Panther Commando

Chapter 2528: so coincidental

Li Dongsheng pondered for a while and said, "You ask Director Zhou in private, did he ask Li Xiaofeng to bring up the printing paper? I just saw Li Xiaofeng hurriedly walking through the corridor through the window of the office, and he came up. The timing was exactly when the doors of the lab opened, which was a bit too coincidental indeed."

Yu Jing nodded and replied: "Okay, I will ask about this when I meet Director Zhou. You should go back first. It will easily cause suspicion from outsiders after a long time."

Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin bid farewell to Yu Jing and the others, and walked out of the office together. When the two came downstairs, they saw Director Zhou, Li Xiaofeng and Hu Xiaohong standing by a car talking, and then they saw Li Xiaofeng and Hu Xiaohong get into the car and drive out.

Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin strode towards the parking lot. Director Zhou watched Li Xiaofeng and Hu Xiaohong drive away, and turned around just in time to see Li Dongsheng approaching. He quickly walked up to Li Dongsheng and raised his hand in salute, then glanced at the man with a pair of big sunglasses in surprise. Wan Lin immediately said to Li Dongsheng, "Deputy Minister Li, are you going back now?"

Li Dongsheng looked at him and said with a bit of frustration: "The experiment failed, what are we still doing here? Where are you going?" Then he glanced at the car that drove out of the gate of the institute.

Director Zhou quickly replied: "Isn't Mr. Yu's experimental assistant Xiao Li injured just now? I asked Li Xiaofeng and Hu Xiaohong from the office to visit the institute on behalf of the institute. By the way, what do you need?"

Li Dongsheng nodded after listening, knowing that this was the office's responsibility. He immediately waved to Director Zhou and got into the car with Wan Lin and drove out. On the way back, Wan Lin said thoughtfully while driving: "The office is moving quite fast. I'll call Xiaoya and let her know."

After speaking, he took out the phone and dialed it out, and said into the microphone: "Xiaoya, Hu Xiaohong and Li Xiaofeng from the research institute office have already gone to the hospital. You told Xiao Li and the surrounding medical staff to try to make the injury serious. "

"Understood! I have asked the military hospital to arrange a single ward, and told the relevant medical staff." Xiaoya's voice immediately came from the microphone.

Wan Lin hung up the phone, turned to look at Li Dongsheng and said, "I always feel that Li Xiaofeng's demeanor just now is not right, should you ask Professor Chang and the others to check this person?" Li Dongsheng replied thoughtfully, "Tell Professor Chang about this. It doesn't matter if there is any problem with this Li Xiaofeng, there is no harm in checking it."

Wan Lin drove straight into the military compound, and then stopped in the parking lot on the side of the headquarters office building. Wan Lin and Li Dongsheng jumped out of the car, Wan Lin handed the car key to Li Dongsheng, raised his hand to salute Li Dongsheng, then turned around and walked to his SUV with a local license plate and got in.

Wan Lin sat in the driver's seat and pondered for a while, then took out his mobile phone, called Professor Chang, and reiterated his suspicions just now.

After listening to it, Professor Chang pondered for a while before answering: "Okay, I will let the people from the Intelligence Department check this Li Xiaofeng. You Deputy Minister Li are right, no matter if there is any problem? We can't let go of any doubts. This matter. Leave it to me to do it, and you let your people not show flaws in the research institute."

"Okay." Wan Lin hung up the phone after answering, then drove away from the military compound and returned to the training base of the National Security Bureau.

Wan Lin returned to the base and walked into his office. The three team leaders, Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa, and Feng Dao, immediately pushed open the door and walked in, all of them looking at him inquiringly. Wan Lin quickly explained the situation of the experiment in detail, and then explained the situation when he found Li Xiaofeng's doubts.

Zhang Wa said in astonishment: "My mother, the matter of Hu Xiaohong has not been found out yet, why is there another Li Xiaofeng? The spy war in this city is too complicated!" Feng Dao and Cheng Ru's faces He also showed a surprised expression.

They are all serving in the special forces, and they really did not expect the spy battle field to be so complicated. Looking at the three of them, Wan Lin sighed, "Yes, we really didn't know that the battle on the battlefield of espionage was so intense, it's really not easy to talk about those national security team members, this is not only a physical battle, but also a mental battle. However, my feeling about Li Xiaofeng just now was just an intuition, without any evidence, it is still difficult to say whether my guess is accurate?"

Fengdao nodded, he pondered for a while and suddenly said: "I remember Lingling and the others said when they came back from the research institute, this Li Xiaofeng's family background is very simple, he picks up the children on time every day, and he is a standard family leader. How could he possibly have a problem?"

Wan Lin also said thoughtfully: "I was in the laboratory at the time, and I just looked up to see Li Xiaofeng and Hu Xiaohong looking inward. I remember Hu Xiaohong's eyes were full of astonishment, and he took a step back with his arms on his chest. It seems that I can't stand the cold air. At that time, the blue light flickered in the laboratory, the cold air was threatening, and the scene was very strange, so Hu Xiaohong's shock response was quite normal."

"But I immediately found that Li Xiaofeng's eyes were very calm, and there was no expression of surprise in his eyes. At that time, his eyes quickly glanced at the experimental platform, but then I found that I was watching His eyes I immediately avoided it. I did have a move in my heart at the time, but I didn't realize it was wrong? Only later did I realize that Li Xiaofeng's eyes were a little unusual at the time, and he didn't have the reaction that a normal person should have in the cold air."

After hearing Wan Lin's words, the three Feng Dao pondered, and Zhang Wa looked at Wan Lin and said, "Let's follow this person secretly to see if he has anything unusual?"

Wan Lin shook his head and replied, "No, if Li Xiaofeng really has a problem, he had such a calm reaction in the strange phenomenon at that time, which can only show that his psychological quality is very good, and this kind of calm expression. It is not something that ordinary people can have, and it is very dangerous to track such people."

Feng Dao and several people nodded, Cheng Ru said: "Yes, it is difficult for people who have not undergone strict training or who are born with good psychological quality to face the sudden danger. After passing through that cold pearl, the cold air emanating from the cold pearl really makes people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts, which is unbearable for ordinary people."

He said looking at the wind knife next to him and continued: "According to Wantou's description, that Hu Xiaohong's performance was very normal at the time, and this Li Xiaofeng's performance was indeed a little too calm, this is by no means an ordinary person's reaction. , Does he have martial arts? It is difficult for people without internal skills to endure that kind of gloomy aura."

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