Panther Commando

Chapter 2702: opportunistic action

Director Xiao looked up at Professor Chang and Li Dongsheng and said, "I have already gotten to know the family members of the patients. After they returned from the hospital last night, the little killer suddenly came to the door and encouraged them. some time."

"This kid told them at the time that people can't be resurrected now. Since people are already dead, let the hospital compensate them. As long as they make things worse, they can at least get back hundreds of thousands of dollars from the hospital. At that time, these few The family members, who were originally in grief, now hear this kid say that he can blackmail the hospital so much money, and several people look at this little man in astonishment."

Director Xiao said this with a look of anger and helplessness on his face, and then said: "The patient's family asked the little man why he helped them? The little man replied that he helped them to pay 500,000 yuan, Just give him 100,000 yuan, as long as they listen to his arrangements. The family members of several patients are also obsessed with profit, thinking that this person is helping them for money, and a few people hit it off. "

Director Xiao looked at everyone, and then said, "I then went to a few doctors to find out. At that time, after this little spy deceived the family members of these patients in the name of making money, he took the family members of the patients overnight. I found the head of the medical trouble, invited these people to help the trouble at a price of 50,000, and said that they would be given 30,000 after the incident was completed."

Director Tian continued: "I have already learned from the medical department and the security department of the hospital that the injured person died in a car accident last night. The injured person was in critical condition after being brought here, and the doctor immediately decided to operate. But these few After the patient's family hears that there may be risks in the operation, they will not sign the operation sheet."

"The doctor has no choice but to send the injured person to the intensive care unit to maintain his life and let them discuss as soon as possible. But after the injured person stayed in the intensive care unit for a day, the family members of the patient thought the cost was too high, so they were transferred to three The ward in the building. In the end, the injured person died directly because of the delay in the operation time."

He said this with an angry look on his face, and continued: "What do these **** think of the hospital? They killed their relatives with their own hands, and now they still have the face to make trouble in the hospital?! I have already Order the hospital security department to hand over the family members of these patients to the police station, and we must teach them a lesson for this kind of mercenary and greedy villain!"

At this time, the tall and tall head of the military guard regiment Yang suddenly pushed the door and walked in. He walked to the sofa and saluted Li Dongsheng and Director Li, and then smiled and bowed deeply to the old Wan family. Bow, then straightened up and greeted the old man.

He glanced at Professor Chang and Director Xiao who he didn't know, and suddenly stared at Xiaoya and Wang Hong who were dressed as nurses and doctors, and then raised his finger and pointed at them and laughed: "Hahahaha, I Who do you think is so powerful? It turns out it's you evil stars."

Li Dongsheng looked at Captain Yang with a smile and said, "Why is your voice so loud? Sit down." Captain Yang sat down with a smile and said, "I heard the report that someone was making trouble in our hospital. Then I rushed over in a hurry. When I came over, I saw the soldiers from the guard platoon I sent gathered together. When I went over, it turned out that these boys were talking about the battle just now. "

He looked at Professor Chang and Director Xiao who were smiling and nodded, and then continued: "These guys said that they were all scared when they went up, saying that there were five disguised doctors and nurses in the corridor just now. The plainclothes were so powerful that they threw 20 or 30 troublemakers to the ground in a blink of an eye, and those people were carried away with either broken arms or broken legs, and few of them were able to walk out on their own. They said There were also two beautiful female nurses inside, and they shot and killed them. When these boys saw me, they asked where they were from? It was scary."

"Hahahaha..." Several people in the room laughed when they heard the straightforward words of Head Yang. Captain Yang followed with a smile and said, "I'm also confused after listening to it. I really don't know where these talented evil stars came from? At the time, I thought they were plainclothes sent by the public security system, but I was still thinking about it. When did they have such a powerful person? I have never heard of it before. Now I see Xiaoya and Lao Wang, and I understand, I said that there are no such fierce people in other places. "

He said, turning his face to look at Xiaoya and Wu Xueying and laughing again, raised his finger and pointed at the two of them and said, "Those stinky boys also said that they would not dare to look for you in the future, it's not a day to marry and go home. It's been cleaned up! Hahahaha..."

Commander Yang is very familiar with the Hua Leopard team members like Xiaoya and Wang Hong, and he also knows the old Wanjia and Wu Xueying who have been to the military region several times, so he speaks very casually.

Hearing this, Director Tian of the Military Region Security Office pointed at Professor Chang and Director Xiao with a smile and said, "Captain Yang, these are Professor Chang and Director Xiao of the National Security Bureau, and they also directly participated in this operation. ." After speaking, he turned around and pointed at Wu Xueying and said, "You know this little girl too?"

Head Yang hurriedly greeted Professor Chang and the two of them, then turned his head to take a closer look at the charming Wu Xueying, and suddenly smiled: "Know, know, aren't they all the disciples and grandsons of Mr. ~ I've seen them on the playground of the military compound before, no wonder they are so powerful. When I saw the old man last time, I also asked the old man to point out the group of boys under my command."

A few people were talking when Li Dongsheng's phone suddenly vibrated. He raised the phone and glanced at it. His face suddenly became cold.

He held up the phone and listened quietly for a while, then said firmly: "You must not let these murderous boys run away. After you find them, choose an opportunity to take action without asking for instructions. These murderous things must not let them escape. Stay in the world and kill them on the spot! I instruct all team members to pay attention to safety."

He hung up the phone, and there seemed to be a layer of frost on his stern face. At this time, the office was silent, and everyone's eyes were looking at Li Dongsheng nervously, knowing that he must have received Wan Lin's enemy situation report just now, and issued an order to annihilate Wan Lin, who was tracking the enemy in the mountains!

The call was indeed from Wan Lin, who was leading his team in pursuit in the mountains. At dawn just now, the rolling hills had turned grey.

Xiao Bai led Wan Lin and his party to chase to a hill near the mountain road and stopped, then ran to a big rock and turned to look behind.

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