Panther Commando

Chapter 2724: Grandparents join forces

When Li Dongsheng saw Wan Lin and the Hua Leopard team standing at attention and salute, he immediately stopped and straightened his body to return the salute, and then said with a smile: "Brothers have worked hard! Professor Chang has ordered the cafeteria to put hot noodle soup and noodles in the room for you. Food, go back to eat first, then take a hot bath, and have a good sleep. Disband!"

"Yes, thank you Chief!" Everyone excitedly replied in a low voice, and then they all laughed and shouted at Grandpa, "Grandpa!"

The old man smiled and waved to the crowd, then walked over to Wan Lin, looked up and down, and said with a smile, "Okay, I heard that you killed all those bastards?"

Wan Lin replied with a smile: "It's over, the boys who attacked the professor's car are all dead. It's so late, you are still waiting for us." I won a battle, grandpa, I also won a battle, I can't sleep."

Wan Lin looked at Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang in surprise. He really didn't know the battle that took place in the hospital. At that time, they were already chasing in the mountains. Li Dongsheng was afraid that he would be distracted, so he did not tell him about the battle in the hospital.

Li Dongsheng said with a smile: "Go back to take a shower and change your clothes first, and look at the mud. I'll tell you about the battle here later."

When Wan Lin heard Li Dongsheng's words, he turned around and ran to his dormitory. He took off his gear and got into the bathroom to take a quick shower. After putting on clean clothes, he walked out of the bathroom with a towel, wiping his head. With water stains on the top, Bian strode to the small conference room.

In the small conference room, Li Dongsheng, Professor Chang and Wan Lin's grandfather were drinking tea and chatting, looking very relaxed. As soon as Wan Lin appeared at the door, his grandfather smiled and beckoned him to sit beside him.

As soon as Wan Lin sat down, Professor Chang pushed a cup of hot tea in front of him and said, "It's hard work, hurry up and drink some hot tea." Wan Lin took the cup and sat down, watching Professor Chang's question and answer: "Xiaoya and the others are all Didn't you come back?"

The professor said, "You are out on a mission, so they all stayed by Yu Jing's side to ensure her safety."

Wan Lin wiped the water stains on his head with the towel in his hand, put the towel on the conference table, took a sip from the teacup on the table, and then reported the battle in detail.

After he finished talking about the battle, he repeated to Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang the situation of the Yamaguchi security guard and the spy intelligence station that Momonga explained before his death.

He hesitated after the report, reached out and took out the note and bank card left by Momonga from his pocket, told what Momonga had entrusted to him before committing suicide, then stared at Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang and said, "This is Momonga's last act. He gave me the bank card and his sister's address, and there was the password of the bank card on the note. He hoped that I could give the money to her sister. At the same time, he also said that if I don't want to, I can also transfer the money. Give it to the Chinese people who were hurt by him."

After listening to Wan Lin's narration, Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang glanced at each other solemnly. Professor Chang stretched out his hand to take the note in Wan Lin's hand and glanced at it, and said in surprise: "The location is md country, it seems that this Momonga is not a little devil."

Li Dongsheng also took the note and glanced at it, and then explained to Professor Chang: "Yamaguchi Security's business covers all continents, and they have a branch in Asia. Their members are mainly composed of retired special forces from country R, ​​but some of them may be He is from another country in the area. This Momonga must have picked up a gun since he was a child in a war-torn area, and has rich combat experience, so he was selected as Yamaguchi Security."

At this time, the elderly Wanjia took the note and looked at it carefully, and said thoughtfully, "I know this place. I hunted to this place when I was young, and it is connected to the mountain where my ancestral home lived. In the past, There were not so many boundary monuments in the mountains, and I walked out of the country without paying attention. At that time, the people there were very poor, and the people there depended on planting drugs for a living.

Wan Lin raised his head and glanced at Li Dongsheng. They knew that the address written by Momonga on the note was in the vast mountain where the Scimitar tribe was located. It was indeed very poor. They took up arms and joined the armed forces of drug dealers, and some directly joined the government army.

It seems that this Momonga must have picked up the weapon of murder in such poverty. He later joined Yamaguchi Security, which is to use the money he earned from his hard work to bring the little girl who was still living in dire straits out of that barren land.

Li Dongsheng heard his grandfather's words and said, "The mountain area is still the same as it used to be, it is very turbulent, and the life of the common people is indeed very difficult." He shook his head slightly, and asked Wan Lin in a low voice: "You were at that time. How do you answer this Momonga?"

Wan Lin hesitated and replied, "I just said I would do my best! Momonga said, if it can be delivered, it will be delivered. If it cannot be delivered, the money will be taken out and given to the Chinese who was wounded under his gun."

Hearing this, Professor Chang sighed and said: "People are good at their words when they are about to die. It is rare for this Momonga to repent at the last moment. This is the money he exchanged for his life, and we are not uncommon. However, he can say In this it shows that he still has a conscience and is much stronger than those crazy little devils! Deputy Minister Li, what do you think about this money?"

Before Li Dongsheng could answer, the old Wan family looked at Wan Lin with a serious expression and said, "What our Wan family said is a sure thing. Since you promised to do your best, you can send the money when you have a chance! We must not keep our sister's money."

Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang nodded silently when they heard the old man's words. Li Dongsheng looked at Wan Lin and said, "Leave this bank card with you first, and look for it when you have a chance to perform a mission nearby. There is chaos there, and no one can tell what his sister's situation is now. , do your best."

Professor Chang followed up and said, "Yes, you hold it first, and you can talk about it when you have the opportunity." After he finished speaking, he told Wan Lin what happened in the hospital last night.

Wan Lin glanced at his grandfather in surprise, then laughed: "Hehehe, I said why are you so excited? It turns out that Xiaoya and the others killed two spies with their own hands."

The old man said excitedly: "My grandson is fighting in the north and south, naturally I, the grandfather, can't be idle. This is considered our grandson and grandson to join forces to kill the enemy, right? It's really fun to clean up these bastards! Hahahaha. "

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