Panther Commando

Chapter 2556: enemy and friend

Wu Xueying raised her head, and an excited look suddenly appeared in her eyes, as if the thrilling scene at that time appeared in front of her again. She went on to say: "I will never forget that battle. It was through that thrilling battle that I finally knew what a real Jagged soldier is. At that time, the murderous aura that emerged from Zhang Wa and that Charlie was so arrogant! "

She said, tears suddenly welled up in her two big eyes, and she recalled the scene of Zhang Wa risking her life to save her back then.

She took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "At that time, that Charlie was crushed by the wounded Zhang Wa desperately. But at this moment, a few drug dealers with guns suddenly appeared around. I remember at that time. Charlie stood up with a pistol, he looked up at me and Zhang Wa, who were seriously injured, suddenly turned around and killed a few drug dealers behind him, then threw the pistol away and looked at Zhang Wa and said, 'A real soldier must not die in this garbage Hands!'"

She said, wiping the corners of her eyes, looking at Wan Lin and said, "Charlie took off his Black Eagle badge, put his hand in Zhang Wa's hand, and then turned around and strode away. This Charlie is indeed a worthy man. Respected soldier! He is a real man just like you!"

Wan Lin also recalled the scene of rescuing Yingying and Zhang Wa, nodded deeply and said, "Yes, this Charlie is indeed an excellent soldier, although he had already taken off his uniform and became a mercenary at that time, but The temperament of an excellent soldier is still there, and these Black Hawk snipers are indeed not in vain. I remember that when we were in the sinkhole, we surrounded another Black Hawk sniper, and this Charlie, who had quit the mercenary group, wanted to save him. My friend, actually sneaked into our China from thousands of miles away, trying to save another Black Hawk sniper."

Wan Lin said with a look of admiration on his face: "We surrounded another sniper in the sinkhole, but Charlie was lurking around with his superb concealment skills. We didn't realize it at the time, this hidden skill It's pretty shocking indeed, and if he shoots out of nowhere, there's definitely going to be heavy casualties for those of us."

He said this, shook his head in fear and continued: "Fortunately, he put down his weapon at the time and took the initiative to show up to ask his friend to put down his weapon and go with him, but his friend refused. He gave it to me before he left. As for a business card, it says that he is now running a ranch and has been living a peaceful life, and it gave me the opportunity to visit it, I am really happy for him from the bottom of my heart!"

The three of Yu Jing looked at Wan Lin quietly, and suddenly felt the joy from the bottom of his heart. Two people who were never acquaintances became enemies in the fire of gunfire, but they cherished each other in the exchange of life, and finally became friends with sincerity! This emotional change may only be experienced by these real men with broad minds.

After Wan Lin finished telling this, he followed Wen Meng and Wu Xueying and said, "From my contact with Li Xiaofeng just now, it can be seen that Li Xiaofeng's inner strength is extremely deep. You must be extra careful now, and when you are not sure that you are facing danger, you must You can't show that you have internal skills in front of him, otherwise he will definitely find out your identity. A martial artist with internal skills cannot be seen by ordinary people, but in front of a master of internal skills, as long as you mention internal skills in front of him, his body protection is really good. Qi will quickly induce induction, so you must be careful."

Wu Xueying looked at Wan Lin in astonishment, and then asked: "Then when you came up just now, Li Xiaofeng didn't realize that you were a master of internal skills? By the way, he doesn't know you, why did he suddenly become interested in you?"

Wan Lin replied with a sneer: "Hey, he doesn't have that ability! At that time, he appeared behind me and suddenly released his infuriating energy. I immediately restrained the body-protecting infuriating energy on my body, and he wouldn't be aware of my identity. "

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying nodded immediately, knowing that this chief instructor had extremely deep internal strength, and that Li Xiaofeng, despite his deep internal strength, might not be able to get any information he wanted from this direct descendant of the Wan family.

Wan Lin followed and looked at Yingying and said with a smile: "I rarely come here, and the few times I come here, I always go straight to the third floor, and I'm still wearing a military uniform. Li Xiaofeng has seen me at that time, and I'm afraid it's hard to recognize it now. I appear like this. I have hidden Xiaohua in my backpack just now, just because Li Xiaofeng sees Xiaohua's resemblance to Xiaobai here, and will attract his attention. Hey, don't you think I'm also a researcher now? ?"

Wu Xueying laughed and looked at his clothes carefully. From the outside, it was really difficult for outsiders to tell his identity. Wan Lin's stature is thin, and although he has advanced martial arts, he does not have the mighty appearance of ordinary martial arts practitioners, but instead gives people a gentle and gentle appearance.

Wan Lin then looked at Yu Jing and said, "Looking from Li Xiaofeng's actions just now, he has begun to become interested in everyone you come in contact with. He probed me just now. I guess it's just to see if I'm with you. Research partners. In this way, everyone around you should pay attention, especially your two assistants, pay more attention to safety.”

Yu Jing frowned slightly, and said angrily, "How come there are such people around? It feels like a hindrance to do Wu Xueying saw that Yu Jing was a little irritable, and said with a smile: "Sister Yu , Who made you look beautiful and capable? Now these foreign spies are targeting you, this is your honor. "

"Stinky girl!" Yu Jing said to Yingying with a smile, and then told Wen Meng and Wen Meng with a serious expression: "You also pay attention to the safety of Xiao Wang and Xiao Li. When encountering Li Xiaofeng, you must be extra careful, Don't reveal the information that you know kung fu."

Wan Lin also told Wen Meng and Wu Xueying a few words, then stood up and said to Yu Jing: "Mr. Yu, I'll go back first. After you have checked Li Xiaofeng's secret situation, let Wen Meng and the others tell us in time. After saying that, he said goodbye to Yu Jing and the others walked out of the laboratory.

Wan Lin strode downstairs and immediately felt a pair of eyes staring at him in the window on the second floor. He didn't look back, he went straight to the parking lot, opened the car door and got in, then looked through the window glass towards the second floor, and sure enough he saw Li Xiaofeng standing behind the window with a teacup, quietly looking at him .

At this time, Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng in the car were also quietly watching Li Xiaofeng on the second floor. At this time, the sun was shining in the direction of the parking lot. The parking lot where Wan Lin and the others were located was on the side of the experimental building, so they could clearly see I saw Li Xiaofeng in the window on the second floor, but where Li Xiaofeng was, I couldn't see Wan Lin and the others in the car window.

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