Panther Commando

Chapter 2649: attacked at intersection

At this moment, the mobile phone in Momonga's hand suddenly vibrated twice. Momonga looked down at the screen of the mobile phone, and immediately turned to the kangaroo behind him and said, "The target vehicle has not come out since it entered the National Security Bureau. Okazaki and Big Bear are already in place. , monkeys on motorcycles are watching the gates of the NSA."

The kangaroo in the back seat heard Momonga's announcement, pressed the submachine gun on his leg with his left hand, gently pulled the bolt with his right hand, and then raised his right hand to touch the bulging waist. At this time, he already understood that several of his companions had arrived at the designated location according to the plan, and the action would be launched at any time with the appearance of the target vehicle.

After Momonga finished speaking, he stretched his hand under the newspaper on the side passenger seat, and gently pulled the bolt with a "crash". He then turned around and stared at the screen of the mobile phone in his hand intently, with a nervous look in his eyes.

After a while, Momonga's phone vibrated again, Momonga immediately stuffed the phone into his pocket, and said in a low voice, "Action!" He slammed on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle rushed forward from the side of the road.

At this time, the black car that had just driven out from the gate of the National Security Bureau was driving along the avenue in front of the door unhurriedly. While driving the car, Xu Liang watched the mirrors on both sides of the car vigilantly.

The location of the National Security Bureau was originally relatively remote, and it was after three o'clock in the afternoon, which was work time. The street in front of the gate was very quiet, and only a few cars that occasionally passed by quickly drove past the cars of Xu Liang and others. .

At this moment, Yan Ying, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, looked up at the mirror in the car. He suddenly said in a low voice, "Attention, a motorcycle suddenly appeared behind us and was approaching quickly in the lane behind us!" , his right hand has been inserted into his waist to hold the pistol handle, and his left hand is grasping the assault rifle that is standing obliquely beside his leg.

Xu Dangliang, who was driving, nodded, looked up at the mirror in the car, and saw that Professor Chang was leaning on the back seat with his eyes slightly closed, obviously thinking about the meeting just now, while Xie Chao next to him put his right hand on his waist , was turning his head and looking back.

"Boom bang bang...", a strong roar of motorcycles followed from behind the car, and then several people saw a young man in dark gray sportswear and a white professional motorcycle helmet on his head. , driving a high-horsepower motorcycle quickly approaching the back of the car, followed by twisting the handlebar to quickly pass from the side lane, and then drove straight towards the intersection not far ahead.

Several people in the car, Xu Liang, saw the motorcycle passing by their car, and their nervous expressions were relieved. Yan Ying and Xie Chao's hands also left the gun handles around their waists.

At this time, Xu Liang's car was three or four hundred meters away from the intersection in front of him, and the motorcycle in front had already reached the intersection and was heading towards the road on the right.

Xie Chao, who was sitting next to the professor, glanced at the motorcycle that was turning at the intersection in front of him. He was about to take his eyes back, but his eyes suddenly flickered. At a glance, he saw that the motorcycle that was turning was suddenly holding the handlebars with one hand, and his right hand was pointing upwards. He seemingly inadvertently raised his helmet and touched his helmet, then lowered his body, and quickly stretched his right hand to a long cloth bag tied to his leg, and the speed of the car suddenly decreased at this moment.

Xie Chao's face changed suddenly, he opened his mouth and shouted, "Be careful!" Then he turned around and threw Professor Chang beside him on the seat.

Following his shout, Xu Liang's left hand holding the steering wheel slammed the square disc, and instinctively stepped on the brakes.

"Crack", a small hole suddenly appeared on the front windshield in front of Xu Liang, and a dense glass shatter immediately spread on the front windshield, and a heat wave followed in the narrow cabin, and the interior of the cabin instantly rose. Several degrees higher, a bullet roared into the front windshield, passed through the gap between Xu Liang and Yan Ying, and rubbed Xie Chao, who was lying on the professor's body in the back row, into the back seat.

Xu Liang was shocked! With a step on the accelerator, both hands slammed the steering wheel and rushed to the side of the road! At this moment, behind a thick landscape tree on the sidewalk, a tall, mask-wearing figure suddenly appeared, followed by a fire snake spewing out from in front of him, "Puff puff puff..." A low voice The sound of gunshots is being ejected from the muzzle of the submachine gun equipped with a silencer in front of the big man!

With the big man rushing out and the sound of gunshots, a silver-gray off-road vehicle also turned around at the intersection ahead, and the black sedan rushed towards the side of the road and whistled. A man wearing a brown mask was sticking out from the side window. The man, a submachine gun fitted with a silencer, also spewed fire snakes at the black sedan in front.

The high-horsepower motorcycle that had just rushed past the professor's car at the intersection in front of it suddenly turned its head and accelerated towards the car. The motorcycle rider's body was already low, and he was almost lying on the handlebars. A submachine gun in his left hand has also been raised towards the professor's car!

In a blink of an eye, the window glass and body of the black car that was rushing to the side of the road had become riddled with holes, and the flying glass fragments scattered around the car.

At the critical moment, the black car that was rushing to the side of the road suddenly made a harsh braking sound, followed by a fire snake suddenly ejected from the co-pilot's position, and the harsh gunshot of the assault rifle "da da da..." suddenly He started, and a roaring bullet swept towards the big man on the sidewalk.

At the same time A long gun barrel protruded from the broken car window on the side of the rear seat, and two faint flames followed from the muzzle. Two sparks appeared on the front cover of the off-road vehicle that was rushing towards the car, and a white water vapor followed from under the machine.

The silver-gray off-road vehicle rushing over suddenly made a sharp braking sound, and the black shadow that was strafing from the side of the body suddenly retracted into the car.

With the sudden sound of counter-gunshots in the car, Professor Chang's black car slammed backwards. At this moment, the roaring engine sound and the violent gunshots suddenly broke the silence on the road, resounding at the intersection!

In the black car, Yan Ying, sitting in the passenger seat, is leaning down on the side window. The assault rifle that sticks out of the window is placed on the side window. Holding the trigger, the muzzle of the gun was facing the dark shadow lying under a big tree on the side of the road, "da-da-da" and "da-da-da", and his right hand was drooping by his side, and the side door was full of splashes. Red blood stains, and the gray shirt on his body has been stained red with blood.

Xie Chao in the back seat pressed Professor Chang firmly on the back seat, lying on top of him, the black cloth on his back had turned crimson, and the cloth on his back had been torn apart by the passing bullets. There are long cracks, and bloodstains are flowing from the turned up muscles!

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