Panther Commando

Chapter 2727: shining image

There was a sense of helplessness in the old man's words. He looked up at Wan Lin and said, "I have given you the prescription of our Wan family. You and Xiaoya will take a good look at it when you are free. This is a precious treasure for curing diseases and saving lives. "

Wan Lin nodded vigorously and said, "I know, I have already memorized the recipes in my heart, and Xiaoya is also studying hard."

The old man glanced at Xiaoya with relief, got up and looked at Xie Chao and the three of them and said, "You guys are all good, grandpa is happy for you! Xiaochao, I'll call your grandfather when I go back, so that you can be beautiful. The people in the door also know that there is a little hero who protects the family and the country from Lingxiu, and they will be happy when they know!"

At this time, Xie Chao was already sitting on the head of the bed. He heard his grandfather's praise, his pale face suddenly turned red, and he said shyly: "What's the matter, we are far worse than Captain Wan and the others. By the way, Don't tell Shanhua and my grandfather that I am injured, I am afraid they will be worried."

The old man smiled and said, "Don't say it, don't say it. By the way, do you have anything to bring to your sister Shanhua?" Xie Chao thought for a while, and suddenly reached out and picked up a notebook from the bedside table, his face flushed from it. He took out a photo and said, "Grandpa, please give this to Shanhua."

As he said that, he looked a little embarrassedly at Wan Lin and the others who were looking at the photo with their heads stretched out and said, "Ha ha ha, after I put on this scout's clothes, I asked Brother Xu to take a picture for me. "

Wan Lin and the others laughed when they saw Xie Chao, who was holding a sniper rifle and wearing a special combat uniform in the photo. Xiaoya smiled and said, "Our Xiaochao is really spirited in this military uniform. Shanhua must be so happy to see you like this."

Grandpa took the photo and looked at it carefully, and said with a smile, "Hehehe, Shanhua must be happy to see his brother in such a spirit." After speaking, the old man handed the photo to Xiaoya and said, "Pack it up for me, but Don't get dirty." Xiaoya quickly ran to the nurse station outside to find a piece of paper, carefully wrapped the photo, walked back to the ward and handed it to the old man.

Xiaoya followed and said to Xie Chao: "When your injury is completely healed, Lingling and I will find a camera to take a few pictures of you. Grandpa said that Lingxiu Mountain can already receive the mobile phone signal, and we will pass it to the old master through the mobile phone. And your father, let them also take a good look at your mighty image." Xie Chao thanked him excitedly, with a proud smile on his face.

At this time, Xu Liang, who was lying on the hospital bed next to him, turned his head with difficulty, grinned and said, "Sister Xiaoya, send me a few pictures too, so that the girls in Lingxiu Mountain can also take a look. My glorious image, let's see if I can find a girl from Lingxiu Mountain."

When Bao Ya, who was standing beside him, heard his words, he raised his fist and shook it in front of his face with a smile and scolded: "Stinky boy, you are so hurt, why don't you forget to find a girl?" Xu Liang grinned and said: "The girl in Lingxiu Mountain must be smart. If there is such a smart and simple girl by my side, I will definitely be able to get up tomorrow, and I will definitely not need to take medicine and injection."

Several people around laughed, the old man took the photo with a smile and told Xu Liang and the three of them a few words, and then walked out of the ward with Wan Lin and the others. Wan Lin asked as he walked, "Didn't you come with Professor Chang? What about others?"

"I made him busy, don't mind me. By the way, you can accompany me to buy something for a few children. I finally came out, how can I go back empty-handed." The old man said while following Wan Lin He and Xiaoya took the elevator to the downstairs. At this time, Cheng Ru, who was waiting downstairs to visit in turn, quickly gathered around when they saw Grandpa coming down.

The old man looked at everyone kindly and said solemnly: "You all have to be careful in the future, bullets have no eyes. This time Xiao Xu and Yan Ying are quite dangerous. If I happened to be here, it is hard to say whether I can save them or not. ."

Everyone knew that the old man was worried about them, so they quickly agreed. Wan Lin looked at Cheng Ru and the others and said, "Go up. After the visit, you will take turns to pick up Mr. Yu according to the original plan. You must be vigilant and pay attention to safety."

He said to Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng who were following behind him: "You and Laocheng and the others will go back to the station first, and Xiaoya and I will go shopping with grandpa." After that, he and Xiaoya accompanied grandpa to go to the station. Go to the parking lot.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya accompanied their grandfather to the mall for a long walk. They bought clothes for each of the children in the family. They also went to the supermarket to buy some local souvenirs, and then drove back to the training base of the National Security Bureau.

As soon as the few people entered the courtyard, Li Dongsheng, Yu Jing, Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying greeted them from the room. Lingling and the others surrounded the old man affectionately. Yu Jing came over and grabbed the old man's hand and said, "I heard Lao Li say you want to go back, why did you have to go back after so few days?"

The old man glanced at Yu Jing with a smile, and then said, "Isn't there a few children at home? I'm worried after a long time out. By the way, do you have anything for Jingyi?"

Yu Jing hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, I'm all ready." After saying that, she turned her head and glanced at Li Dongsheng. Li Dongsheng said with a smile: "Jingyi, this girl has made you worry, Yu Jing bought some things for several After saying that, he took the old man to Wanlin's dormitory. .

A few people walked into the house and sat on the sofa. Li Dongsheng pointed to a small suitcase on the coffee table and said, "Yu Jing went to the city in the morning to buy some clothes and shoes for several children, and they were all in the box."

He then pointed to the two porcelain jars next to him and said, "We've been too busy during this time, and we didn't even bother to invite you to have a good drink. This is a 20-year-old wine from two small jars brought by a comrade of mine. Huadiao, take it back and have a taste."

"Twenty years of flower carvings?" The old man's eyes flashed brightly, he grabbed the two jars of wine on the coffee table, and squinted his eyes to take a closer look. Several people around saw the old man's appearance and laughed.

Wu Xueying asked with a smile, "Grandpa, why do I look at you like an old alcoholic? When I see good wine, my eyes light up." "Hahahaha..." Several people around laughed.

The old man put down the wine jar carefully, raised his head to look at Wu Xueying and said with a smile: "You don't know, 20-year-old flower carvings are rare objects. Back then, when Lord Qianlong married a granddaughter to the grassland, the dowry was specially included in the dowry. Fifteen years of Huadiao dowry. We are 20-year-old Huadiao, but it is better than what Qianlong Grandpa drank back then. Do you think Grandpa's eyes will not light up when he sees this kind of good wine?"

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