Panther Commando

Chapter 2566: similar chill

Yu Jing looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "I got some inspiration from the broken crystal stone, and I want to see if using these mutated crystal fragments as a medium can also stimulate high-power laser energy? However, from the current test results, I don't estimate that such a large amount of energy will be generated."

Wan Lin nodded, turned his head to look at Xiaoya and Lingling, whose faces had also become a little depressed, and said with a smile: "Hehehe, if you can use this mutated crystal stone to generate higher laser energy, this is also a miracle. A very impressive result.”

"Yes, yes!" Lingling said quickly from the side: "It's almost better than that, as long as you can beat the little devils, the last time I was abroad was too happy!" Wan Lin and Xiaoya both laughed, and Wen Meng beside him He and Wu Xueying stared at a few people with wide eyes, wondering what Lingling meant?

Wu Xueying asked curiously: "Sister Lingling, what's so exciting going abroad, what's going on?" Lingling raised her eyes and glanced at Wan Lin and Yu Jing, then turned around and smiled at the curious Yingying and Wen Meng: "Why are you both staring so wide? This is a military secret and I can't tell you."

Wan Lin also smiled and waved to Wen Meng and Wu Xueying and said, "This has nothing to do with you, so don't ask about it."

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying immediately showed a frustrated look on their faces. Wu Xueying raised her fist and gestured at Lingling, and whispered: "Stinky Lingling, who asked you to mention this in front of us? Don't let us know, this is not to whet the appetite of our good students."

Yu Jing and the others all laughed. Wan Lin immediately looked at Yu Jing and asked, "Do you mean to use these mutated crystals for a laser test?"

Yu Jing replied immediately: "Yes, I can't measure the organizational structure of this substance, it can only be tested through experiments, so I asked Xiao Wang and the others to process one according to the graphics of a laser generator I designed, I want to test it through specific experiments.”

As she said that, she twisted the swivel chair and turned back, then opened a large safe that was more than half a person tall behind her, took out a thermal insulation box, and then turned around and opened the lid to Wan Lin and the others. The blue light immediately leaked from the insulated box.

Wan Lin and the others immediately gathered around and stared at it. The bounding box contained the shattered crystal shards from last time, and the shards flickered with a faint blue light in the box.

Xiaoya looked at the fragments of different sizes and irregular shapes, and asked in astonishment: "These crystals were transparent at the time, why are they slightly bluish now?"

Wen Meng and the others also looked up at Yu Jing in surprise. They were all around at the time, and they did notice that these crystal stones were originally transparent and colorless.

Yu Jing nodded and replied, "Yes, these crystals were originally transparent and colorless. After they were broken, I noticed that these fragments had changed. You didn't notice these changes at that time, mainly because the laboratory was specially set up by us. The blue light shrouded you, so you thought that these fragments were colorless, but this is just a preconceived feeling, the crystal stone has changed when it came into contact with the cold pearl."

As she spoke, she suddenly took a deep breath and raised her inner strength, reached out and carefully picked up a slightly larger crystal shard from the insulation box, then held it in front of Xiaoya's face and said, "Can you feel it, is there a rush of cold beads? Similar coldness?"

A few people around Lingling also put their faces close, a cold air was spraying out from the slightly blue crystal shards, Xiaoya said in surprise: "Yes, it is really similar to the cold air emerging from the cold beads, it is The cold air is very weak and cannot be compared with the cold air emanating from Han Zhu." Lingling and several others also stretched out their hands to feel it, and they all said that the feeling of the cold air was indeed similar to that of Han Zhu.

At this time, the two leopards also stretched their heads from Wan Lin's shoulders to test, and then their eyes flashed, and suddenly they spit out their own hidden cold beads from their mouths, and stretched out their bright red tongues to hold the blue light cold beads. exposed to air.

Lan Guang immediately shrouded the office, and a cold air rushed towards the faces of several people. Everyone's eyes quickly turned to the cold beads spit out by the two leopards. They all wanted to compare the cold beads with those that were somewhat mutated. Crystal Shards.

But at this moment, the two little things suddenly retracted their protruding tongues, then glanced disdainfully at the crystal shards in the bounding box, shook their heads, and then looked up vigilantly at Yu Yu. Jing, then jumped off Wan Lin's shoulder like a spring, and quickly got into the sofa in the side reception area and hid, lest Yu Jing will miss their treasures.

"Hahaha..." Several people laughed, knowing that the two leopards spit out the cold pearls they treasured to show off, indicating that they did not despise these broken crystals at all.

Yu Jing smiled and took back the crystal in her hand and put it in the box next to it, then looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "From the current point of view, these crystal structures that are in contact with the cold beads have indeed undergone some changes, even the color and temperature have changed. It has become somewhat similar to the cold beads, and after so many days, the cold air in the fragments still exists. So I specially designed a laser generator, and I want to use these mutated crystal fragments as a laser medium to carry out a laser Test to see if there is unknown energy in these fragments?"

After she finished speaking, she raised her head and looked at Xiaoya and a few people with excited expressions on their shook her head and said, "Don't hold out too much hope, these mutated crystals will definitely not be like the previous miniature laser. The same amount of energy. But if they can generate higher laser energy when stimulated by existing portable batteries, this is also a very important research result."

After listening to Yu Jing's idea, Wan Lin pondered for a while and said, "If these crystal fragments can really produce the effect you mentioned, then can you use the contact between the cold beads and the crystal to create a large number of mutant crystals to produce More miniature high-energy laser weapons?" A few people around Xiaoya heard Wan Lin's words, and their eyes lit up.

Yu Jing shook her head gently, raised her hand to close the lid of the thermal insulation box, and immediately said: "Impossible! When I used Xiaobai's cold pearl for disguise, I asked Xiao Wang and the others to monitor the cold pearl. Changes in temperature and those chills."

"When the crystal stone exploded, the monitoring data showed that the cold air released by the cold beads had decreased. This shows that when the cold beads passed the cold air to the crystal, the energy contained in them was already attenuated, so it is impossible to use such a Small cold beads to create a large number of mutant crystals, otherwise the cold energy in the cold beads will be completely absorbed by the crystals, and this precious cold beads will lose its value."

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