Panther Commando

Chapter 2723: 1 Do your best

The broken house that Momo Action Group used as a hiding spot finally collapsed in the fire. Roaring flames spewed from the collapsed roof, and pieces of burning wood and sparks flew in the dark night sky. Half of the night sky in the mountains was lit up with a bright red color by the sudden fire.

The weedy courtyard was full of dust and sparks, but Wan Lin, who was standing in and around the courtyard, stood motionless, ignoring the sparks that splashed on their bodies. At this moment, everyone looked solemnly and quietly at Momonga, who had leaned his head against the broken wall, and no one made a sound amid the raging flames around him.

Wan Lin quietly stared at the mercenary who committed suicide in front of his eyes for a while, and shook his head gently. He raised his foot and walked to Momonga, bent down and picked up the note and bank card on the ground.

He lowered his head and glanced at himself on the note, then straightened his waist and looked at Momonga, who was still looking into the distance, and said in a low voice, "I am a Chinese soldier, and I cannot guarantee that I will be able to cross the border and deliver this money to your sister. On. However, for the sake of honestly confessing everything you have done and repenting to me, I will definitely try my best! Go ahead."

Following Wan Lin's low voice, Momonga's darkened eyes, looking up at the night sky, seemed to suddenly light up, the tensed facial muscles suddenly relaxed, and those round eyes slowly closed. up.

At this moment, all the bones that supported him sitting on the broken wall seemed to have suddenly slackened, and the head leaning on the courtyard wall slowly drooped down, and the body also slowly crooked to the side of the kangaroo at this moment. Go down, and then lie quietly under the courtyard wall with the kangaroo.

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he watched Momonga quietly. At this time, he knew in his heart that after hearing his promise, Momonga finally closed his eyes looking at the distant night sky, and willingly fulfilled his promise to Kangaroo. He broke his promise and left this world with the kangaroo who had memorized him.

Wan Lin's eyes lit up, staring at Momonga lying on the ground motionless. The surrounding Hua Leopard team members didn't make a sound. They knew in their hearts: Momonga must know that in the dark, no matter whether the soldier in front of him can hand over the money to his sister, Wan Lin, a Huaxia soldier, will definitely do his best for him. ! With what this outstanding Chinese special soldier said in front of him, he can already rest his eyes!

Wan Lin quietly stared at Momonga who fell to the ground for a while, then looked up into the distance. At this time, a string of bright lights had already appeared on the mountain road that surrounded the mountainside, and there were also two flickering beams of light on the rugged mountain road on the side, and the roar of the car engine had been faint. passed over.

Wan Lin turned to look at Cheng Ru who was beside him and asked, "Have the enemy's weapons been collected?" Cheng Ru replied in a low voice, "It's all here." After speaking, he turned and pointed to the side wall standing under the wall. two mp5 submachine guns, a sniper rifle and three pistols.

The roaring fire had already pointed the way for the cars coming up from the foot of the mountain. The two off-road vehicles quickly drove over from the tall weeds on the side, and then stopped on the trail on the side of Wanlin and the others. The cars followed. Seven or eight heavily armed policemen jumped off.

A group of armed police rushed over, and a lieutenant ran up to Wan Lin and the others and hurriedly said, "Which one is Colonel Wan?" Wan Lin took a half step forward and replied, "I am Wan Lin." He saluted and said loudly, "Report, we are the armed police force on guard duty on the nearby mountain road. Armed police lieutenant Lin Quan was ordered to rush here to report to you."

Wan Lin raised his hand in return, then raised his hand and pointed around and said: "The battle is over, there are two dead bodies of the enemy here, and one on the side of the mountain. The seized weapons are all here, you are guarding the scene and waiting for the people from Guoan to come and deal with it. Stay, and don't let any unrelated people approach!"

"Yes!" Lin Quan replied immediately, then turned around and shouted to the armed police behind him: "One group went to the side hillside to look for another enemy's body, and the rest were on the spot."

Several armed police soldiers behind him immediately turned on their flashlights when they heard the order, followed the direction indicated by Yu Wenfeng, who was standing at the gate of the courtyard, and ran towards the side hillside with guns in hand. The rest of the armed police stood around the yard with guns.

Wan Lin followed and said to Lin Quan, "Give me your two cars. You can go back in the car of someone coming from behind. Our military region will send someone to send your car back." Lin Quan immediately shouted to the two armed police soldiers behind. Said: "Give them the car keys." Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru immediately walked over and reached out to take the car keys handed over by the two armed police soldiers.

Wan Lin turned to look at the small courtyard that was still burning with fire, and shouted in a low voice, "Withdraw!" He waved to Lin Quan and strode towards the off-road vehicle parked outside the courtyard. At this moment, Lin Quan's low voice suddenly came from behind them: "Salute!"

Wan Lin walked to the off-road vehicle, turned and glanced at the small courtyard behind him. In the roaring flames, Lin Quan and several armed police soldiers raised their hands in salute to his group of special forces, no one's face appeared. Very serious, with a look of reverence in his eyes. Obviously, they knew that these special forces had just gone through a fierce Wan Lin raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads, got into the car and whispered: "Get out!" The two grass-green cars The off-road vehicle immediately started and slowly drove down the mountain.

On the way back, all the Hua Leopard team members sat quietly in the two off-road vehicles without making a sound, and the two vehicles returned directly to their temporary station at the National Security Training Base.

A few people stopped the car at the gate of their small courtyard. Wan Lin turned to look at everyone and said in a low voice, "Brothers have worked hard, all go back to wash and sleep well." As he spoke, he opened the car door and was about to reach out his hand. He hugged Xiaobai, who was lying on his shoulders, Xiaobai jumped out of the car from his shoulders, shaking his head and running straight to the small courtyard.

Wan Lin looked at Xiao Bai's back and said with a smile, "This muddy body has ruined Xiao Bai's sorrow. He must have gone straight to the bathroom to take a shower." , also laughed. Everyone immediately jumped out of the car with their weapons and strode toward the courtyard.

The few people had just walked into the courtyard, when Li Dongsheng, Professor Chang and grandfather had already strode out to greet them. Wan Lin didn't expect the two chiefs and grandpa to be waiting for him so late. He hurriedly shouted in a low voice: "Assemble, stand at attention...Salute!" Then, he straightened up and raised his hand to the three people who came to Li Dongsheng and raised his hand to salute.

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