Panther Commando

Chapter 2529: Staff of Huiwu

Wan Lin nodded thoughtfully. At this moment, the sound of a car suddenly came from outside the door, and then I saw Professor Chang and Xu Liang walking in from outside the small courtyard.

Professor Chang walked into the yard and glanced at Wan Lin's office, turned to Xu Liang and waved to the three of them to go back to their room to rest, and walked straight into Wan Lin's office. He walked into the office and saw Wan Lin and the others standing up, he immediately waved his hands and said, "Sit down, Cheng Ru and you guys are just here, I'll tell you about Li Xiaofeng."

As he spoke, he walked to the sofa opposite Wanlin and sat down. He raised his head and said, "I received your call, and I immediately asked the Intelligence Department to preliminarily check Li Xiaofeng's resume. I won't talk about the basic situation of this person, he did not The experience of going abroad basically ruled out the possibility of being instigated abroad."

He said he took a cup of tea handed over by Zhang Wa, lowered his head and took a sip, and continued: "Li Xiaofeng graduated from graduate school. He used to be a top student in the physics department of a famous university. After graduation, he was working in the present institute. At that time, he As an assistant researcher in a research group, he was mainly engaged in scientific research work. However, he later made a major mistake in an experiment and was severely punished. He was transferred from his research position to the office to do administrative work."

He looked up at Wan Lin and the others, and then said: "The predecessor of this institute was a physics institute in the province, but after Yu Jing came over, it was taken over by your military region and changed to the current special weapons institute. The original Most of the staff in the institute stayed, except for some people who left voluntarily to find new jobs. It is said that Li Xiaofeng was going to leave to continue his scientific research work, but he has not found a suitable research institution, so he continued to stay in the administration office."

Wan Lin and the others listened and pondered, feeling a little surprised in their hearts. From what Guoan has learned, there is nothing too unusual about this Li Xiaofeng.

Wan Lin thought for a while, then hesitantly said: "It may also be that I am too sensitive. From the investigation, there is nothing suspicious about this Li Xiaofeng."

Professor Chang shook his head and said, "What we have found is only the basic resume. We can't draw a conclusion based on this. We need to further investigate his more detailed information. The Director Hou of the Intelligence Department is verifying some things in his resume."

At this time, Fengdao looked up at the professor and said, "Just now, a few of us analyzed Li Xiaofeng's reaction outside the laboratory. We believe that if this Li Xiaofeng has not undergone special training, he has practiced internal skills. In a cold and cold atmosphere, there is no sound."

When Professor Chang heard Feng Dao's words, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin, and Wan Lin immediately said: "Yes, the cold aura emanating from the cold beads contains sinister poison, and it is impossible for ordinary people to remain indifferent in that cold and cold aura. Chao knew the characteristics of the cold stone. At that time, ordinary people from Lingxiu Sect did not dare to enter the cave enshrined with the cold stone. Even with the skill of the young master Xie Chao, he did not dare to stay in the cave for a long time. If the cold poison does not have a considerable internal strength to resist, it is impossible to remain indifferent in front of it."

Professor Chang's eyes showed a look of surprise, and he said thoughtfully: "I have never touched this cold bead, is it that your cold bead is too small, and the cold air it emits is not enough to cause a shocking reaction?"

Wan Lin shook his head and replied, "The cold bead is very small, and the cold air it emits can't really be compared to the aura emitted by the large cold stone in the cave, but the cold air it emits still carries cold poison, which also gives people a sense of coldness. This kind of chill that comes from the bottom of my heart makes people very uncomfortable. Especially when exposed to this kind of cold air without any precautions, there will definitely be a reaction. If you are exposed to this kind of cold air for a long time, people without internal strength will still suffer. Invaded by cold poison and hurt."

After listening, Professor Chang nodded thoughtfully, took out his mobile phone and dialed it out, and then said to the mobile phone: "Director Hou, I am a professor. Is there any new information in Li Xiaofeng?"

The voice of Director Hou of the Intelligence Department of the Provincial National Security Bureau immediately came out on the phone: "We are investigating his family background and his schooling. I just got a report that Li Xiaofeng has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. Learning martial arts, it is said that the old man was a reclusive Tai Chi senior with great skills, and he has passed away now. In addition, according to Li Xiaofeng's classmates in college, Li Xiaofeng has a very high comprehension and good academic performance. Moreover, he does know martial arts. He often goes out in the middle of the night to find a place where no one is there to practice, but he never admits it in front of his classmates."

"However, according to this classmate, when they were in college, there was a case of robbery at the gate of the campus. Two female classmates were suddenly surrounded by five off-campus hooligans at night, robbed and molested. At a critical moment, a young man suddenly emerged from the darkness. When he got out, he knocked five hooligans to the ground in a few seconds, and then ran away. Later, the Public Security Bureau and the university announced to look for this brave man, but no one acknowledged it. That night, Li Xiaofeng returned to the dormitory very late. , so these classmates secretly think that Li Xiaofeng shot."

After hearing this, Professor Chang's eyes lit and said, "You have worked hard, please notify me in time if there is any new situation." After that, he hung up the phone and turned his head to tell Wan Lin and the others about the situation just now. .

Wan Lin said thoughtfully: "That's right, otherwise I really can't explain why he didn't perform abnormally at the entrance of the laboratory. This Li Xiaofeng's martial arts can naturally resist that kind of cold air. From this point of view, he The internal power of the body may already have a considerable heat."

Professor Chang immediately said: "But why did he practice martial arts secretly, and he didn't admit it himself after seeing the righteousness?"

Wan Lin replied with a smile: "It's not difficult to explain, Li Xiaofeng's master is a master of the world, and he must be a martial arts master. It is estimated that he secretly accepted Li Xiaofeng as his apprentice because he saw that Li Xiaofeng's comprehension is very good. , and told him not to reveal it. In addition, he secretly left after saving people, and he did not want to reveal his identity. Even if we people encounter this kind of thing, we will not admit that it was done by ourselves afterwards. There is nothing to show off the duty of a martial artist." After speaking, he looked at the Confucian people.

The professor nodded, looked up at Cheng Ru and the others smiled and said, "It seems that Li Xiaofeng has a sense of justice when he was a child, and he does have a good martial arts skills. Well, let's keep an eye on this person first, and wait for the intelligence department. After summarizing all his circumstances, we will do another comprehensive analysis."

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