Panther Commando

Chapter 2664: waiting for them

When Wu Xueying and Wen Meng saw Wan Lin and the others walked out quickly, they also stood up excitedly and turned around to follow. Professor Chang quickly shouted, "Wen Meng, Wu Xueying, come back!"

He then looked at Wen Meng and said, "You immediately return to the research institute to protect President Yu, and tell the public that Researcher Wan and Wu Xueying have inhaled too much smoke and need to stay in the hospital for observation. Remember, Yu Jing must not leave the research institute until Xiaohua returns to the research institute. Half a step." "Yes!" Wen Meng replied immediately, turned around and glanced at Wu Xueying and hurried out.

Li Dongsheng watched Wen Meng run out, he pondered for a moment, turned his head and said to Professor Chang: "Professor, please ask the armed police to send troops to search along the mountain road leading into the mountain, and make some appearances to attract the attention of the enemy and cover Wanlin. They are tracking in the mountains. Their main task is to prevent the other party from escaping by means of transportation along the mountain road, and instruct them to avoid direct firefighting with the opponent as much as possible.”

Professor Chang replied immediately: "Yes! These people have just fled into the mountains. We sent armed police to search. Not only can we slow down the speed of the enemy's escape, but we can also attract their attention and cover Wanlin and the others from chasing in the mountains." He He raised his phone and dialed out.

Wu Xueying stood aside, frowning as she watched Professor Chang and the armed police explain the task, then she stared at Professor Chang and Li Dongsheng and asked, "What about me?"

Seeing her pitiful look, Professor Chang smiled and said, "Just follow me to the hospital here! Go to Xiaoya first, and let her get you dressed and take a bath. Hehehe, you don't need to be in the hospital. I'm pretending to be a beggar. By the way, let President Yang find two wards for Wan Lin and you in the respiratory department, and let the guards and soldiers who came with you guard the door of the ward. No one is allowed to approach him without our permission. ward."

Now that Wan Lin, the disguised patient number, has left the hospital, he is really worried that Li Xiaofeng will return to the hospital in the name of a visit.

"Yes." Wu Xueying answered after hearing Professor Chang's order, and walked out of the door dejectedly, took out the phone and dialed Dean Yang as she walked.

Seeing Wu Xueying walking out, Professor Chang leaned on the back of the sofa and pondered for a moment, then looked at Li Dongsheng and said, "The target of the enemy's assassination operation this time is me, it seems that they have guessed my identity, and they think I am The leader who leads the detection work."

He said, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said, "It seems that our actions in the previous stage have already made these spies feel pain!"

Hearing this, Li Dongsheng also had a smile on his face, he nodded and said: "Yes, they organized several operations in the previous stage, and they all returned home with lost soldiers and disgraced faces. They must judge: We are here. The person who presides over the detection operation is a seasoned veteran, so your whereabouts will naturally fall into their eyes."

As he spoke, his face suddenly became serious. He saw the blood stains on Professor Chang's face and said, "Since your opponent has taken action against you, you may become their target of assassination at any time. We really need to be vigilant. Now, the three of Xu Liang are seriously injured, and they cannot be responsible for your safety for the time being. I will send you a few more people from the spy battalion."

Professor Chang nodded, leaned on the back of the sofa and pondered for a moment, then looked sideways at Li Dongsheng and said, "The other party can't judge the effect of the attack yet. At that time, several ambulances pulled us here, and the opponent couldn't judge the assassination at all. The effect. I guess they still have to send people over, and once they are sure that I am still alive, they must continue to take action in the hospital." He followed with a sneer: "I guess they will never give up if they don't kill me!"

Hearing Professor Chang's analysis, Li Dongsheng's face immediately became serious. There was a murderous look in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Okay, then come on. I'll ask President Yang to arrange a special room for you in a while. In the intensive care unit, it is announced that you are seriously injured and healed inside, and we are waiting for them here!"

Professor Chang nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it like this!" Li Dongsheng immediately took out the phone and dialed out, and followed the order: "Chief of Staff Hong, immediately order Wang Hong to bring two experts to the General Hospital of the Military Region. You are the commander of the spy battalion temporarily!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and looked at Professor Chang and said, "Your current security is temporarily in charge of the old Hua Leopard team member Wang Hong. I want to see who is not afraid of death and dares to approach you!"

After hearing this, Professor Chang gratefully said to Li Dongsheng, "For me, it will affect the normal work of your special forces brigade." He knew that Wang Hong, the veterans who quit the Leopard Commando, are now in Li Dongsheng Special Forces. He held an important position in the war brigade, and now Li Dongsheng has transferred Wang Hong, which will definitely affect their training work.

Li Dongsheng waved his hand and said, "The mission of the troops is to fight as soon as they come! There are people who are plotting bad things, of course they have to rush to the place where they are most needed. Don't worry, Lao Wang has rich experience in fighting the enemy. As long as the enemy dares to come, no one will be there. Can escape the eyes of people like us leopards!"

At this time, according to Li Dongsheng's order, Wan Lin and the others had hurriedly ran out of the office building of the Military Region Hospital, towards the parking lot on the side.

Wan Lin's off-road vehicle had been driven by Bao Ya back to the research institute to pick up Xiaobai. Wan Lin and Lin Zisheng jumped into Chengru's and Fengdao's cars respectively, and then drove outside the hospital.

The two cars quickly drove out of the and then picked up their speed on the suburban road and drove towards the mountainside.

Along the way, Wanlin saw several grass-green armed police trucks also driving towards the mountains, with heavily armed police soldiers squatting in the back compartments. He knew in his heart that these armed police soldiers must have entered the mountainous area to control the mountain road to prevent the enemy from escaping by means of transportation.

The cars of Wan Lin and the others roared to the side of the mountain. Wang Dali and Kong Dazhuang, who were driving two off-road vehicles respectively, just drove to the place where the enemy had abandoned the off-road vehicles. The cordon was raised, and several national security personnel were surveying the scene beside the broken off-road vehicle full of bullet holes.

At this time, several armed police soldiers in charge of vigilance saw the two off-road vehicles approaching quickly, and immediately raised their guns and rushed to the front to stop the two off-road vehicles. Cheng Ru hurriedly leaned out of the side window, holding his own The ID shouted: "Urgent mission, get out of the way!"

Several armed police soldiers in front of the car saw the military officer card waving in Cheng Ru's hand, and quickly flashed to the side. The two off-road vehicles stopped next to the off-road vehicle abandoned by the enemy. Wan Lin turned his head and glanced back. Seeing that Bao Ya was driving his off-road vehicle at the intersection at the back, he was also rushing over. He immediately turned to the car. Cheng Ru and Wang Dali shouted, "Change clothes!" They pushed open the car door and jumped down.

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