Panther Commando

Chapter 2589: different feelings

At this time, the iron door of the interrogation room was suddenly pushed open, and Professor Chang walked in with a grim expression. The few people said nothing and didn't even look at Yang Bin, who was sitting in the middle of the room. They strode across to Yang Bin, then turned around and sat behind a long table against the wall.

After the few people sat up, they raised their heads and looked at Yang Bin coldly. Director Tian, ​​who was wearing a military uniform, stared at Yang Bin who was struggling with his head down and said, "Don't look for it!" With that, he held up a small plastic bag. He said coldly, "It's all here!"

Yang Bin already felt that a few people had just passed by him, and he immediately stopped struggling when he heard the voice. He raised his head and looked at the people behind the interrogation table in front of him with blood-red eyes. Only then did he see four dignified people sitting behind the table. The one who spoke was a soldier in a military uniform with his right hand raised. In the little plastic bag of his clothes are all the buttons on his clothes.

He stared at the plastic bag in the colonel's hand, then looked down at the black shirt he was wearing, only to notice that the buttons on it had long since disappeared, and the front of the shirt had been slightly opened. He stared blankly at his open front and cuffs for a while, and suddenly a wry smile appeared on his face.

Yang Bin has already understood, this must be because the person holding him doesn't know which button is poison? So when he was knocked out, all the buttons on his clothes were forcibly pulled down to prevent him from waking up and taking poison to kill himself!

At this time, Yang Bin had completely woken up and realized that he was already behind bars, but there was still a crazy look in his eyes. He raised his head and quickly glanced at the few people sitting behind the pre-trial table, and then his eyes were fixed on the faces of Li Dongsheng, who was wearing a major general's uniform, and Professor Chang, who had gray hair.

He already knew in his heart that his capture this time was indeed the result of a joint operation by the military and the national security department. The two majestic-faced major generals and the old man in front of them must be the leaders of this operation.

The review room was quiet. Li Dongsheng, Director Xiao, and Director Tian all stared at Yang Bin opposite him with frosty faces. Professor Chang lowered his head and carefully observed the plastic bag with buttons that Director Tian had placed on the table.

Sitting on the interrogation chair, Yang Bin took a few deep breaths, carefully looked at the people behind the interrogation table, and then leaned back on the chair. At this moment, his mouth was tightly closed, and he stared blankly at the few people across from him. His crazy eyes suddenly filled with a provocative look, as if to show the few people in front of him that a person who is not afraid of death, you guys What clever tricks can these people have to force out the things in their minds?

Wan Lin and Feng Dao still stood on either side of Yang Bin without saying a word, their faces looked very gloomy. There was silence in the interrogation room, but there was a tense atmosphere with swords drawn.

At this time, Professor Chang suddenly stretched out his hand to open the plastic bag that Director Tian had put on the table, reached out and took a dark brown button in his hand, he looked up at Yang Bin and suddenly asked, "This is what you are looking for, right? ?"

Without waiting for the other person to answer, he suddenly slapped the table and stood up abruptly, and a cold light shot out from the two narrowed eyes under the gray eyebrows, staring at Yang Bin's eyes and shouting sharply: "Want to die? Well, then I will Complete you!"

Professor Chang said coldly, turned around and pushed away the chair behind him and strode towards Yang Bin in front of him. An icy chill suddenly hit Yang Bin with his windy footsteps, his right index finger and thumb were clamped. The small button he was wearing suddenly stretched out to Yang Bin's face while he was walking.

Everyone in the room was stunned! No one thought that the spy that Wan Lin and the others had risked their lives just caught, and now the professor wants him to commit suicide by taking poison! Director Tian was about to get up from the seat nervously, when Li Dongsheng, who was sitting next to him, pressed him on his lap and pressed him on the chair.

Director Tian turned his head and glanced at Li Dongsheng, and immediately understood that Li Dongsheng meant not to let him interfere with the professor. He quickly raised his head and looked at the table again.

At this moment, Professor Chang strode towards Yang Bin, who was sitting in the middle of the room, with a mean sneer on his face that was as heavy as water, a cold light burst from his two narrowed eyes, and his right hand holding the poison button slightly stretched forward. , facing Yang Bin's eyes.

Yang Bin's expression suddenly changed. He stared at the old man who was striding towards him. The cold air in the other's eyes and the mocking look on his face caused a cold air to suddenly rise on his back. , has been rushing from the tailbone above his **** to his mind along the spine!

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at the dark brown button held in the hand of the visitor like the tip of a needle. At this time, he had clearly identified that what the person who came was pinching with his **** was the just-in-case poison distributed by their spy organization.

And the button containing the poisonous drug that was sewn on his neckline was basically the same as the other buttons on his clothes, that is, it was difficult for him to distinguish it unless he could carefully examine the dark traces in it. He didn't expect the old man in front of him to have such a keen observation ability, and at a glance, he could identify the poisonous button containing the highly poisonous powder from a dozen buttons with the same appearance.

At this time, he has already understood the identity of this old man. The other party must be an old agent with rich experience. Ordinary national security personnel do not have such keen observation, nor such a chilling prestige! He looked at the old man who was walking towards him step by step, and the hairs on his body stood up.

Just when the professor walked in front of Yang Bin, his footsteps, which were still in the wind, suddenly slowed down, and the poison button he held in his hand slowly stretched forward, straight to his mouth.

Yang Bin's eyes were fixed on the poisonous button that was stretched out in front of his face, his face suddenly turned as gray as dust, and his lips that had just been tightly closed suddenly trembled slightly. At this time, he has already felt from the heart that the **** of death is approaching him step by step! The brown button that was coming to his mouth was a real **** of death.

When he woke up just now, he was frantically looking for this poisonous button. The special agent training he had experienced in the past had already implanted the action of taking poison and committing suicide after being captured.

And this kind of sudden situation, not only did not exist in the special agent training he experienced, but also exceeded his imagination. Yang Bin stared blankly at the old man walking towards him, a look of panic suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The sound of the old man's heavy footsteps made him truly feel that the **** of death was approaching step by step. This was actually two completely different feelings from his own suicide by taking poison!

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