Panther Commando

Chapter 2722: helpless mercenary

Momonga was silent for a moment when he said this, looked at Wan Lin and said: "From my contact with this intelligence station, the head of this intelligence station, Peacock, has established an espionage network here. After we entered Huaxia, we executed several times. Missions are based on the accurate information they provided in advance, and the accuracy rate of the information is extremely high. This shows that they have a strong ability to obtain information, and I estimate that they have infiltrated your weapons research institute. "

When he said this, he let out a long sigh, and his eyes suddenly became brighter when he looked at Wan Lin, showing a strong look of hope in the firelight. He hesitated for a moment, looked at Wan Lin and said, "That's all I know, I have told you everything I have not concealed. If possible, I would like to ask you to do me a favor before I die. I wonder if you can agree? "

Wan Lin listened quietly to what he explained, and when he heard his last sentence, he finally understood the meaning of the mercenary: the other party wanted to fulfill a wish before he died, and his actions just now made him think He is someone he deserves to be entrusted with before he is provisional.

Wan Lin looked at him intently, and said in a deep voice, "Thank you for telling the truth. I hope you can live. If you have any unfulfilled wishes, you can do it yourself in the future. I will help you bandage it." Lift your feet and step forward.

Momonga raised his left hand and shook it, and the dagger in his right hand also gestured to his chest. He stopped Wan Lin from coming over, and his face suddenly darkened.

He looked up at the Chinese soldiers holding guns around him, and then looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "I'm just a poor boy who became a mercenary for money, I never wanted to harm anyone, whether it's you Chinese people. Someone from another country. I picked up a gun from a very young age in order to survive in our barren and troubled land."

"Three years ago, I went back to my hometown in the mountains, but there was only a teenage sister left in my family of eight. The rest of the relatives were either shot to death by those drug dealers or starved to death. Dead. Huaxia is not far from our place. I have seen the world as a soldier outside. I know that you are very peaceful here, and the people are very rich. So you don’t understand us who live in war and poverty. "

Momonga said in a low voice, two tears suddenly shed from the corners of his eyes, he looked at Wan Lin and took a deep breath and continued: "I was crying with my lonely little sister in my arms! I told her, I must put She picked her up and let her live a normal life! I just became a mercenary, I didn't want to harm anyone, I just wanted to earn money to bring my only relative out of poverty and war!"

He said excitedly, his chest heaving violently in excitement, blood was flowing from his body, and there was already a large pool of blood on the grass that glistened in the firelight.

He gasped violently for a while, suddenly raised his left hand to his chest, and slowly took out the bank card and note that he had given to the kangaroo. He lowered his head and stared deeply at the bank card in his hand. A blazing light.

The surrounding leopard team members quietly looked at the dying mercenary. At this moment, everyone saw the look in each other's eyes that suddenly lit up, and their hearts couldn't help but tremble. They knew in their hearts that this bank card entrusted all his hopes and his promise to his relatives!

Momonga slowly raised his head to look at Wan Lin, and said in a low voice, "I've been a mercenary for three years, and this is all the money I've earned in the past few years. After others get the money, they go out and spend their time looking for happiness, but But I hold this bank card tightly, I just want to take this money to take my sister out of that dangerous mountain as soon as possible, so that she can live a life of enough food!" With the voice, his words His left hand suddenly trembled and stretched towards Wan Lin,

At this moment, tears suddenly burst into his eyes, watching Wan Lin shake his head, and then slowly put the bank card and note on the grass in front of him.

He said with a trembling voice: "Actually, I know that as a person who came to China to do evil, what qualifications do I have to ask you to help me fulfill my wish? Ha ha ha, don't say it, I have written the password of the bank card on the note. Now, my sister also knows, it's my birthday." At this time, there was a deep sense of helplessness in his words.

When he said this, he raised his head and looked around at the soldiers who were holding their guns at him in the firelight, and suddenly said loudly: "I'm sorry brothers, if you are willing to help me, I will thank you underground! If not, then Take the money out of the card and give some compensation to those Huaxia people who have been hurt by me!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly looked at the kangaroo lying on his back on the grass beside him and shouted, "Brother, we live and die together, brother is here with you!" Said: "Sister, brother broke his promise, I'm sorry for you!"

"Don't..." Wan Lin shouted, raised his foot and rushed towards Momonga. But now it was too late, Momonga was determined to die, and he didn't give the people around him any time to rescue him at all!

At this moment, the sharp dagger in his right hand that has been pressing against his chest has been deeply inserted into his own chest! Momonga's mouth was tightly closed, his head was leaning against the wall behind him, and his round eyes stared at the dark night sky in the The right hand still held the dagger that had been inserted into his chest tightly.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Hua Leopard team members silently put down their weapons, and everyone's faces looked very solemn. They knew in their hearts that every word the enemy said before the break was the truth, and it came from the bottom of his heart. There must be no concealment about the situation of the Yamaguchi security guard and the intelligence station that he just explained. Maybe this is "people who are about to die are good at their words."

The faces of Wan Lin and the others darkened. From the words of Momonga, the mercenary, they already understood that this must be a person who was forced to engage in such a dangerous profession. He must have a very miserable life experience behind him. The man committed suicide with guilt towards his relatives.

Wan Lin's group stood quietly in the courtyard, all of them silently looking at Momonga's figure leaning against the courtyard wall, and no one said a word.

At this moment, clusters of flames were spewing out of several broken houses on the side, and the sound of "crackling" burning was particularly harsh in the silent mountains. At this moment, "Hey", a huge flame suddenly shot up from the roof!

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud "bang" from the roof on the side, and several dilapidated houses that were burning in the fire finally collapsed in the raging fire.

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