Panther Commando

Chapter 2585: bulge

When Yumi Takahashi heard Takata's worried question, she shook her head and replied, "The Electric Mouse doesn't know my location. He only saw me in the early days of our arrival here, but he didn't see my true appearance, he only knew me. It's a woman."

"In addition, the contact method between us is to communicate through foreign e-mails. He does not have my specific information, and I rarely give instructions to him personally. By the way, the electric mouse knows the existence of your action group, You ordered your crew to evacuate immediately from their original residence and enter an alternate point of contact for standby."

Takata was startled, he quickly raised the phone and dialed out, ordering his subordinates to immediately withdraw to the alternate contact point. He put down the phone, then looked at Yumi Takahashi and said in a low voice: "The Electric Mouse is an old man, will he really be captured alive by his opponent?" They were too far away from the office building, and he did not see clearly that the Electric Mouse rushed out of the office building and was knocked out by the opponent That scene.

Takahashi Yumi heard his question, looked down at a silver-white bead flower inlaid on her neckline, shook her head gently and said, "It must have fallen into the hands of the opponent, these special forces are moving too fast, electric mice There is simply no time to take the poison and commit suicide.”

She said and stood up, raised her feet and walked to the window to look into the distance. The surrounding area of ​​the office building has been blocked by a large number of armed police and police, and a cordon has been drawn around. The top of each police car is flashing with red lights, and there are already many onlookers standing around the cordon.

Takahashi Yumi raised her binoculars and took a peek, then suddenly turned around and said to Takata, "There is an interview car from the news media, you quickly turn on the TV and see if there are any images of those opponents in the news? I want to see who the other party is. Who?" He said, raising his binoculars and staring into the distance.

Takada immediately went to the TV and turned on the TV. The news channel was indeed broadcasting the image in front of the office building. Takahashi Yumi turned around and walked to the sofa to sit down, staring at the live screen on the TV.

On the TV, a female reporter was holding a microphone and standing outside the cordon for a live broadcast, but in the picture, there were armed policemen and police officers with guns standing around the cordon, and some people wearing body armor stood in front of the office building. The SWAT police did not see the opponent's cars after the collision just now.

At this time, the reporter who reported on the scene was holding the microphone and said: "Judging from the situation on the scene, a shooting case has just occurred here, and the specific situation is still being further verified..."

"Close it! Those people on the other side have already withdrawn from the scene. From this point of view, these people are really special forces of the military, and they are the only ones who don't want to be exposed to the news media." Yumi Takahashi turned her head and said to Takada who was beside her.

After she finished speaking, she stood up, picked up her handbag and walked towards the door, saying to Takada as she walked, "You stay here and check out tomorrow, so as not to attract the attention of outsiders. By the way, I just saw a A black car got on and off a person, and this person seems to be accompanied by a few bodyguards, you can send someone to check and see who this person is?" After speaking, she walked out of the room in deep thought.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others had already returned to the military compound in their cars. Wan Lin's car drove directly to the door of the military area security office. When the car stopped, he jumped out of the car, turned his head and ordered Kong Dazhuang, who got off with Yang Bin in his arms, and said, "This kid hasn't woken up yet?"

At this time, Bao Ya and Zisheng had already jumped out of their cars. Bao Ya looked at Yang Bin with his head down, and said to the wind knife who walked out of the car slowly: "Old Feng, you You won't kill this kid, will you?"

Cheng Ru and several others hurried over to take a closer look at Yang Bin. Feng Dao smiled and said: "How is it possible? I calculated it very accurately this time, and I firmly pressed my finger on this kid's neck with internal force. Why should I let him sleep for an hour or so? It's been so long now. How could he wake up?"

Bao Ya grinned widely: "Hehehe, let me ask you, you still blew it, and it's very accurate!" Several people around laughed. Wan Lin also walked over to Yang Bin with a smile, and then asked, "Have you checked him?"

Feng Dao smiled and opened his hands. He held seven or eight buttons in his hands, and he followed up: "Da Zhuang checked it long ago, but didn't you know that it was a deadly thing? So Da Zhuang was in a hurry and put the All the protruding things on this boy's body were pulled down. No, it's all up to me. His protruding thing came out." He smiled and glanced at Yang Bin's crotch.

"Hahahaha..." Everyone laughed. At this time, Li Dongsheng and Director Tian of the Security Department hurried out of the small building of the Security Department. "Let's stand at attention..." Wan Lin hurriedly called out, then raised his hands in a salute and reported, "Report, the commandos have captured the target alive."

Li Dongsheng and Director Tian raised their hands to return the salute, and then looked at Yang Bin, who was holding Kong Dazhuang's arms. Director Tian immediately turned his head and shouted to the two soldiers who came out behind him: "Take this kid to the interrogation room!"

The two soldiers with pistols on their waists hurried over, took the unconscious Yang Bin from Kong Dazhuang, and carried them towards the guard.

Li Dongsheng looked up and down at Wan Lin and the and looked up at the car behind them. His mouth opened, and he secretly pointed to Wan Lin and the others. Director Tian.

Wan Lin and the others turned their heads to look to the side, and saw Director Tian walking around Wan Lin's car with a sad face. Wan Lin hurried to Director Tian's side with a face full of embarrassment, but before he could say anything, Director Tian turned his head to look at him with a sad face and asked, "This is the one I just borrowed for you at noon. vehicle?"

Wan Lin quickly replied: "Yes, yes, I'm so sorry..." Before he could finish speaking, Director Tian had already cried out in anger: "My mother, the car I borrowed from you earlier, You just threw me under the cliff, and now you give me this car to look like this grandma? How do you ask me to explain it to others!"

Wan Lin stood in front of Director Tian with a blushing face. He really didn't know how to answer? At this time, the Chengru people behind him had already covered their mouths and laughed secretly. Seeing Director Tian's appearance, Li Dongsheng also laughed "hahahaha".

Li Dongsheng walked up to Director Tian, ​​raised his hand and patted his shoulder, and said solemnly: "Old Tian, ​​this is your fault? You loaned the car to these boys, and you still want to return to Zhao? I see this now. The result is normal, if it is returned to Zhao, it will not be normal."

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