Panther Commando

Chapter 2725: lover's snuggle

Li Dongsheng and Professor Chang laughed when they looked at the excited expressions of the Wanjia old man. At this time, Xiaobai ran in from the door after being clean. He stood at the door and looked at the people in the room excitedly. He got up and jumped on Grandpa's shoulder, rubbing his little head against the old man's face affectionately.

Seeing Xiao Bai's excited look, Wan Lin smiled and told Xiao Bai's disguise in the canyon again. Several people looked at Xiao Bai and laughed.

Li Dongsheng immediately stood up with a smile and said, "It's getting late, Wan Lin, hurry up and accompany grandpa to rest. Tomorrow, you can take a day off here to accompany grandpa, and then go to work in the research institute the day after tomorrow, you fake researcher still needs Put it on."

Wan Lin agreed with a smile, stretched out his hand and took Xiaobai off his grandfather's shoulder, and dragged the old man to his dormitory...

It was after ten o'clock the next morning that Wan Lin got up from the bed. These two days of continuous pursuit of the enemy in the mountains day and night, he and a few comrades did feel a little tired.

He sat up from the bed and looked at the bed next to him. The bed was empty. He didn't know when his grandfather got up and went out, and even Xiaobai disappeared. He quickly jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up, then put on his casual clothes and walked out of the room.

At this time, Xiaoya hurried in from outside the small courtyard. She saw Wan Lin who had just walked out of the room, and a light immediately appeared in her eyes.

She trotted all the way to Wan Lin and looked at him with concern. Seeing that he was not wearing bandages, she took his arm and asked in a low voice, "Is everyone okay?" Saying that, she turned to look at the quiet dormitory next to her.

Wan Lin quickly took Xiaoya's hand and walked into the room, then replied, "Everyone is safe. We came back from the battle late last night. Everyone was so tired that they didn't even get up. I heard that you are also in the hospital. You killed two killers, and you killed one with your own hands? It was said that it was very dangerous at the time." He took Xiaoya's hand and looked up and down her slender body.

Xiaoya raised her face and said proudly, "Of course, at that time I raised my hand and killed a killer. You are killing the enemy outside, of course we can't be idle, am I good?"

Wan Lin looked at Xiaoya's pretty red face, turned her face and glanced out the window, reached out and pulled her into his arms, lowered her head and kissed her red lips with all her might.

Xiaoya pushed him away with a flushed face, and complained in a low voice, "You dare to carry out a sneak attack in broad daylight?" Wan Lin grinned, looked up at the quiet window and said, "Haha, a sneak attack is a big deal. The expertise of our special forces, you have to be careful in the future." After speaking, he stuck his head out and kissed Xiaoya greedily again.

Xiaoyajiao hugged Wan Lin angrily, and then gently pushed him away. Wan Lin looked out the window like a thief, and asked in a low voice, ""Right, why are you here at this time, have you seen Grandpa? "

Xiaoya replied: "Sister Yu and Lingling heard that you were back this morning, so I hurried over to see everyone. When I drove into the training base, I saw Professor Chang's car going out, and my grandfather looked through the car window. In the beginning, he went to the hospital to see Xie Chao and the others, and let us go there in a while."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Wan Lin and said, "By the way, Grandpa told me yesterday that Xie Chao and the others' injuries have stabilized, and we are too busy here. He wants to go back." Wan Lin heard that Grandpa wanted to go back. , his face darkened. He knew that Grandpa was afraid of affecting him here, so he proposed to go back.

Xiaoya saw Wan Lin's sad look and knew that he was reluctant to leave his grandfather. He took Wan Lin's hand and gently caressed it, softly comforting: "Grandpa, go back if you want, or let the old man see that we are in such danger and worry about us. When the case of the Institute is finished, we will be together. Go back to see the old man."

Wan Lin nodded silently, and he understood in his heart: Although the old man never said anything, but he watched himself **** and **** in the hail of bullets, how could he not worry about his grandson? How can I live here quietly!

He said in a low voice, "Okay, Grandpa is here watching us busy, and he must be uneasy. You can book a flight back for Grandpa." Xiaoya quickly replied: "Professor Chang has already arranged it, he knows you I won't stop the old man from going back, so I have asked the National Security Bureau to book a ticket for this afternoon, and arranged for someone to send the old man back."

"Alas!" Wan Lin sighed with a dull expression when he heard that his grandfather was leaving in the afternoon. He followed and stared at Xiaoya and sighed, "This goodbye, I don't know when I can see Grandpa again? I don't know when this case will end."

Xiaoya's face darkened when she heard Wan Lin's sigh. She silently dragged Wan Lin to the couch next to her and sat down, leaning tightly on Wan Lin's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Yes, I really don't know when I will be able to visit grandpa. "

Both of them knew in their hearts that now the case of the Institute has entered a critical period of detection, and no one can predict what will happen next? No one can predict when they will be able to go home to visit the elderly again.

The two snuggled up quietly and no one Time seemed to stop suddenly at this moment. Both of them had just experienced a **** and **** battle, and at this moment, the tranquility of snuggling up tightly together gave them a feeling of peace that ordinary people couldn't understand. The most common snuggle between lovers, but there is an extraordinary feeling in the hearts of these two special forces.

Just as they were quietly snuggling, the door was suddenly knocked open with a bang. Xiaobai slammed open the door with his head and rushed in without hesitation. Seeing Xiaoya, he grinned excitedly. With a bang, the door sprang up, and ran directly into her arms. With his paws, Wan Lin pulled away Wan Lin's hand that was holding Xiaoya, then raised his big tail and swayed affectionately on Xiaoya's face, quite a feeling of reunion after a long absence.

Xiaoya smiled and lowered her head and kissed Xiaobai, Wan Lin also raised his hand and rubbed Xiaobai's head lightly, and scolded softly, "Stinky thing, are you jealous of me?" Ya kissed **** her delicate cheek and stood up with a smile.

Seeing Wan Lin's appearance, Xiao Bai also raised his head and rubbed Xiao Ya's cheek hard, and then looking at Wan Lin, she opened her mouth wide and let out a strange "quack" laugh, as if she was saying, "Me too. I know this trick." At this time, the sound of the door opening came from the small courtyard outside, and a group of Hua Leopard team members, all dressed in casual clothes, walked out of the dormitory one after another.

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