Panther Commando

Chapter 2650: the enemy moves

Xie Chao's back was dripping with blood, but he seemed to be unconscious, and his body was still tightly pressing against Professor Chang under him, with a chill all over his body. He was staring at the long sniper rifle on his shoulders, the barrel slanted out of the side window, the muzzle was shooting fire at the off-road vehicle in front of him, and he kept calling into the microphone in his ear. .

At this time, the body of the black car of the professor and several people was already riddled with bullets, the front windshield and the glass on both sides of the car were covered with bullet holes, white cracks and scattered window glass were scattered in the car and on the road. The car was quickly backing away with the sound of gunfire.

Xu Liang, who was sitting in the driving position, had a pale face, his body was already lying on the steering wheel, his hands quickly turned the steering wheel, his eyes were fixed on the rear-view mirror above his head, and the white T-shirt on his body had been dyed red!

At this time, Wan Lin in the Weapons Research Institute was sitting behind his desk, looking down at the Wan family medical records that his grandfather gave him. While looking at the medical book in his hand, he concentratingly recalled the scene of treating Lao Qi with his grandfather in the military hospital, and looked for notes on the treatment of such diseases according to the medical book.

At this moment, in the miniature microphone he put on the desk, Xie Chao's words with a strong accent suddenly sounded: "Report, attacked, ask for support! Ask for support!"

Wan Lin was shocked! He grabbed the soldier's communicator on the table and put it to his ear, and hurriedly shouted: "Protect the safety of the professor at all costs, support will be here soon!"

Lingling and Wen Meng, who were sitting on the indoor sofa and reading the newspaper, stood up abruptly. Lingling picked up her mobile phone on the coffee table and quickly called up the satellite positioning image of the professor's vehicle. At the crossroads on the west side of the National Security Bureau!"

Wen Meng turned around and ran to the side hanger, pulled out her pistol, and threw Lingling's handbag with the pistol over. Lingling raised her hand to catch her handbag and quickly pulled out the pistol.

Hearing Lingling's report, Wan Lin suddenly stood up from behind the desk, a fierce murderous aura suddenly emerged from his body, and shouted into the microphone: "Chengru, immediately take someone to the crossroads on the west side of the gate of the National Security Bureau. The professor is attacked, hurry up!"

He then put the earphones into his ears, waved at Lingling and Wen Meng beside him, raised his feet and strode towards the office door! Lingling and Wen Meng put the pistols into their handbags and hurried to the door.

At this moment, Yu Jing suddenly pushed the door and walked in. When she saw Wan Lin and the others striding towards the door with grim expressions, she asked in surprise, "Where are you going?"

Following Yu Jing's voice, Wan Lin stopped abruptly, and the nails seemed to be standing there. Lingling and Wen Meng, who followed closely behind, were caught off guard and bumped into his back. But at this moment, Wan Lin's brows were furrowed, his eyes were shining brightly, and his body didn't sway, as if he didn't even notice that someone bumped into him.

Yu Jing and Lingling and Wen Meng behind him all looked at him in surprise. At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly whispered: "Quick, the enemy has started to move! Enter the laboratory immediately, and prepare according to the predetermined plan, quick!"

Following his voice, he has already opened the door of the office, stepped to the door of the opposite laboratory, quickly pressed the access control recognition system on the door, opened the thick door of the laboratory, and rushed into the laboratory .

Yu Jing and the others behind heard Wan Lin's voice and immediately understood what Wan Lin meant. They quickly followed him and rushed into the door of the laboratory, and then closed the door of the laboratory tightly.

At this time, Wu Xueying and Yu Jing's two assistants in the laboratory were staring at the instruments next to the experimental bench. Xiaohua and Xiaobai were also staring at a microscope. At this time, they saw a few people from Wanlin who suddenly broke in. , all raised their eyes to the door in astonishment.

Lingling followed Wan Lin into the laboratory and called to Wu Xueying in the room, "Watch out the window, hurry up!" Wu Xueying jumped up from the chair when she heard the sound, and the two leopards also turned around at this moment and walked away from the experimental bench. He jumped up to the window sill on the side, staring out of the window with glowing eyes. Lingling also ran over, pulled out her pistol and stood by the window, looking downstairs.

At this moment, Yu Jing hurriedly ran to the safe in the corner of the laboratory, opened the safe quickly, reached out and took out the insulated box containing the mutated crystal fragments, turned around and ran to Wan Lin's side and shouted: "Here You!" And Wen Meng, who was next to him, had already run over with a small insulation box.

Wan Lin took the fresh-keeping box and quickly twisted it open, stretched out his hand and grabbed a few large crystal fragments on the top layer of the insulation box. The lid of the box, but did not twist the lid, but just covered the lid on the insulation box. Wen Meng, on the other hand, quickly twisted the lid of the small thermal insulation box in his hand, twisted and stuffed the thermal insulation box into his satchel.

An unusually tense atmosphere suddenly filled the quiet laboratory. Yu Jing's assistants Xiao Li and Xiao Wang both stood up nervously and stared at the people in front of them, wondering what happened?

At this moment, Wu Xueying, who was standing on the side of the window and looked out of the building, suddenly said in a low voice, " A garbage truck is heading downstairs!" Wan Lin heard Wu Xueying's report, and sternly His eyes suddenly flickered, and he said in a low voice, "Sure enough, you are here. Take your place. After a while, there is an abnormal situation outside the building. Immediately follow the plan made in advance."

He followed and looked up at Lingling and Wen Meng who were beside him and ordered, "No matter what happens, don't leave President Yu half a step!" "Yes!" Lingling and Wen Meng stood on both sides of Yu Jing, Wan Lin followed suit. With Xiaohua and Xiaobai shouted, "Come here!"

The two leopards who were standing on the window sill eager to look at the sound rushed to Wan Lin. Wan Lin grabbed the two leopards and shoved Xiaobai into Yu Jing's arms. He handed Xiaohua to Lingling and whispered to the two leopards. The order: "Protect the safety of Big Sister Yu!" The eyes of the two leopards were already flashing red and blue, and when they heard Wan Lin's order, they immediately raised their big tails and shook them a few times.

Wan Lin immediately picked up the insulation box and said to Xiao Li and Xiao Wang, who were stunned by the side: "No matter what happens, you all follow Mr. Yu and don't leave her." Xiao Wang and Xiao Li replied in a low voice, looking panicked at him. Yu Jing walked beside him.

Seeing Xiao Wang's panicked expressions, Lingling quickly comforted: "Don't be nervous, the other party's targets are mainly President Yu and Researcher Wan, you will not be in danger. And we will follow you to protect your safety, no need Worry."

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