Panther Commando

Chapter 2588: Crazy Yang Bin

After listening to Professor Chang's instructions, Director Xiao replied immediately, "Okay! I'll call the Intelligence Department immediately and ask them to send experienced personnel here." After speaking, he walked out of the conference room with his mobile phone.

Li Dongsheng watched Director Xiao walk out of the room, and thoughtfully asked the professor, "Do I need to interrogate Yang Bin immediately? I feel that the sooner the interrogation is, the better, otherwise his accomplices will definitely flee quickly."

Professor Chang nodded and replied: "Of course, the sooner the better. Now the people at the enemy's intelligence station must have cut off all contact with Yang Bin immediately, and they must have urgently transferred other intelligence personnel related to Yang Bin. Now if If we can interrogate Yang Bin in time, maybe we can get something of value."

As the professor said, he shook his head and continued with some regret: "It's just that Yang Bin hasn't woken up yet, so he can't be interrogated. It's a pity."

After listening to Li Dongsheng, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Is it the hand of the wind knife? Take a look with the wind knife, and immediately start the interrogation of Yang Bin to force out everything in his stomach!"

"Yes!" Wan Lin replied, standing up and striding out of the conference room. When Professor Chang heard Li Dongsheng's words, he immediately understood that Wan Lin could wake Yang Bin immediately. He stood up in surprise and said, "If you can wake this kid up, we will start the interrogation immediately." He followed to look at Li Dongsheng and the others. Said, "Let's go and see too!"

Several people immediately followed Wan Lin to the door. Director Tian stepped forward and said to Wan Lin who had just called back to Fengdao: "Follow me, Yang Bin is being held here." After speaking, he brought Wan Lin and Li Dongsheng to the At the end of the corridor, I walked to a room with a "censorship room" hanging there.

There were two heavily armed soldiers standing at the entrance of the examination room. When the two saw Wan Lin approaching, one of them immediately raised his hand to stop Wan Lin, and then looked at the strange Professor Chang and Director Xiao vigilantly.

Director Tian quickly walked to the front and waved to the two guarding soldiers, and then led Wan Lin and the others into the room. At this time, the wind knife in plain clothes also ran in quickly from the outside. The sentry in front of the door was about to raise his hand to intercept it, when Director Tian stuck his head out of the door and said, "Let Colonel Feng come in!"

The sentinel glanced at this ordinary person outside in amazement, but did not expect that the person in plain clothes was actually a lieutenant colonel. They work in the security department and only know Director Tian and Li Dongsheng, Deputy Director of the Operations Department, but do not know Wan Lin, Professor, Director Xiao and Feng Dao who just came.

Wan Lin walked into the room and looked up to see that the room was a very standard interrogation room. The room was an inner coat room, and audio and video recording equipment was placed outside. Two female soldiers in the uniform of a second lieutenant were sitting. Before debugging the equipment, the wall of the jacket room in the partition is inlaid with a brown single-sided glass, and the interrogation room in the inner room can be clearly seen from the outside.

Professor Chang and Director Xiao glanced at the room quickly, and then glanced at each other. The review room of the military security department is basically the same as the interrogation room of their national security system.

The two female soldiers quickly stood up and saluted when Director Tian led Wan Lin and several others in. Director Tian raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads, then walked to the coffee glass with a few people and said, "Yang Bin is inside."

Standing in front of the glass, Wan Lin stared at the interrogation room inside, and saw two soldiers with pistols hanging from their waists standing behind a chair, watching Yang Bin vigilantly sitting on a lonely chair in the middle of the room.

Yang Bin's hands and feet have been firmly fixed to the armrests and legs of the chair by the belt on the chair. At this moment, he is sitting limply on the chair, his head hanging down in front of his chest.

Wan Lin glanced inward, then glanced at the two female soldiers who were staring at him with wide eyes, and then asked Director Tian, ​​"Director Tian, ​​are you ready for interrogation?"

Director Tian immediately glanced at the two female soldiers and asked, "Are you ready?" The two female lieutenants immediately stood upright and replied, "It's ready, ready for interrogation at any time." Glancing at the slumped person in the interrogation room, I don't understand how to try interrogation on this comatose person?

Wan Lin immediately looked at the wind knife standing behind him and said, "Old Feng, let's go in!" Then he strode towards the metal door on the side, and the wind knife quickly followed.

Director Tian saw Wan Lin and the two walking into the interrogation room, and quickly followed. He walked into the interrogation room and ordered to the two soldiers standing on Yang Bin's left and right: "You two take a step back and get out of the way!"

Wan Lin and Feng Dao walked in front of Yang Bin, and the two suddenly stood up straight and took a deep breath. Wan Lin raised his hand and raised Yang Bin's head, followed by taking a look at one of his eyelids, and then released his hand. Looking at the wind knife, he said, "Wake him up!" After speaking, he suddenly raised his right hand and patted the top of Yang Bin's head lightly.

Hearing the sound, the wind knife also grabbed Yang Bin's right hand on the armrest of the chair, and suddenly concentrated on the opponent's hand, urging an internal force.

The two female lieutenants outside the house stared at the single-sided glass in front of them in astonishment. Their fingers had quickly pressed the buttons for video recording and recording, and their eyes were full of surprise. what to do?

Outside, Professor Chang and the others stared wide-eyed at the movements of the two indoors, Wan Lin, with a nervous look on their faces. Everyone knows that once this Yang Bin wakes up, it will be a head-to-head contest.

Sure enough there was a sound of "um" from the loudspeaker outside. Yang Bin, who had just been slumped on the chair, suddenly raised his head and glanced blankly in front of him. The two of them followed and glared at Wan Lin for a closer look, and a look of astonishment suddenly flashed in their eyes.

Wan Lin immediately reacted when he looked at the other party's expression, Yang Bin must have recognized that he was a new senior researcher at the institute. He secretly thought: So it seems that the espionage organization has really listed this new senior researcher as a key monitoring target.

Yang Bin glanced at Wan Lin blankly, then turned his face to look around. When he saw two heavily armed soldiers standing behind him, a look of despair suddenly appeared on his face, and his eyes followed him. The arms that were tied to the armrest of the chair suddenly lowered their heads in the direction of the neckline.

The two soldiers at the back were startled and raised their hands to hold Yang Bin's head. Wan Lin waved his hands to the two warriors and said in a low voice, "Let go of him!" The two warriors then released their hands and took a half step back.

As soon as the hands of the two warriors were released, Yang Bin immediately lowered his head and opened his mouth to bite at the neckline, but he then raised his head and looked towards the neckline, with a crazy look in his eyes, and his body was also violently shaking. He struggled on the interrogation chair, and his expression was extremely ferocious.

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