Panther Commando

Chapter 2728: Jiashan tribute wine

Lingling picked up the beautifully decorated small wine jar and took a closer look, then asked, "Grandpa, what is a zong's daughter, isn't it Qianlong's daughter?" Several people around looked at her grandfather, and everyone really didn't know what a zong was. Female.

The grandfather replied with a smile: "The daughter of the sect is the daughter of the emperor's same sect, not the emperor's biological daughter, that is, the daughter of the prince. It is said that Qianlong loved this married sect daughter very much. He knew that this sect daughter liked to drink Huadiao wine very much. And this time, the marriage was to marry the son of a prince of Mongolia, far away from the mainland. Therefore, Lord Qianlong ordered the fifteenth prince Yongyan to prepare a large number of marriage items, and specially ordered the eight thousand altars fifteen years of flower sculptures as dowry. This Yongyan is the later Emperor Jiaqing."

"There are so many flower carvings on the altar of eight thousand altars, where can I find them?" Wu Xueying and Wen Meng shouted in unison, and the others looked at the old man in astonishment.

Grandpa said with a smile: "Hehe, that time was different from now. Mongolia was very far away from our mainland. At that time, the transportation was mainly by horse-drawn carriages, unlike the modern transportation such as trains, cars, and planes. Anything you want can be shipped quickly. It wasn't possible at that time, so Qianlong asked to prepare more so that the clan girl he liked could drink the wine from his hometown all year round."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with interest, the old man continued: "The gold and silver jewelry, silk satin, and accessories in the dowry at that time were all ready soon. The aged Huadiao is worrying the purchasing officials. The origin of Huadiao wine is in the two southern provinces. At that time, it was mainly brewed by some big families in their own wineries, mainly to satisfy themselves and their relatives and friends for drinking.”

The old man said that he took a cup of hot tea handed over by Xiaoya and took a sip, and then said: "At that time, some business wine workshops also made this kind of flower carving, but which wine workshop can have so many fifteen years. It's a good old wine, but at that time, I was worried about the fifteenth brother who was in charge of purchasing."

"Later, the fifteenth brother specially invited an old minister who was very fond of drinking this kind of flower carving to come forward, and then he found this batch of fifteen-year-old wines in the house of a rich man named Jiashan in the south. At that time, the fifteenth brother was overjoyed and personally gave this The winery of the rich family is titled 'Jiashan Tribute Wine', and Jiashan Huadiao is also famous in China because of this Jiaqing Emperor's title."

The old man smiled and said to Wu Xueying: "Yingying, do you see if these two jars of wine are from Jiashan?" Wu Xueying quickly picked up the jar and glanced at it, and said in surprise, "It's really from Jiashan, and the name of the wine is 'Jiashan Tribute Wine'. Hee hee, that's a really good thing."

When Xiaoya heard this, she flashed her long eyelashes and asked, "It was purchased in the palace at that time. There are a lot of rice wine in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. You should be able to get eight thousand altars, right?"

The grandfather replied: "In the past, there were many purchasing rules in the palace, and the quality requirements were extremely high. For the purchase of such wines, each batch must be brewed in the same workshop and stored in the same wine cellar. It cannot be harvested and prepared in several places, so as to ensure the same quality. Therefore, it takes 8,000 altars to age in the same winery and the same batch for fifteen years. In the era when all wineries were made at that time, it was indeed a very important piece of wine. hard things."

The old man said, looking at Li Dongsheng and said cheerfully: "Hehehe, can I not like such a good thing you said? I accept these two jars of wine! Besides, Jingyi is very well-behaved. Don’t worry. These children are very attractive and will be as promising as you in the future, so don’t worry about all of you.”

The old man turned his head to look at Yu Jing again and said, "It's hard for you, you are so caring about Jingyi and the children, you are indeed a good girl."

Yu Jing glanced at Li Dongsheng with a blushing face, and said in a low voice, "Isn't Lao Li's child my child? Shanshan and Xiaomiao are also very lovable, how can I not care. They are all of us. The descendants of the Wan family are also the descendants of our Wan family disciples."

Lingling and the others on the side laughed when they heard Yu Jing's words. Lingling said, "Yes, our big girls have descendants." Wan Lin raised his eyes with a smile when he heard this. A few girls who looked like flowers and jade blurted out: "You have offspring without getting married. Isn't that pregnant before marriage?"

Before he finished speaking, "crack crack crack", a few white and tender palms have been stretched out, and the palms of a few girls rushed to fall on him.

"Hahahaha..." Li Dongsheng and his grandfather both burst into laughter. The girls looked at each other with blushing faces, followed by hugging each other and laughing.

At this time, Professor Chang walked in with a young man. He looked at the laughing people and asked with a smile: "What's the happy event?" Li Dongsheng replied with a smile: "We are studying the matter of the eldest girl having descendants. Woolen cloth."

Everyone laughed again, and Yu Jing turned around and slapped Li Dongsheng with a red face. Professor Chang also laughed, looked at the old man and said, "Brother, I really envy you, you have so many good grandsons and granddaughters."

The old man Wanjia looked at the group of girls around him with relief, the wrinkles on his face stretched out, he said with a smile: "Yes, my Wanjia has been withering I didn't expect my generation But suddenly the population is prosperous. This is the yin virtue accumulated by the ancestors of the thousands of families. It is indeed my blessing to see these children in front of my eyes."

He looked at the young man behind Professor Chang, and then asked, "Have you booked the plane ticket?" Professor Chang pointed sideways at the young man and said, "It has been booked, and it's all with him. This is Xiao Zhang from the National Security Bureau. He will accompany you back. After the plane lands, Director Ye Feng over there will send someone to pick you up, I have already told him."

The old man said gratefully: "I came here to cause you so much trouble, thank you so much." Professor Chang walked up to the old man and said, "Isn't it right for you to go out in person at such an old age? I have instructed the cafeteria of the base to prepare meals for you, we will go there now."

He pulled the old man to stand up, and then greeted everyone and walked to the base canteen outside the hospital. Wan Lin and Xiaoya silently followed behind the old man, with an inseparable look on their faces.

After lunch, everyone carried their bags and accompanied the old man to the parking lot. Wan Lin and the others walked to their respective cars, wanting to drive the old man to the airport.

At this moment, the old man turned around and raised his hand to stop everyone and said, "Don't send it to anyone, and Lin'er doesn't need to go to the airport, just have Xiao Zhang to send me off!"

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