Panther Commando

Chapter 2547: 1 step late

Takahashi Yumi nodded, hesitated and said, "Indeed, so I suspect that there is a problem with Qu Xinhua. From the current analysis, Qu Xinhua himself will not have a problem, because he brought Yu Jing, who had a sudden illness, into the hospital. so he knew that you had been ambushed in the hospital in advance. Now there is nothing happening on your side, which indirectly proves that there is no problem with him. "

When she said this, a confused look suddenly appeared in her eyes, and she said to herself: "But where is the problem? From the analysis of the current situation, it is difficult to determine whether Qu Xinhua and the espionage team he developed have been exposed. Is there something wrong with Qu Xinhua's subordinates?"

She said to herself, her face suddenly darkened, she looked at Gao Tian and said, "Whether Qu Xinhua is exposed or not? We temporarily cut off all contact with him, you secretly send someone to monitor Qu Xinhua's surroundings to see if the other party is not interested in him. Surveillance action taken?"

"Yes!" Takada replied immediately. Takahashi Yumi pondered for a while, and suddenly raised her hand and took off the glasses on her face. The pair of eyes that were hidden behind the lenses suddenly exposed in front of Takada, her cold eyes suddenly flashed a fierce light, her tone He said coldly: "You immediately draw up a complete action plan, and be ready to get rid of Qu Xinhua at any time. Once you find that he is being watched by an opponent, immediately start to get rid of him! The espionage team he developed is also immediately abandoned, cutting off everything. Contact them! You go down."

A fierce light immediately appeared on Gaotian's face, and he replied in a low voice, "Yes! I'll go back and make arrangements now. I have long felt that these Chinese people are unreliable. Once they are captured, they will definitely tell everything they know. Even people like us will not be captured by our opponents even if we swear to death. It is too dangerous to keep Qu Xinhua and the others!"

Hearing his words, Yumi Takahashi stared at him angrily and said: "I warn you, you must not act without my order! This time you are only responsible for formulating a perfect assassination and retreat plan. You think it is easy to develop a spy? Can you, a foreigner, be fully integrated into their society and life? If we don't have these scum among the Chinese people working their lives for us, where would we find those invaluable information?"

She followed and said coldly: "By the way, once you attack Qu Xinhua, the dirty work will be handed over to those mercenaries! You are only responsible for formulating an action plan and clarifying the environment around Qu Xinhua for me."

Takada hurriedly lowered his head and replied nonchalantly, "Yes! Then I'll go out and prepare." "Go!" Yumi Takahashi said coldly, staring at him with a look of contempt in his eyes.

Takada immediately turned around and walked out, with a cold sweat on the back of his spine. He knew that although his boss was a woman who looked weak, he acted ruthlessly. It is said that she killed more of her own people than her opponents. Once someone violates her order in action, or is suspected of being exposed, she may take action at any time and show no mercy!

Takahashi Yumi coldly watched Takada walk out of her room, turned to look at the computer screen placed on the side of the table, moved the mouse with her right hand to click on a mailbox and glanced at it, and then meditated on the computer keyboard "crackling". After a few taps, he quickly turned off the computer and stood up, raised his hand and turned off the lamp on the table.

As the lamp went out, the room was pitch black. Takahashi Yumi stood quietly by the table for a while, her eyes flashing a green light in the darkness.

She stood quietly in the dark for a while, before she lifted her foot and walked out the door. In the darkness, there was no sound from her feet, like a ghost floating in the darkness, giving people a chilly feeling...

For several days in a row, Yu Jing, who was originally surging, suddenly calmed down, as if the sword, light and sword shadows surrounding her suddenly disappeared, as if what just happened had never happened. Hu Xiaohong and Li Xiaofeng in the research institute are still commuting to get off work on time, and there is no abnormality at all.

At twelve o'clock that night, the thick night had already shrouded the earth. In the resident courtyard of Wan Lin and the others at the National Security Training Base, the lights are on in Professor Chang's house.

Wan Lin and the professor sat face to face on the sofa, with a contemplative look on their faces. Xiaohua lay quietly beside Wan Lin, her head resting on Wan Lin's lap, her eyes were squinted, and she looked bored.

The two were silent for a long time, and Wan Lin suddenly looked at Professor Chang and asked, "Has there been no movement from Qu Xinhua?"

Professor Chang shook his head lightly, his eyes narrowed and said: "Not only did Qu Xinhua keep silent, but even Yang Bin and Hu Xiaohong rarely met. It seems that after the failure of this operation, the other party really suspects that they have appeared inside. Problem. I guess they may be suspecting Qu Xinhua's exposure, so they cut off all contact with him now."

Wan Lin's eyes flashed when he heard this, and suddenly he said thoughtfully: "Is this Qu Xinhua dangerous?" Professor Chang nodded and said, "I'm considering whether to kill the spy team Qu Xinhua? I'm also afraid. If the other party suspects Qu Xinhua, they will kill them! These spy organizations are very sensitive. Once they feel that Qu Xinhua is in danger of being exposed, they will be He said with a sudden expression on his face. Change, straightened up, picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table and wanted to dial it out, and said in a hurry: "First control Qu Xinhua, or the other party will most likely kill him! These spies are ruthless. Based on the current situation, the other party has already suspected that Qu Xinhua has been exposed, and we have to guard against it. I'll call Director Xiao now, and I'll immediately close Qu Xinhua and the few people around him! "

But as soon as his hand touched the button of the mobile phone, he suddenly remembered the rapid ringtone. He quickly pressed the answer button, and Director Xiao's hurried voice came from the phone: "Professor, one of our agents who was monitoring Qu Xinhua's residence was attacked and seriously injured last night. Do we immediately search for Qu Xinhua's residence?"

Professor Chang's face sank immediately, he stood up abruptly and answered loudly: "Immediately block the scene and search Qu Xinhua's residence, the other party must have attacked Qu Xinhua!" After he finished speaking, a trace of frustration appeared on his face With an expression on his face, he looked at Wan Lin and said, "We are still a step too late. They have already attacked Qu Xinhua! Let's go and see."

Wan Lin was startled, picked up the little flower beside him and hurriedly followed the professor out. The three people in the room next to Xu Liang followed immediately. Wan Lin pointed at the three of Xu Liang and pointed to Professor Chang, who was hurriedly walking out, and asked them to follow him immediately. Xiaoya?"

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