laps, the taxi suddenly turned around at an intersection ahead and drove back.

Just as the taxi driver was about to turn around, Wen Meng quickly said, "Go straight, don't follow." The driver drove straight to the intersection in front of him in frustration, and said grumblingly, "Don't you look at where this kid has gone? The kid's whereabouts are mysterious, definitely not doing a good thing!"

Wen Meng didn't answer the driver's question, her eyes were fixed on the rearview mirror in the car, and then she saw Wu Xueying jumping out of a taxi behind, hurriedly walking across the road, and reaching out to intercept a taxi Drilled in.

Wen Meng saw that Yingying had followed her, so she turned her head to look at the taxi driver and said, "Thank you, I suddenly remembered that I have some urgent matters to deal with. Please spare this boy today. Pull over and park your car."

Wen Meng glanced at the one hundred and forty yuan fare displayed on the meter in the taxi, took out two hundred yuan bills and handed them to the driver: "Thank you, brother, no need to look for it." Then he opened the door and got out of the car, and hurried to the road Walk across. The taxi driver said "thank you" with a smile and drove away immediately.

Wen Meng walked across the road, quickly got into a public restroom on the side of the road, and quickly came out of it. At this moment, she was wearing a pair of dark glasses with brown lenses on her face, and a white silk shawl draped over her shoulders, as if she had changed someone in an instant.

She walked to the side of the road, raised her hand and stopped another taxi. While calling to ask Yingying's target's direction of travel, she got into the car and followed Yingying's vehicle.

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying alternately described their tracking situation, Wen Meng then looked at Professor Chang and Wan Lin and said, "It can be seen from the tracking that this Yang Bin was very careful in this trip, and we had a premonition that he might be going. Carry out the task, otherwise it will not be so cautious."

Professor Chang, Director Xiao, and Wan Lin listened carefully to Wen Meng's narration, knowing that they described the situation in such a detailed manner that they wanted them to make accurate judgments from each other's every move.

Director Xiao sat and stared at the two very young investigators in front of him, nodded slightly, and said in his heart, "It's really incomparable! The people in the General Bureau are really a hundred times stronger than their own subordinates. The two little girls have such professional tracking methods, and the people under them really can't compare with others."

After listening to Wen Meng's words, Professor Chang nodded in appreciation, and then asked: "Your judgment is very accurate. The other party came out when he shouldn't have come out, and he came out so cautiously, which really shows that he is going to perform a secret mission. At the same time, it also shows that this Yang Bin is very nervous, and has been worried that someone is secretly following him. This kid must be taking some action, where did he finally reach?”

Wen Meng quickly said: "Yingying and I followed Yang Bin alternately for about 70 or 80 kilometers in the city, and found that he got off a taxi near a bus station. After he got off the bus, he looked around vigilantly, and immediately asked I walked over to a disabled motorcycle that solicited customers, got in, and drove towards the old city."

She looked up at Professor Chang and said, "The roads in the old city are very narrow, and it is easy for me to be found by the other party when I follow a So I quickly got out of the car and walked to a place where no one was there and changed my clothes. He also took a black tricycle and followed. Yingying saw me follow, and hurriedly took a taxi to get out of sight of the other party."

Wen Meng said that he took out a tablet computer from his backpack, and then called up a map of the city and placed it on the coffee table in front of several people.

She pointed to a red dot on it and said, "Yang Bin finally got off the car near this residential building, and carried a large backpack around this residential building for a long time. After hesitating, he walked in with his backpack. The third unit of an old residential building. Yingying and I, who came later, were afraid of being discovered by the other party, so we didn't dare to follow up, and we didn't know the floor and room number the other party entered last."

Wu Xueying immediately took over and said: "We immediately monitored this residential building in a small restaurant nearby. Yang Bin stayed in the building for about three hours, and then came out with a big, tight plastic bag in his hand. , his face looked a little tired again. At this time, he no longer had the backpack he was holding when he went in. "

She continued: "Yang Bin looked very nervous after walking out of the residential building, and his movements became extremely cautious. After he walked out, he turned around a lot, and after confirming that there were no surveillance personnel, he raised the phone and said something. Then put down the phone and hurried to the intersection, took a black tricycle and left the residential area."

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