Panther Commando

Chapter 2663: Destroy the enemy's arrogance

Professor Chang said, turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng and continued: "It is indeed a good time to arrange for Li Xiaofeng to go outside for a walk. It is indeed a good time to not cause them to be alarmed. The spy organization will use this opportunity to let Li Xiaofeng take the specimen with him. Go out. Wan Lin, what do you think?" As he spoke, he looked at Wan Lin.

Wan Lin lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and replied: "It is indeed a good time to let Li Xiaofeng leave the institute. He just stole the experimental specimen for the intelligence station, and he must be uneasy. If we find a reason to let him Temporary business trips will indeed not arouse the vigilance of Li Xiaofeng himself and the intelligence station. This will also allow us to use our best efforts to deal with the people at the intelligence station and Yamaguchi security guards."

He paused when he said this, then looked at Professor Chang and said, "If we find a legitimate reason now to let Li Xiaofeng leave the institute temporarily, the people in their intelligence station will definitely think that we have no doubts about Li Xiaofeng, and they will most likely use Li Xiaofeng. Bring the experimental specimens out of the city."

Professor Chang nodded and said: "Your analysis is very reasonable. This experimental specimen is not as good as the last laser generator. The enemy will definitely think that the specimen is the core secret of the entire laser experiment, and must attach great importance to this peculiar experimental specimen. I will never entrust Yamaguchi security guards or general spies to **** me."

"And Li Xiaofeng has superb martial arts, and personally took action to steal these two specimens, no matter in terms of skill and reliability, he is the best **** candidate, and the head of the intelligence station must also personally go out, so Important things, the head of their intelligence station will not completely trust any of his subordinates."

When Wan Lin heard this, he turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng and said, "Yes, this way we can monitor Li Xiaofeng to see who he is in contact with. Any spy who can contact him must be an important person for the other party. However, I think it is necessary to deal with the enemies who assassinated the professor first. These Yamaguchi security guards dare to assassinate at the entrance of the National Security Bureau. They are too rampant. They must be killed! Only in this way can we hit the energy and deal with the enemy with all our strength. intelligence station."

Li Dongsheng nodded thoughtfully, and then said solemnly: "Yes, knock off one of the other's legs first, so that we can concentrate on dealing with the **** like Li Xiaofeng! What weapons did these people use when attacking the professor? "

Wan Lin turned his head to look around and saw that Zhang Wa and Wen Meng were not at the scene at the time, so he hurriedly turned to the microphone to ask Cheng Ru. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Cheng Ru and Feng Dao followed.

Cheng Ru and the two walked into the house and immediately saluted Li Dongsheng and the others, and followed them towards the sofa. Wan Lin stood up and asked solemnly, "Are there casualties among our people?"

Cheng Ru immediately replied, "Our two teams did not. The two national security team members were injured by stray bullets during the pursuit. The injuries were not serious. They have been sent to the public security hospital for treatment." Wan Lin followed up and asked, "How many people are on the other side? What kind of weapon?"

Cheng Ru quickly reported: "Five attackers appeared at the scene one after another. Two attackers were killed. They were using MP5 submachine guns and pistols. There should be a sniper among the attackers. Personally, at least one of them was injured, judging from the SUV they abandoned."

After listening, Wan Lin nodded, raised his hand to let the two sit down, then looked at Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang gloomily and said, "These people must be the action team that Yamaguchi security guards stayed here. They are so close to the National Security Bureau. Local operations, but only five people have been used successively, which shows that there are really not many people here, and it seems that there are only these few people."

Wan Lin stopped talking, turned his head to look out the window, a strong murderous aura suddenly appeared in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Now they are fleeing to the mountains, there must be a hidden spot they set up in advance, we can just be here. Kill them in a sparsely populated place and get rid of these evil scourges!"

After listening to Wan Lin's words, Li Dongsheng also had a murderous look in his eyes. He turned to look at Professor Chang who was sitting next to him and asked, "Professor, what do you think?"

Professor Chang straightened up and glanced at Wan Lin and the others, slammed the armrest of the sofa and stood up, and said in a firm tone: "Okay, let's do it! Now, in order to obtain information, the spy organization uses two legs to go hand in hand. Distract us, then we'll eat the enemy's leg first and give them a warning!"

He said, his two gray eyebrows suddenly raised, and he said coldly: "Tigers don't show their power, they really treat us as sick cats. Yes, kill them and destroy the arrogance of these bastards!" He turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "You leopards will complete this task! Tell me about the specific action plan."

Wan Lin immediately turned his head to look at Feng Dao who was standing beside him. Feng Dao raised his hand and took out a map from his carry bag and handed it to Wan Lin.

Wan Lin took the map and quickly spread it out on the coffee table. Cheng Ru immediately got up and pointed at the map and said, "The other three drove off-road motorcycles into the mountain from here. There are no roads in this area, and cars cannot pass."

Wan Lin stared at the mountain area that Cheng Ru was referring After looking at the mountainous terrain for a while, he looked up at Li Dongsheng and said, "The terrain in this mountainous area is very complicated, and the other party chose to enter the mountain from here. , is indeed the best place to get rid of tracking. They chose to flee into the mountains after their actions, which shows that they must have a concealed and material supply point in this mountainous area, otherwise they would not choose such a sparsely populated place to enter the mountains. "

Li Dongsheng stared at the map for a while, then raised his head and said, "Yes, these people must have a spare base in the mountains. At that time, Yu Jing came out of the special forces brigade and was attacked, and the other party also chose to flee into the mountains. Going straight to the mountain does mean that they have a spot in the mountain to hide in a critical moment. Has Xiaohua followed the suspect back?"

Wan Lin immediately replied, "Not yet." Li Dongsheng frowned, turned his head to look at Bao Ya, who was sitting on the outermost side of the sofa, and ordered, "Bao Ya, go back to the research institute immediately and bring Xiaobai out to me, you can bring me directly. Take Xiaobai to the side of the mountain to meet Leopard Head!" "Yes!" Bao Ya immediately stood up and replied, turning around and running towards the door.

Li Dongsheng stood up abruptly, his eyes shining brightly, and he ordered Wan Lin and the others, "Let's go immediately and kill these daring **** for me!"

"Yes!" Wan Lin, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, and Lin Zisheng immediately stood up and answered, raising their hands to salute and hurried out.

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