Panther Commando

Chapter 2512: target disappears

Wan Lin immediately looked down, the pungent smell was emanating from the ground outside the door of the off-road vehicle beside him, he straightened up and scolded in a low voice: "Bastard, you actually use odorant to interfere with tracking, no wonder Xiaohua is around here. Wandering around, did not continue to follow out."

He looked around and pondered for a while, thinking inwardly, "How come the other party is so well prepared for this operation? Could it be that they have already made preparations for assassination in the detention center of the National Security Bureau? Xinxintian has only been captured for two short periods of time. How can they have such a complete action plan for more than an hour? Even the scent agent to prevent the hound from being tracked is too strange."

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru are the best special forces themselves. This kind of task is given to them, and it takes at least a few days to conduct on-site reconnaissance, and make detailed assassination and retreat plans according to the terrain and the alert state of the opponent. , it is impossible to successfully complete the task in just a few hours.

He looked down at Xiaohua, who was a little confused, and then took out his mobile phone and dialed it out: "Professor, the other party was assassinated in a black Toyota off-road vehicle. Now the vehicle has been abandoned in Wangjia Hutong, and I have now tracked it down. Here, the target is lost. You now notify Director Xiao to send someone to deal with it, and ask the public security department to check the surrounding surveillance video to see if they can find what means of transportation the opponent took? I'm here waiting for Director Xiao to send someone over ."

"Okay! Wait a minute, I'll make arrangements immediately." Professor Chang's voice came over immediately, with surprise in his voice.

It didn't take long, a few cars drove towards Wanlin and the others at high speed, and then stopped the car 100 meters away from where Wanlin and the others were sitting, while a black car drove directly to Wanlin. in front of several people. A group of people jumped out of the car one after another, pulled out a cordon around, and quickly protected the scene.

Director Xiao personally led two people in plain clothes and jumped out of the black car parked in front of Wan Lin and the others. A few people strode up to Wan Lin and the others. Director Xiao didn't care about talking to Wan Lin, he looked down at the little flower at Wan Lin's feet, and knew that Wan Lin and the others had tracked them here under the leadership of this spirit beast. .

Wan Lin saw Director Xiao pay attention to Xiaohua, raised his finger and pointed to the off-road vehicle beside him and said in a low voice, "It's this car, and now I can't tell where the other party is going. However, after the assassination mission, the murderer did not flee outside the city. Instead, we entered the downtown area. I estimate that the opponent is still in the city. The opponent used an odorant here, and we have lost our target direction."

Director Xiao nodded grimly, and said in a low voice, "Yes, we have asked the public security department to review this video. But on my way here, the public security department reported that forty minutes ago, this area was There was a sudden power outage in a large area, and all the electronic monitoring equipment on the surrounding roads could not work properly. Now the power department is being notified to check the cause of the failure. I guess that the opponent has cut off the power in this area while they are in action. This is for assassination. The attackers provided cover for the retreat, and it seemed that the other side was well prepared."

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at the three Chengru people beside him, and he couldn't help but feel a little awe-inspiring. He really did not expect that the opponent's actions were arranged so carefully. It seems that they had already considered the issue of road monitoring when they retreated, so when they retreated, they destroyed the power grid exposed on the retreat, and used the darkness to cover their escape. whereabouts.

Wan Lin turned his head to look around, and suddenly found that some morning exercisers had gradually appeared on the street in the distance. He quickly said to Director Xiao, "We leave it to you to take care of the aftermath, and we will withdraw first."

After finishing speaking, he bent down and picked up Xiaohua, waved at the fully armed Chengru trio, turned around and ran towards the entrance of the alley, followed by getting into the off-road vehicle parked nearby, started the vehicle and quickly evacuated the scene.

Now that the sky is getting brighter, there will be more and more people on the street. Wan Lin and the others are all fully armed when they are discovered by pedestrians, which will definitely cause a sensation in the city, so they hurried out.

On the way back, Wan Lin held Xiao Hua in his arms and said to several people in the car, "The other party did not choose to go straight to the suburban mountains to escape, but created a large-scale power outage in this urban area to cover their escape, but they wanted to escape. Where are you going?"

The wind knife in the back seat pondered for a moment and replied: "It took less than three hours from when Xintian was captured on the mountainside to when he was killed. The other party's actions were extremely fast. To carry out such an assassination mission, the killer was in these three It is completely impossible to scout where Shinda was being held and the security distribution around the detention center in an hour."

He looked up at Wan Lin and continued: "In such a short period of time, let alone a killer, it is impossible for all these mercenaries to be dispatched to obtain such accurate information. Therefore, I feel that there is only one possibility, that of the other party. The intelligence system has already mastered the building layout and security distribution of the temporary detention center of the National Security Bureau long before this, and has formulated a careful assassination plan. Only in this way can the killer drive straight to the National Security Bureau compound and climb the wall to carry out Shoot from a distance."

Cheng Ru nodded when he heard this and said, "Yes, Lao Feng's analysis is right! This assassination is definitely not a pre-planned These mercenaries have highly toxic drugs on them, obviously preparing for a critical situation. It was used for suicide at all times. At that time, Xiaohua held this Xintian, and he couldn't swallow the poison on the neckline at all, and after the leopard head passed by, he immediately took off his chin, so Xintian had already missed the opportunity to commit suicide."

He continued to think deeply and continued: "Therefore, those mercenaries did not expect that someone would be captured, and this silence must be a temporary operation. To complete the assassination in such a short period of time can only show that the opponent's intelligence system is early. Just following every move of the National Security Bureau, the information on the temporary detention center is in their database."

Wan Lin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said thoughtfully, "Your analysis is reasonable. If you can easily complete the assassination in the heavy defense, it only means that the opponent has strong intelligence support. From this, it can be seen that after the opponent has carried out the assassination, It must have entered the urban area directly according to the arrangement of their intelligence system, and the large-scale power outage in the killer car area must be an emergency plan formulated by the intelligence system long ago, and the foundation of their intelligence system is mainly in the urban area. , so the killer didn't leave the city."

He said, looking up at the urban area that had become gray, there were several moving cars on the street, and some morning exercisers were running on both sides of the road. With a gloomy face, he continued: "The big seclusion is hidden in the city, and the other party knows this truth. Hiding a few people in this big city is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack for our search operations."

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