Panther Commando

Chapter 2530: cunning opponent

Professor Chang continued to ponder and said: "From the spy cases detected in the past, those who are turned into spies will have strong demands in the depths of their consciousness. Or there is a strong dissatisfaction with the status quo. Therefore, we have to comprehensively analyze Li Xiaofeng's situation, so as to determine whether to list him as a suspicious person. If a good person is not wronged, we must not let any doubts go. This is the principle of our detection of cases. ."

Wan Lin nodded, suddenly raised his hand and patted his head, and said suddenly, "I said why I felt something was wrong with Li Xiaofeng at the time, so that was the reason."

He looked up at Professor Chang and said, "I recalled the scene carefully. When Li Xiaofeng delivered the things, the door of the laboratory was open, but when he looked inside, he didn't notice the cold air coming out of it. There is no reaction. But he came up with Director Zhou and Hu Xiaohong after Xiao Li was injured, but he folded his arms around his chest like them, as if he could not bear the cold. "

He said and looked at Cheng Ru and the three of them and said, "This is not right. He had different reactions when he faced the cold air twice, and when he came up for the second time, the cold beads in the laboratory had been put away. The cold air gushing out of the laboratory is far weaker than the cold air he encountered the first time. I said why did he feel something was wrong? It turned out that his two completely different reactions caused me to be alert. He faced the cold air for the second time. The expression at the time must be deliberately concealing himself."

Cheng Ru and the others nodded thoughtfully after listening, Professor Chang said, "It seems that Li Xiaofeng's first approach to the laboratory was to observe the situation in the laboratory in a hurry, so he forgot that he had internal strength in a hurry. I didn't react to the chills at that time. But when I came up for the second time, I saw the reactions of Director Zhou and Hu Xiaohong around me, and immediately realized that I should make the same chilling reaction as them to avoid exposing my abnormality. , I didn't expect his pretense to be abnormal."

Wan Lin nodded and said: "Indeed, martial arts practitioners have internal skills, and it is not a shameful thing in itself. This is the realm that all martial arts practitioners aspire to achieve, and it is nothing to let others know. But now he is deliberately concealing it. Not normal."

Professor Chang nodded thoughtfully, and said to himself: "Yes, it seems that this Li Xiaofeng is indeed suspicious, and we need to investigate him." After he finished speaking, he looked up at Wan Lin and asked, "Leave him alone, I will inform the Intelligence Department to continue investigating this Li Xiaofeng, and after the Intelligence Department has released the investigation report, we will conduct a comprehensive analysis. By the way, did that Qu Xinhua date Mr. Yu?"

Before he finished speaking, Lingling suddenly hurriedly pushed the door and walked in. Lingling entered the door and looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "Mr. Yu just received a call from her classmate, saying that the appointment will be at eight o'clock tomorrow night, and the exact location has not yet been determined. It is said that Qu Xinhua wants to fulfill the friendship of the landlord. I have to drive to pick up a few of them in person, and ask the person who is going to attend the party to send him the address. Mr. Yu is now in the research institute, and she asked me to come and report to you in person. "

When Wan Lin and the others heard Lingling's report, their faces turned gloomy. No one thought that Qu Xinhua would suddenly come to pick him up in person, and he didn't reveal the meeting place in advance. This was too unexpected.

"What a cunning opponent, this kid is actually doing this with Lao Tzu!" Professor Chang scolded angrily after hearing this, and then looked at Wan Lin and said, "Qu Xinhua's move is to test our reaction. He knows that it happened in a row. After several incidents against Yu Jing, we must have strengthened our security protection for Yu Jing, so he took advantage of this gathering between friends to first check our protection of Yu Jing, and second, to see how we treated him himself. response to determine whether he himself was targeted by us."

Wan Lin nodded solemnly, and continued: "Yes, Qu Xinhua must guess that President Yu is going to this kind of private party, and will never go with a group of guards, and our guards can only follow secretly. He suddenly informs the driver now. To pick them up without revealing the meeting place in advance is to disrupt the rhythm of our guards, so that we can get rid of us on the road, and at the same time prevent us from setting up security forces at the meeting place in advance.”

He then looked up at Lingling and asked, "Does Mr. Yu mean to go or not?" Lingling replied: "President Yu means to go! She said that if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger's son? If you don't go to see this song Xinhua, how can you dig out the spy network behind him?"

When Wan Lin and the others heard Yu Jing's decision, their faces showed admiration. Wan Lin looked at Professor Chang hesitantly and said, "If President Yu insists on going to the appointment, then our original **** plan can't be implemented, isn't it too dangerous?"

Professor Chang's face also became a little nervous, and after thinking for a while, he said: "We really need to consider this matter carefully. If President Yu is asked to give up this appointment now, Qu Xinhua and the others must be vigilant and suspect us. His identity as a spy has been discovered. But if President Yu is invited to make an appointment, the danger is indeed great."

He looked up and looked at Cheng Ru and a few and asked in a low voice, "What do you think about this matter?" Cheng Ru said with a grim expression: "My idea is to go! On the next date, the other party will definitely have doubts, suspecting that Qu Xinhua has been exposed, and will cut off any contact with Qu Xinhua. will be more difficult.”

Zhang Wa also looked at Professor Chang attentively and said, "I agree with Cheng Ru's opinion. The clues we have found now are the two lines of Qu Xinhua and Yang Bin. If Qu Xinhua is suspected to be exposed, then Yang Bin will definitely be more alert. And our detection can only find their flaws in the actions of the opponent. Once they stop acting, it is difficult for us to detect this spy network hidden by our side in a short time. It is a time bomb that will detonate at any time. , it is difficult for us to guard against it!"

Feng Dao also looked at Professor Chang and Wan Lin and nodded, expressing agreement with Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa's ideas. Professor Chang then turned his attention to Wan Lin.

Wan Lin pondered for a while before raising his head and said: "This matter is really tricky. If President Yu goes to the appointment, our people will follow as usual, and it will be difficult not to be discovered by the opponent. But if the security measures are not in place, once Qu Xinhua and the others If you plan to attack President Yu, it will be difficult to guarantee the personal safety of President Yu. This matter is of great importance, and I suggest to report it to Vice Minister Li Dongsheng. "

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