Panther Commando

Chapter 2557: Awakened Spy

Wan Lin stared coldly at Li Xiaofeng in the window on the second floor, and secretly said in his heart, "Although this kid has good martial arts skills, he has not undergone professional training. You can only see others in the window, but others can't see him anymore. It seems that Jiang Tou just used his spare time to teach him some basic skills on how to steal intelligence, and did not systematically teach him some reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance skills. Technology."

Wan Lin then turned to look at Bao Ya, who was sitting in the driving position, and said, "Let's go!" Bao Ya immediately started the car and drove to the door of the institute. After exiting the door, he quickly drove two or three along the road in front of the institute. km, then looked around, and quickly turned to the side road.

Wan Lin returned to the station and immediately called the three team leaders Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao into Professor Chang's room.

He immediately recounted the matter of his contact with Li Xiaofeng just now, and several people's faces became gloomy after hearing this. Zhang Wa said in a low voice, "I really didn't expect that such a master of internal skills is still hidden in the research institute."

Wan Lin nodded, looked at the people around him, and said, "Everyone should pay attention in future actions. This person has very deep internal skills and is very dangerous."

After listening to Wan Lin's introduction, Professor Chang nodded thoughtfully and said, "This Li Xiaofeng is indeed active, and he has indeed been awakened from a slumber by the spy organization. It seems that the other party estimates that our attention has been drawn by those mercenaries. He Qu Xinhua, the espionage team, attracted the past, so he secretly awakened Li Xiaofeng, who had been hiding, and wanted to get more information from the inside of the institute."

Wan Lin nodded, looked at Professor Chang and said, "This person is very skilled and works inside the research institute. Should we send someone in to guard against this person? He is too close to President Yu, and once he plots badly, it will be difficult for us to guard against him. Cheng Ru and the three of them on the side heard Wan Lin's worries, and all looked up at Professor Chang nervously.

Professor Chang pondered and did not speak for a long time. After a while, he looked at Wan Lin and said, "This matter is indeed no trivial matter. Li Xiaofeng's identity as a spy can now be basically determined. It is indeed very dangerous for him to hide in the research institute. This is a time bomb that will explode at any time."

He said hesitantly and said: "But once someone is sent in, it is very likely to cause Li Xiaofeng's suspicion, and since Qu Xinhua's spy team was taken down by us, Li Xiaofeng is now the key clue for us to detect this espionage case. This clue is also very likely to be dismissed. Qu Xinhua’s silence is a precedent. Therefore, we must be cautious when facing Li Xiaofeng.”

When Wan Lin and the others heard the professor's analysis, hesitant expressions appeared on their faces. At this time, Professor Chang suddenly raised his head and looked at Wan Lin carefully, suddenly smiled, and then said, "I see you in casual clothes, you are really a little bookish."

Cheng Ru and a few people next to him suddenly heard that the professor suddenly commented on Wan Lin's attire. Speaking of which, Wan Tou is really polite in casual clothes, and looks like he is engaged in research."

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa on the side also suddenly understood the meaning of the professor's words, Zhang Wa immediately said: "Yes, this method is good, let Wan Tou disguise as a researcher and enter the research institute to protect the safety of President Yu secretly. ."

Professor Chang said thoughtfully: "Just now, Captain Wan's entry into the research institute caught Li Xiaofeng's attention. I guess he is also guessing that Captain Wan is most likely a researcher who conducts research exchanges or cooperation with Yu Jing. Yu Jing herself is a researcher. Scientists who conduct cutting-edge military research, and all the researchers who come into contact with her, will definitely have some confidential scientific research information. Therefore, Li Xiaofeng must be based on this, and will suddenly appear behind Captain Wan to check whether he knows martial arts? Confirm the identity of Captain Wan."

Wan Lin also smiled when he heard this. He looked down at the casual clothes on his body, and said with some pride, "Hehehe, then I'll try to be a scientist too?"

Everyone laughed, and Fengdao said: "In the face of Li Xiaofeng, a master of internal skills, only you can keep your skills in front of him. According to what we know about Li Xiaofeng, his skills are stronger than those of us. , but it shouldn't be too bad. But now it's not a face-to-face direct fight. Once those of us with similar skills meet, it is very likely that our true energy will be detected by him, and no one will be able to hide it. Once this happens, it will be extremely It may alarm Li Xiaofeng. If you want to face him in peacetime, you must have a talent like Wantou who is far superior to him."

Wan Lin also nodded and said: "Yes, in tension, people with internal skills will unconsciously raise their skills, and at this time, as long as they encounter opponents with higher or similar skills than their own, they are likely to reveal their identity. , unless there is a huge difference in skills. Just now, Li Xiaofeng suddenly raised his skills behind me. He must be very conceited about his skills. He thinks that even if I have practiced martial arts, it is impossible for me to surpass the master of internal skills taught by him, much less not I sensed the true qi that he forced out of his body."

When he said this, a sneer suddenly appeared on his looked at the wind knife and said: "In the current Chinese martial arts world, there are only a handful of people who can practice real internal skills, so this Li Xiaofeng is right He is very confident in his own kung fu. In fact, it can be seen from the infuriating qi he forced out just now that he is indeed a master of internal skills, but far worse than you. Even Wen Meng couldn't resist."

Professor Chang was a little surprised when he heard his words, looked up at Wan Lin and asked, "Wen Meng and Wu Xueying are very young, and their skills are already so profound now?"

Wan Lin replied with a smile: "Wen Meng and the two of them have been practicing martial arts since childhood, and they have a strong foundation of internal skills. Later, they transferred to our Wan family to learn internal skills. Naturally, it is twice the result with half the effort. Our Wan family has a The characteristic is that in the fierce battle, the internal strength grows very fast. The Wen Meng and Wen Meng are extremely savvy, and they are both rare martial arts prodigies. Later, they participated in the battle with us many times, so their current internal strength is no small matter. already."

He looked at Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa and said, "That's why the skills of the two of them, Xiaoya and Lingling have grown so fast."

After listening, Professor Chang nodded and said with a sigh, "Your Wan clan's kung fu is truly amazing, no wonder your leopard team has such a strong fighting power!"

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