Panther Commando

Chapter 2510: murder scene

Wan Lin and the others walked up to the second floor, and at a glance, they saw Xu Liang and the three of them holding guns at the door of the room with the interrogation room sign, and an iron door beside it had been opened to the outside. Xu Liang and the three saw several instructors approaching, and quickly stood at attention with guns. Wan Lin raised his hand on his forehead, and Cheng Ru and the others strode into the room.

The interior lights were very bright, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air. Wan Lin walked into the room and saw the professor standing in front of the interrogation table and whispering to a lieutenant of the armed police standing upright.

Wan Lin and the others walked to the middle of the house, all of them looked down at the prisoner Xintian who was still sitting on the chair. At this time, Xintian sat softly on the chair, his head drooping to his chest. If his hands and feet were not fixed by the organs on the interrogation chair, his body would have slipped to the ground, and there was a large pool of dark red bloodstains on the gray cement floor.

Wan Lin walked to the window behind Xintian and glanced at it. There was a big hole in the glass of the small window with the iron fence, and the glass around the big hole was covered with dense white cracks. Wan Lin turned around and looked behind Xintian. A bullet accurately penetrated the back of the chair and got into Xintian's back center. Judging from the position, it must have been killed by a single shot.

Cheng Ru also walked to Xintian, squatted down and glanced out along the bullet hole in the window, and whispered to the Cheng Ru people who followed: "Yes, from the bullet hole in the glass and the bullet hole in the glass Judging from the location, the bullet was fired directly from the fence."

At this time, Professor Chang came over and looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "After we left, Xintian recovered for more than an hour before he regained consciousness. The interrogators saw that his physical strength had recovered, and immediately started the interrogation, wanting to strike while the iron was hot. I took out everything inside. I didn't expect that just after the interrogation, there was a 'pop' from the window, and the sound of glass being shattered, and then I saw that Xintian's head had fallen."

When Professor Chang said this, he glanced at the armed police lieutenant beside him and said, "Platoon Leader Sun, can you report to Captain Wan what happened next?" "Yes!" What happened after being shot.

At that time, the two interrogators who were interrogating saw that the prisoner suddenly became silent, and then heard the sound of glass breaking. The two immediately felt that something was wrong and understood that someone had suddenly attacked the room. The two immediately pushed aside the chairs behind them and squatted under the interrogation table, sounded the alarm at the same time, and then quickly reported the situation to Director Xiao.

The sharp siren immediately resounded in the compound of the National Security Bureau. Platoon Leader Sun, who was on duty on the roof, heard from the walkie-talkie that the prisoner was being attacked. While ordering all the guards to enter a fighting state, he asked the monitoring room where the bullets were flying. Immediately, he rushed out of the National Security Bureau with a class of soldiers and chased in the direction of the opponent's escape.

At this time, Director Xiao also brought people over. He heard the report of Platoon Leader Sun, and quickly ordered the armed police to stop the pursuit, immediately returned to strengthen the internal vigilance of the National Security Bureau, and informed Professor Chang at the same time.

After Platoon Leader Sun reported nervously, Director Xiao next said: "After I learned about the situation, I immediately ordered Platoon Leader Sun to return to strengthen the internal security of the National Security Bureau to prevent them from making other attempts. The other party must have come prepared. , Platoon Leader Sun and his men chased them out on foot, so they couldn't catch up with the murderer at all."

After listening, Wan Lin nodded, turned to look at Professor Chang and said, "At that time, he definitely couldn't catch up with his opponent. He took a car to a small alley opposite the fence, and then got off and smashed several street lamps outside the fence. Taking advantage of the cover of darkness, he avoided the surveillance and approached the fence. When Platoon Leader Sun led someone to chase him out, he should have fled in a car."

Director Xiao followed up and said, "I have notified the public security department to check the surrounding surveillance video, and I am looking for vehicles passing by to see if I can find the trajectory of the other party's escape in the car."

At this time, Professor Chang's face was very gloomy. He turned his head and glanced at Xintian's body, and then asked the two interrogators standing next to him: "Did you ask anything of value during the interrogation just now?"

An interrogator immediately replied: "As you estimated in advance, Nobuta didn't know much about the situation of the operation, let alone the source of the information they obtained. Having been shot on the way to escape, this Akita was a sniper."

Professor Chang nodded and then asked: "He said he didn't say why they fled in the mountains just now? Did he explain the situation of his organization?"

The interrogator immediately replied: "He said that there was a temporary support point for them in the mountains. At that time, Akita said that someone was there to support them. He really didn't know the specific situation of this support point. We immediately asked about the situation of his organization, and he said that he was in A mercenary group called Yamaguchi Security, retired from the R country's special forces four years ago, and joined this Yamaguchi security immediately, the purpose is to make more money."

"He has performed many hiring missions around the world, involving assassinations, drug escorts and providing security for some characters. The leader of their hiring group is Kuroda, and Shinda belongs to Yamaguchi Security's Asian distribution."

He said, turned his head and glanced at Xintian, who was sitting motionless on a chair with his head and said with some regret: "He was about to talk about the internal organizational structure of their Yamaguchi security guard, when he was suddenly flying out of the window. Killed by a sniper bullet. This kid has been demolished by your interrogation just now. He has always been very nervous, and he answered very simply. He did not hide it from the analysis of his expression. "

"Oh, what a pity, he has served in the mercenary group for four years, and it seems that he really knows a lot about the mercenary group, but he was silenced by his companions before he could say it. It's a pity. This kid is in Just before the bullet, his face suddenly became stiff, as if he had a premonition that something was going to happen to him, but just as he was about to turn his head and look back, the bullet had already hit him in the back."

Wan Lin nodded after listening, looked at the professor and said, "From the current point of view, the other party assassinated him because he knew a lot about the security situation of Yamaguchi, otherwise he would not take the risk of attacking him. Such an ordinary mercenary should not have too much knowledge. Mission details. However, judging from the fact that this kid was aware of the danger before he died, he did have many years of dangerous experience, and ordinary people would not have such a premonition of danger. This shows that the people sent by Kuroda here are all elite personnel , has a lot of combat experience.”

Professor Chang nodded when he heard Wan Lin's analysis. In fact, he had already expected the result of the interrogation. The prisoner would definitely not be able to explain anything of great value. The only pity is that this Xintian did not explain the details of the security guard at Yamaguchi. Therefore, it is really early for this kid to be silenced now.

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