Panther Commando

Chapter 2583: wishful thinking

The information passed by Li Xiaofeng made Takahashi Yumi very excited, and she immediately realized the importance of this information. Dr. Yu Jing herself is a very well-known international laser research scholar, and now she is working in the military weapons research institute. The laser device she developed is definitely a laser weapon for military purposes.

Now, once their spy organization gets this laser generator, they will definitely look for expert analysis in this area, from which they can study the secrets contained in this new laser weapon. This is a precious treasure, I am afraid More valuable than that mysterious cold stone.

Moreover, the information passed on by Li Xiaofeng also confirmed the information that Electric Mouse obtained indirectly from Hu Xiaohong. At that time, Hu Xiaohong said that in Yu Jing's laboratory, he found a gem with blue light and a biting chill, which was very strange.

In the information passed on by Li Xiaofeng, he also specifically mentioned the gem with cold air and blue light. According to Li Xiaofeng's speculation, this may be a rare gemstone. It is estimated that Yu Jing will use this gemstone as the medium in the laser generator. This gemstone is very likely to be a new type of mysterious substance that can generate high-energy lasers.

Takahashi Yumi was overjoyed, and obtained two pieces of information from Hu Xiaohong and Li Xiaofeng, which had mutually confirmed the cold stone that Kuroda and their Takahashi Patriarch had mentioned. It seems that this cold stone is indeed in Yu Jing's weapons research institute, and it may also use this mysterious substance to develop a new type of laser weapon.

Judging from Yu Jing's move to order a new type of laser generator, this new type of laser weapon should have made great progress in theoretical research, and this suddenly processed laser must be a physical sample to be tested.

At this time, Yumi Takahashi, the head of the intelligence station, really had a wishful thinking. She thought she wanted to understand the reason why Yu Jing ordered the laser generator. She immediately issued an order to ask Li Xiaofeng the processing location of the laser generator. Avoid the heavily guarded location of the Weapons Research Institute, and send someone to secretly steal this secret experimental weapon from the processing factory.

Li Xiaofeng immediately passed the location of the arsenal to the past, and said: "The arsenal is located deep in the mountains, where I have been before. There are a large number of guards around the factory, and they are so heavily guarded that it is impossible to sneak in secretly. It is said that there are about a battalion of soldiers there. Troops escort. If you want to do it, you can only do it on the rugged mountain road."

After Takahashi Yumi got the specific location of the arsenal, he immediately studied the action plan carefully against the map, and then contacted Momonga with the mercenary group who stayed here to cooperate with his actions, and asked him to immediately send someone to set up an ambush on the mountain road entering and leaving the arsenal. Notify him as soon as you get the exact pickup time from the Institute.

This morning, Takahashi Yumi just came to her import and export trading company from her place of residence. As soon as she turned on the computer, she received a sudden notification from Li Xiaofeng, saying that a new researcher has come to the research institute to assist Yu Jing in the project research. Senior researcher, now I have to personally go to the arsenal to receive that laser generator, and I am going now.

Yumi Takahashi was overjoyed, and immediately notified Momonga of the mercenary group, and asked him to order his men in ambush in the mountains to immediately prepare for hijacking.

At this moment, Yumi Takahashi sat behind her desk and looked out the window, feeling very nervous. Since she cooperated with Kuroda of Yamaguchi Security, there have been several setbacks, which really embarrassed her as the head of the intelligence station.

Even the plan she personally planned to hijack Yu Jing at the resort not only failed to hijack, but instead handed over Qu Xinhua, a spy team that she had worked so hard to cultivate, to her opponent, and had to send someone to kill Qu Xinhua, a subordinate. The espionage personnel who have been trained with strength have also lost two domestic operatives in the operation.

And her actions have been frustrated one after another, which has made her immediate superior feel extremely dissatisfied, and she has received a severe warning from the spy organization. If she uses the hidden chess piece Li Xiaofeng now, and there is no result, she really cannot explain to her spy organization. Therefore, she thought again and again, in this operation of hijacking the laser generator in the mountains, using Momonga, the mercenary action team, to avoid any more casualties on her side.

After she gave Momonga an action order, she sat behind the desk anxiously waiting for the news, and kept trying to figure out the opponent's reaction in her heart. At this time, she suddenly thought that once the laser generator of the other party was robbed, the other party must realize that this was the news leaked from the inside of the research institute, otherwise she would not know the existence of the laser generator at all. , and can accurately grasp the delivery time.

She immediately became nervous, and quickly got in touch with Li Xiaofeng through the Internet, so that he was ready to be censored by the other party.

But Li Xiaofeng replied calmly immediately: "I'm The processing contract is kept with my colleague Hu Xiaohong, and I only know about processing the laser generator from her. , All the spearheads will be directed at Hu Xiaohong, I will not be in danger here. And some leaks that happened in the past have nothing to do with me at all, so they are censors, and they will not suspect me, a historically innocent person. "

When Yumi Takahashi saw Li Xiaofeng's answer, she immediately pondered. She knew that Li Xiaofeng did not know about Yang Bin and Hu Xiaohong. Judging from the current situation, Li Xiaofeng had already considered his own safety when he disclosed the information to him. Once an accident occurs, he will direct the attention of the other party to his colleague Hu Xiaohong.

Takahashi Yumi thought of this, with mixed feelings in her heart. The joy is that this Li Xiaofeng really has a very high intelligence, and is indeed a rare spy talent; the worry is that Hu Xiaohong is dangerous! Although Hu Xiaohong is not the spy they developed, her life and death have nothing to do with their spy network, but the electric mouse next to her under the pseudonym Yang Bin is dangerous. Once Hu Xiaohong is examined, she will definitely tell her about her relationship with Yang Bin, and Yang Bin will immediately catch the eye of the other party.

At this moment, the big words "electric mouse danger" jumped out of her heart immediately! She decisively sent a message to the electric mouse under the pseudonym Yang Bin, "Destroy the information, prepare to retreat", ordering him to immediately start destroying everything related to the intelligence station around him, and retreat immediately once the destruction is completed.

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