Panther Commando

Chapter 2701: family members of patients who lied

After Professor Chang introduced the situation on Director Xiao's side, he looked at Wang Hong and Xiaoya and said: "From the current situation, there are two spies who entered the corridor to carry out the assassination operation, and the one who was shot by Xiaoya was killed. The guy was in charge of scouting and cover, and the real killer was this fake doctor who slipped out of the storage room."

"We surveyed the storage room, and from the analysis of the traces in the room, the killer sneaked into the storage room through the window. We guessed that this person must have passed the big package downstairs in the middle of the night. Take cover, follow the rope from upstairs, or down the drain pipe to outside the storage room on the second floor, then quickly pry open the window and slip in. Otherwise, he can't escape the surveillance of you and the hospital security department. "

Zhang Xiong and Ou Yangming stood up abruptly when they heard this. Ou Yangming scolded angrily in a low voice, "The patient's family must have lied at the time. This kid is the killer's accomplice. I'll go find him!"

Ouyang Ming asked the patient's family member last night, and the other party just said that he would go ahead with the next big package. Now it seems that the other party must have lied! From Director Xiao's analysis, no matter whether the killer followed the rope or the drain pipe next to him to the second floor, the patient's family members would definitely be able to see the killer's actions at that time. At this time, Zhang Xiong also stood up angrily, and the two turned around and walked out the door.

Professor Chang hurriedly stopped the two and said, "You don't have to go there, Director Xiao has already sent someone to detain the patient's family and ask him carefully. There will be no major problem with this person. It may be that there is a package to be sent back, and the killer has Use this opportunity to shove him some money and let him slip down the drain to the second-floor window under the cover of a package."

After he finished speaking, he sighed: "Alas, many people's vigilance is too low now, and they are willing to be used by bad people for money, and some people even become accomplices. The same is true for these medical troubles today. Fortunately, they got what they deserved today. Lessons!"

Hearing Professor Chang's words, Xiaoya showed an angry look on her face and said, "These medical troubles are really abhorrent! The strong man who was seriously injured by grandfather is the leader of these medical troubles. I personally saw the spy stuff him For the sake of money, they don’t care about other people’s lives at all, and these people also carry murder weapons with them. They are simply out of order for money. This time, these scumbags must not be easily let go!”

Xiaoya is a doctor herself. She knows that the patients in the intensive care unit are only sent here when their lives are in danger. Usually, even the family members of the patients are not allowed to enter the room. For the sake of money, she didn't care about the life and death of the patient at all, and a group of people rushed in directly, which made her very angry.

Professor Chang heard Xiaoya's angry voice, and a cold light appeared in his eyes, he said to Xiaoya: "Don't worry, this group of people has been taken into custody, their crimes are not as simple as gathering a crowd to make trouble, This time, I will be severely punished by the law!"

Li Dongsheng immediately looked at Wang Hong and asked, "Did you find any other suspicious persons during the operation?" Wang Hong glanced at Xiaoya, then shook his head and replied, "No. From the scene, these two killers were the only ones in the building. I guess that the other party should have people who are responsible for monitoring and covering outside the building, but they did not take action, so they did not find their traces."

At this time, Xiaoya and the others already understood the entire assassination plan of the other party. The two killers used the cover of the dead of night last night to conduct an extremely detailed reconnaissance around the ward, and then one of them took advantage of the cover of the large package upstairs. , secretly sneaked into the storage room next to the intensive care unit, waiting for the arrival of this group of doctors in the early morning.

Afterwards, he took advantage of the chaos created by the medical troubles in front of the ward door, slipped out of the storage room, and forcibly entered the ward to assassinate the target. And there must be their accomplices in the hospital compound, so that they can cover their escape from the hospital in time after completing the assassination mission.

At this time, Li Dongsheng said: "Professor, I will let the guards go around the courtyard to see if they can find their cover team?"

Professor Chang waved his hand and said, "From the analysis of the current situation, the other party must have other cover personnel around the medical building, but the two killers did not escape from the medical building, and their accomplices have realized that the assassination failed, and they will never Take action. As long as they don't move, it's very difficult for us to detect them in such a crowded place."

He looked at Li Dongsheng with a dignified expression and said, "Forget it, don't worry about them, let all your people be evacuated, so as to avoid disrupting the order of medical treatment in the hospital and causing panic. Inform the hospital security department, if any doctor or nurse asks From what happened just now, it is said that the medical disturbance affected the order of medical treatment in the hospital, and now these people have been taken away by the police and detained."

After listening, Li Dongsheng nodded, got up and walked to the door to talk to his staff in a low voice for a while, then turned around and walked back.

He walked back to the sofa and sat down, turning his face to see that Wu Xueying and Xiaoya were busy removing makeup with their grandfather, he then whispered to Professor Chang: "The people I arranged in the hospital, I saw two people hurrying from around the medical building just now. After leaving, I stepped on the two motorcycles parked around and drove out of the hospital. At present, they have opened the gate of the My people drove out."

After listening to Professor Chang, he immediately said: "These two people should be the accomplices of the two killers in the building. It seems that their mission is indeed to provide cover outside. Now that we see so many people entering, we have already judged that the two accomplices It was impossible to escape, so they were quickly evacuated from the hospital."

Li Dongsheng followed up and said: "They are riding motorcycles. It is difficult for my people to catch up with them in such a complex road network in the city. Do I need to notify the police to use surveillance to control and intercept them along the way?"

Professor Chang shook his head and said, "No, these little shrimps can't provide anything of value even if they catch them. If they run away, they must be carrying weapons. In such a complex road network in the city It is difficult to find their traces, even if they are found to be intercepting, it is very likely that innocent people will be injured in the battle, so let your people withdraw as well."

After listening to the professor's words, Li Dongsheng nodded, realizing that it is really difficult to do things in a densely populated place like a city. He picked up the intercom on the table and sent the order, ordering them to immediately give up tracking.

At this time, Director Xiao of the Operations Department of the National Security Bureau and Director Tian of the Security Department of the Military Region pushed the door and walked in. The two waved their hands to Wang Hong and Xiaoya who stood up and saluted, and followed them to the sofa with serious expressions. Sit down.

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