Panther Commando

Chapter 2565: mutated crystal

Yu Jing looked at her office with some pride, and then said: "When I was decorating my office, I specifically asked the military region's infrastructure department to add these items. Besides, in my office, apart from you and two Outsiders are not allowed to come in without my permission.”

Wan Lin and several people understood in their hearts that those who engage in scientific research like to be quiet, but safety is also an important consideration. If Yu Jing's every move in the office can be observed by outsiders through the window in the corridor, it is indeed very dangerous. Moreover, Yu Jing often discusses research issues with assistants here, so the room definitely needs sound insulation.

Several people looked up and looked around when they thought of this, and found that the surrounding walls were indeed different from ordinary offices.

Lingling looked around and said: "These are of course necessary. How can outsiders easily enter your office. By the way, there should also be a surveillance camera in the office, which should be connected to the video surveillance room of the Institute's security company to prevent anyone from sneaking into it. Enter."

Yu Jing smiled and waved her hand and replied, "Hehehe, let's forget it. When I think of my every move in the office being watched by others, the hairs on my body stand up." Wan Lin and the others all laughed. Exposing a person to someone else's surveillance is really uncomfortable.

Yu Jing continued: "However, outsiders in my office can't get in, and they can't get out even if they force them in. Once they force in without my permission, the alarm will be triggered, and the doors and windows in the office will suddenly drop thick metal. Board, close the entire office, don't even think about going out when you come in!"

Wan Lin and the others turned their heads in astonishment to look around, and as expected, they found that there was a gap above the doors and windows of this office, and obviously thick metal plates were hidden on them.

At this time, Yu Jing looked up at Wan Lin and said, "By the way, recently, in order to confuse outsiders, we used cold beads and crystal stones to create two illusions, but I had an unexpected harvest. After analyzing the crystal fragments, it was found that after the cold beads were in contact with the crystal stones, the crystal stones could actually absorb the cold air in the cold beads, and the organizational structure had also undergone great changes."

When Wan Lin heard Yu Jing's words, they raised their heads and stared at her face. Yu Jing turned her head and picked up the phone on the table, and said into the receiver, "Xiao Wang, Xiao Li, come to my office."

The figures of Yu Jing's two assistants appeared outside the window. When the two walked in, they saw Wan Lin and several others. They quickly called Wan Lin, "Researcher Wan."

Wan Lin smiled and waved his hand and said, "Ha ha ha, in front of you real researchers, I don't dare to pretend to be a researcher." He followed Xiao Li's bandaged right hand and asked with concern: "The injury is better. no?"

Xiao Li quickly replied, "It's almost healed. If you hadn't helped me get rid of the cold poison in time, it wouldn't have gotten better so quickly. I haven't thanked you yet." Wan Lin waved at him with a smile.

At this time, Yu Jing said to Xiao Li and the two: "I asked you to make the customized laser generator in the arsenal, when will it be delivered?"

Xiao Wang quickly replied: "I just received a call from the arsenal. They said that the production has been completed, but the medium fixing device is a special shape. There are still some problems with the processing, but I don't know if it can be used? They are also organizing special personnel to carry out It will take a few days to complete the manual processing. They asked us if we needed it urgently? If it is urgent, we should take the instrument away first, and wait a few days if we are not in a hurry. By the way, they asked whether we should bring it back by ourselves, or if they asked the arsenal guards Did the camp send someone to **** me?"

Yu Jing pondered for a while and said, "I'm really in a hurry to experiment. Well, you inform the arsenal, we'll go and bring the instrument back first, and I'll see if the medium can be fixed in it. I'm really in a hurry to test it now. This new type of medium. You two take out the contract first and go through the pick-up procedure." Xiao Li and Xiao Wang agreed and walked out of the office.

Yu Jing watched Xiao Li walk out, turned her head and said to Wan Lin and the others: "I continue to talk about the topic just now. After the crystal stone was broken in contact with the cold pearl last time, I suddenly found that the structure in the crystal shard had changed a lot. The big change already has some organizational structures similar to those of an unknown substance like Hanzhu. But this organizational structure is something I have never seen before, just like that strange green stone, it is very strange.”

Wan Lin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he suddenly interjected and asked, "Do you want to use this changed crystal stone to conduct a laser experiment?" The surrounding Xiaoya and Lingling were also refreshed, all excited. Looking at Yu Jing.

Yu Jing had previously produced a powerful satellite laser generator, which was a miniature laser made of green stones and the gems on the chest of the leopard. When Xiaoya and Lingling represented China in the International Special Forces Competition, Wan Lin had This secret weapon has been used before.

At that time, the situation was very dangerous. Wan Lin and the others were locked by the little devil's high-resolution reconnaissance satellite in space. They were surrounded by a large number of extremists and little devils in a At the critical moment, Wan Lin suddenly took out Yu Jing The secret weapon secretly handed to him destroyed the devil satellite that was monitoring them in space in one fell swoop, blinded the eyes of the other party's surveillance, broke out of the siege at a critical moment, and annihilated a large number of enemies.

But Xiaoya and Lingling also knew that the green stone and the gems on the chests of the two leopards are very precious, not only very rare, but also extremely dangerous in processing, and they cannot be produced on a large scale. If this mutated crystal stone can now be used as a laser medium and can generate huge energy, it means that more of this micro laser weapon can be produced, which really makes Xiaoya and Lingling excited.

Seeing the excited expressions on Xiaoya and Lingling's faces, Yu Jing immediately guessed the reason for their excitement. She shook her head gently and said, "This is different from what you think. The cold beads are too small to be used as a laser medium at all, and the organizational structure of the cold beads is also different from the structure of the gems and green stones on the chests of Xiaobai and the others. , I don't know if the cold beads can generate the same huge energy as the laser last time? The current crystal shards only have some changes in the organizational structure, and they do not contain a lot of energy."

She shook her head as she spoke, looked at Wan Lin with some regret and said, "It's really a pity that the big cold stone in the Lingxiu Mountain cave fell into the crater! Now the two cold beads are too small, and this kind of material is too small. It's too precious, and I don't dare to study the physical and chemical properties of these two cold beads."

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