Panther Commando

Chapter 2511: tracking

At this time, the director of the National Security Bureau, He Shan, received the report and hurried in with a few people. Wan Lin and the others quickly raised their hands to salute He Shan. He Shan hurriedly raised his hand to return the salute. He glanced at the prisoner who was shot dead, turned his head and stared at Platoon Leader Sun, who was in charge of the guard, and asked Director Xiao sharply, "Have you found the whereabouts of the murderer?"

Director Xiao shook his head in embarrassment. Professor Chang looked up at He Shan and said, "The other party came prepared, and it is difficult to find the whereabouts of the murderer in a short time. The criminal investigation department of the public security is investigating the vehicle the murderer is riding along the way."

After Professor Chang finished speaking, he took Director He to the window to look at the bullet holes in the glass and the broken glass around him, and then pointed to the high fence several hundred meters away from the window and said, "Captain Wan has already surveyed the scene, and now Judging that the murderer was a sniper from a mercenary group, he shot and killed the target directly from the head of the wall 600 meters away."

After hearing this, He Shan strode to the window and looked at the high wall in the distance through the bullet hole in the glass, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes. He really didn't expect that the opponent could kill the prisoner in the house with one shot in such dim light and such a long distance.

He looked at the dim wall in the distance and pondered for a while, then said to himself: "It seems that there is not peace in our National Security Bureau. This temporary detention center cannot be used for the time being."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Professor Chang and explained, "We set up this temporary detention center at that time, just to interrogate the suspects in time and to quickly learn the situation of the opponent's accomplices from the opponent's mouth. This is not a place for long-term detention. According to It is stipulated that the detainees here cannot exceed 48 hours. Once the interrogation is completed, the suspect will be escorted to a special prison for custody in time. I didn’t expect an accident here today.”

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Platoon Leader Sun and said, "Inform your company commander immediately and let him send someone over to carry out the **** mission. You should prepare to transfer the prisoner immediately." After that, he turned to look at one of the middlemen behind him. The young man said: "Director Li, you inform your people to cooperate with the soldiers of the armed police and transfer the prisoners here to the No. 1 Prison immediately."

Hearing Director He's decision, Professor Chang nodded and said, "Yes, it is no longer safe here. The other party can find out that Xintian was escorted here in such a short time, and he can send a killer to sneak in and assassinate the target so quickly. This shows that the opponent's intelligence personnel have long been aware of the location and building layout of your detention center."

He Shan nodded grimly, turned his head to the middle-aged man with glasses behind him and said, "Director Hou, your intelligence department will investigate this matter, the other party can find such detailed information, it means that these opponents have long been Hidden in the city, you immediately start reconnaissance from the inside and the perimeter, the opponent must have put nails in the perimeter."

Wan Lin heard a series of orders from Director He's subordinates, and he looked up at Professor Chang. Professor Chang immediately understood what he meant. Now that the incident happened inside the National Security Bureau, Director He would definitely redeploy his response strategy. Wan Lin and the others were indeed inconvenient here.

Professor Chang then looked at Wan Lin and said, "You guys have been busy for most of the night. You've worked hard. Go back and rest first." Wan Lin nodded, turned around and raised his hands to He Shan with Zhang Wa and the others, and then strode to the door. go outside.

Zhang Wa and Wan Lin drove slowly out of the gate of the State Security Bureau. Wan Lin immediately said in a low voice, "Look at the small alley where the opponent's car was hidden." Zhang Wa immediately turned the steering wheel and drove over, and then there The car stopped outside the small alley.

Wan Lin got out of the car with Xiao Hua in his arms, looked up at the dimly lit alley, then bent down and put Xiao Hua on the ground and said, "Wen Wen, see which direction the opponent fled to?"

Xiaohua immediately lowered her head and slowly smelled on the ground, followed by running to the depths of the alley, Wan Lin returned to the car and whispered to Zhang Wa: "Follow!"

A few people drove and followed Xiaohua out of the dim alley, and Xiaohua turned her head and ran to the side of a road unhurriedly. Wan Lin was sitting in the passenger seat, paying attention to the direction Xiaohua was running. From time to time, he looked down at the city map displayed on the in-car navigation. Feng Dao and Cheng Ru in the back seat also stretched their heads and stared at the map.

A few people followed Xiaohua on the urban road, turning east and west, and ran for more than 20 kilometers. The road in front of her was suddenly dark, and Xiaohua who was running in front had a faint blue light in her eyes.

Wan Lin frowned, and whispered to the people around him, "It seems that this area has experienced a large-scale power outage." Cheng Ru and several people in the car also nodded gloomily, and felt a little surprised in their hearts.

Xiaohua ran for a few more kilometers in the dark street, her eyes suddenly flashed with blue light, she turned her head and glanced at Wan Lin's car that was following closely behind, and then she accelerated to the right side of a lonely road.

Wan Lin and the others saw Xiao Hua's movements, and Wan Lin commanded in a low voice, "Zhang Wa, pull over, bring your night vision equipment and prepare for battle, get out of the car!" Zhang Wa immediately parked the car on the side of the road, and a few people followed. The monocular night vision goggles on his helmet were pulled down and put on his face, he slammed the bullet into the chamber with a "squeak" sound, opened the car door and jumped out, carrying the gun and scatter to the side road and chased after him.

At this time, it was almost The eastern sky was already glowing with a white brilliance, the originally dark road suddenly became gray, and the roadside also revealed the dazed outline of the building.

Wan Lin and the others moved forward slowly, clinging to the buildings on both sides of the path, and their guns were aimed at the depths of the dark alley. There was no one in the hutong. There were cars parked on the narrow road. Xiaohua was staring at an off-road vehicle 40 to 50 meters ahead, with blue light flashing in her eyes.

Wan Lin whispered to Feng Dao and Cheng Ru, who were close to the walls on both sides of the alley and aimed in front of him, "Warning! Zhang Wa and follow me." The waist runs forward. Fengdao and Chengru behind him also held their guns close to the cars parked on both sides of the alley, aiming at the front and slowly moving forward.

Wan Lin ran to Xiaohua's side and immediately raised his gun and aimed at the off-road vehicle on the side and took a look inside the car. There was no one in the dark car, and Wan Lin immediately raised his gun and looked around, not a single person could be seen in the dark and silent alley.

Wan Lin raised his hand and made a safe gesture behind him, and the two of them immediately ran over. Wan Lin whispered to the two of them, "The other party was the one who carried out the assassination in this car." He squatted down as he spoke. , just about to ask Xiaohua where the other party was going, but suddenly there was a pungent smell in her nose.

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