Panther Commando

Chapter 2546: Takahashi Yumi's Doubt

After Takahashi Yumi listened to Takata's report, a look of rage flashed in her eyes. She raised her palms to slap the table, but suddenly stopped halfway, looking at Takata and asked in a low voice. Said: "What about the four groups who are assisting Qu Xinhua's operation in the resort?"

Takada hesitated for a while before saying cautiously: "After we withdrew, I immediately sent a signal to the fourth group, but there was no response. I was afraid that the other party would track my signal, so I cut off contact with them. stay at the resort."

When he said this, he looked up at Yumi Takahashi, and saw that she was holding him with a cold look in her eyes, he quickly continued: "You know, according to the plan you made yourself, the two teams sent for this operation They were from our spy station, and the other two teams were operatives temporarily dispatched by superiors. There were no members of the spy team that Qu Xinhua developed himself, so I was afraid that the failure of the operation was because there was a problem with Qu Xinhua, so I didn't contact him. ."

He spoke carefully, specifically mentioning that the plan was made by Takahashi Yumi himself, so as to prevent the other party from spreading the anger of the failure of the action on his head.

At this moment, the mobile phone on the desk suddenly vibrated, and Takahashi Yumi raised her hand to pick up the phone and pressed the answer button. She didn't speak immediately, but tapped twice on the microphone to send out the code, and then put it to her ear and listened quietly.

She stopped for a while without saying a word, then hung up the phone with a gloomy face, then threw the phone on the table with a "pop", then lowered her eyes and looked at the phone for a while, thinking for a while, then took a deep breath. Taking a breath, he looked up at Takada at the table and said with a somewhat furious expression, "The four groups of Zhizi are finished."

Takada was startled, raised his head to look at Takahashi Yumi and asked nervously, "Are we exposed?" Takahashi Yumi was silent for a while, her face gradually returned to normal, and the angry eyes just now disappeared, then she shook it gently. The head did not answer Takada's question.

She then lowered her head and pondered for a while, then raised her head to look at Takata and said, "At that time, our surveillance personnel hid in the dark and saw a branch jumping out from the back window of the bathroom covering her shoulders. But she just ran a few steps, A white light flew out from the back window of the bathroom. Zhi Zi was lying on the ground at that moment, motionless, and two figures emerged from the rear window. They moved quickly. The two rushed to Zhi Zi and squatted down to take a look. Then he stood up and raised his gun to the surroundings.

She followed with some doubts and said: "Judging from the situation at the time, Zhi Zi should have been killed by the white light on the spot. At that time, the distance was too far, and our people couldn't see what weapon the white light was?"

Hearing this, Takada's eyes dimmed immediately, and he asked in a low voice, "What about Zhizhi's partner?"

Takahashi Yumi replied in a low voice: "He was about to rush to the bathroom for support, but immediately received a 'request for support' signal from Zhizi, he immediately turned around and walked out of the restaurant, just walked out of the restaurant and walked around to the restaurant At the back, I saw a figure jumping out of the darkness in the distance, and at the moment when he raised his gun to shoot, a small black shadow flashed by, he let out a low cry, then lowered his head and took poison to kill himself."

Hearing this, Takada's body shook slightly, his head lowered immediately, and there were tears in his eyes. He already knew in his heart that his companion had committed suicide by taking poison on the spot after being injured.

He stood motionless in front of the table with his head lowered. After a while, his breathing suddenly became rapid, followed by a murderous aura from his body, and the two fists hanging by his side were clenched tightly. up.

Seeing Takata's excited expression, Yumi Takahashi lowered her head and was silent for a while, then raised her head and sighed: "Alas, the Zhizi brothers and sisters are good, I will definitely ask the above to give more care to their families. I just didn't expect it. , this operation that we carefully organized ourselves has also failed!"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head in frustration and looked at the thick curtains hanging on the side window, and then said quietly: "This time, we did not use the mercenaries of the Yamaguchi security guard, because the above thinks that we have provided the Yamaguchi security guard with accurate information. However, the two important operations they organized failed, so the above questioned their ability to act."

She said, shaking her head gently and sighing: "Oh, we are too impatient, I didn't plan to attack Dr. Yu Jing so soon, I want to use this gathering to get closer to Qu Xinhua and Yu Jing's personal relationship first. After getting to know the situation of the institute gradually, I decided to take action. Unexpectedly, after knowing that there was a cold stone in the institute, I had to use this gathering to act. It was really eager for quick success, but instead the two senior brothers and sisters, Zhizi The agents were buried."

She paused when she said this, and then said with a bit of frustration: "The top has always looked down on Kuroda who cooperated with us, thinking that these mercenaries are all rice buckets, and they don't know how to carry out espionage in the city. Let me draw up an action plan without letting the people on the mercenary group know, and want to swallow this tempting information."

"Hey, now our careful plan has failed, which shows that the opponent we are facing is really not dry, and the superiors still underestimate the opponent's detection Now ours is the national security and the military. He is a tough opponent, and now even the two senior operatives sent from above are lying there. Alas, now it seems that the failure of the first two operations against Yu Jing is not because those mercenaries are incompetent what."

She said and thought for a while, her face suddenly darkened, she looked up at Gao Tian and said hurriedly: "During this operation, Qu Xinhua did not inform Yu Jing of the meeting place in advance, and we did not see anyone following him on the road. escorting the vehicle, but the other party's person arrived at the meeting place in advance, which shows that the other party is very sensitive to this meeting, and most likely knows the exact location of the meeting in advance. From this, it is very likely that Qu Xinhua has been exposed! All his contacts, arrange people to observe Qu Xinhua's surroundings."

Takata's expression immediately became tense, and he quickly replied, "Yes!" He immediately said: "This matter is indeed a bit strange, how could the opponent enter the resort in advance? But our operation in the hospital was very smooth, and we did not receive any payment. If there is any obstruction, it means that the opponent has not noticed our actions.” (The companion volume of “Hua Leopard”, “Leopard Attack” has been published in Tencent Bookstore and Koukou Reading, please collect and support the friends who like Hua Leopard)

He pondered for a while, looked at Yumi Takahashi and continued: "Judging from the situation in the resort, it seems that the other party knew the meeting place in advance and arranged for people to enter in advance, which is indeed a bit abnormal."

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