Panther Commando

Chapter 2584: cut off contact

Takahashi Yumi nervously typed these instructions on the computer keyboard. At this moment, the news from Momonga of the mercenary action team suddenly popped up on her computer screen: "The things have been taken, some damaged, one person lost! We are retreating as planned."

Yumi Takahashi receives Momonga's message and is overjoyed! Knowing that he has succeeded, although he lost a mercenary, he got the laser generator according to the plan, and he was from Kuroda.

She immediately tapped quickly on the computer keyboard, and immediately passed the news that she had obtained the latest laser generator developed by Dr. Yu Jing to her superior. Immediately after, she ordered Takada to quickly send someone into the predetermined location in the mountains, meet Momonga to retrieve the treasure, and immediately start a special transportation plan to secretly send this priceless treasure to the foreign intelligence headquarters for research.

Takahashi Yumi quickly sent the message, then leaned back on the back of her office chair with a happy smile on her face. She hasn't had such a smile on her face for a long time since she targeted the Special Weapons Research Institute of the A Military Region, and today she finally achieved a substantive result.

At this time, her heart was indeed filled with a sense of pride and relief, and she felt that she could finally give an account to the spy organization. At the same time, she can also have a preliminary account of Kuroda's Yamaguchi security and her own Takahashi family.

So far, although she has not obtained the cold stone, it has now been confirmed that the cold stone is in the weapons research institute where Yu Jing is located, and it has also been confirmed that the cold stone is being used by a famous scientist Yu Jing for laser research. This information alone is enough to make Kuroda and her Takahashi family more attractive to this treasure, and will also increase their support for her.

Just when Yumi Takahashi was complacent, she received information from her subordinates that Li Xiaofeng in the administrative office of the Weapons Research Institute had been controlled by the other party. When she heard the news, she was shocked and immediately thought of the electric mouse who turned into Yang Bin, so she panicked and dispatched an operator to respond to the electric mouse. At this time, she still had a bit of luck in her heart, thinking that Hu Xiaohong had just been controlled and might not be able to The electric mouse was pulled out.

At this time, Takahashi Yumi and her subordinate Takada stood by the window of the hotel with a gloomy face, holding the binoculars and staring at the ant-like swaying vehicles and figures in the distance.

Just now, she and Gao Tian hurried to this hotel located a few kilometers away from Yang Bin's office building. Gao Tian quickly registered a guest room on the 14th floor with fake ID documents. The two quickly entered the room and immediately raised their binoculars to the office building where Yang Bin was located. look ahead.

The two raised their binoculars just to see what happened on the road in front of the office building. Yumi Takahashi's expression changed immediately. Her worries finally became a reality, and the other party had already taken action against Yang Bin. At this time, her heart was full of deep regret. She really did not expect that the other party would find out where the electric mouse was so soon, but now it was too late.

At this time, Takada, who was standing beside Yumi Takahashi, had bloodshot eyes. He saw with his own eyes that the action team he sent was intercepted by the opponent. He raised the phone to order the rest of his operations team to come to support.

But just as he raised his phone, Yumi Takahashi, who was beside him, suddenly reached out and grabbed the phone, followed by Yaoyao with a gloomy face and said, "It's too late!" Then she put the phone into Takata's hand.

Takada was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what the stationmaster meant. This is the other party's territory. Even if he transferred all his subordinates, it is not enough for the other party's national security department and the military. Now he can only watch his subordinates die in vain, and the electric mouse Certainly will not escape!

The two stood motionless by the window, and the off-road vehicle in charge of covering overturned on the side of the road. When they saw the car that had just rushed towards the office building, they hurriedly turned around and rushed out, hitting the off-road vehicle with its four feet upside down. .

Takahashi Yumi and Takata's eyes suddenly dimmed. They knew that Yang Bin had fallen into the other's hands, and the three-person action team who came to respond was also buried in front of the office building.

With the appearance of police cars with flashing lights on the road in the distance, Takahashi accelerator silently put down the binoculars in his hand, turned his head and said to Takada: "Immediately notify all those who have contact with the electric mouse, and immediately cut off the connection with him. All contacts! Those who are close to the electric cat are transferred immediately."

"Yes!" Takada lowered the telescope in his hand, and immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message. Takahashi Yumi immediately turned around and walked to the sofa on the side, and sat down tiredly. His head was lowered deeply, and a feeling of sadness suddenly filled his heart.

Electric Mouse is an old man who followed him into the city of China, and is also a hero who assisted her in establishing a spy station in this city. She Takahashi Yumi did not expect, but today she watched this powerful subordinate be captured by the other party. , and she was powerless.

Takahashi Yumi lowered her head and pondered for a while before she raised her head with tears in her eyes, her face extremely dark. Takada silently walked over to her with his mobile phone, and reported in a low voice, "Master, several people who have direct contact with the electric cat have been notified."

Yumi Takahashi nodded lightly, reached out and took out a tissue from the coffee table to wipe the corners of her eyes, then whispered, "Think about Look at the things that the electric cat has mastered, and decide. There can be no more losses."

At this time, Takada's eyes suddenly flickered, and he said in a low voice: "Dianmao is an old man trained by our spy agency, and will not be captured alive by opponents." Takahashi Yumi shook her head and said, "You didn't notice just now. Those opponents?"

Takada was stunned for a moment. Just now, he was only paying attention to the two cars under his command, and he really didn't pay much attention to the movements of the opponents.

Yumi Takahashi continued: "Our two cars appeared suddenly, but the people in the other car responded very quickly. Only the special forces who often appear on the battlefield will have such a reaction. With such a neat skill. If I guess correctly, the person who captured Yang Bin should be the special forces of the A military region. In the hands of these people, the electric cat should not have the reaction time to take the drug. "

Hearing the station master's words, Takada carefully recalled the scene at the time, then nodded and said, "Yes, I remember what you said. The off-road vehicle that came rushing later seemed to be leaning out of the sunroof. Snipers, those people from Guoan won't bring snipers to arrest people."

After Takata finished speaking, he asked thoughtfully, "Master, your electric mouse doesn't know about it, right? He knows you."

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