Panther Commando

Chapter 2743: boring journey

After Bao Ya drove on the expressway for more than two hours, Wan Lin looked up at the road sign in front of him, patted Bun Ya's shoulder lightly and said, "Old Bao, are you tired? Go to the expressway service area in front of you for a rest meeting. Well, let's make it easier too."

"Okay!" Bao Ya agreed, turned the steering wheel to the far right lane and passed, then slowed down and drove towards the service area not far ahead.

Bao Ya drove into the service area, and then stopped the car near the toilet. Zisheng pushed open the side door, jumped out of the car and quickly looked around, then said to Wan Lin who jumped out, "Do you need something to eat?"

Wan Lin looked around and replied, "Okay, let's go for convenience first. Lao Bao, look at the little flower." Then, he stuffed the little flower in his arms into Bao Ya's arms and looked at the person who came down from the side. Li Xiaofeng said, "Little Li, let's go for a while." Li Xiaofeng agreed and followed Wan Lin and Zisheng to the bathroom.

Bao Ya jumped out of the car with Xiaohua in his arms and looked around. At a glance, he saw Zhang Wa's silver-gray off-road vehicle parked not far from the side. Zhang Wa was leaning against the door and holding a large loaf of bread to chew on, not far away. In front of the shop stood the Yuwen brothers.

At this time, Xiaohua had also seen Zhang Wa and a few others. It was about to escape from Bao Ya's arms with a wagging tail. Bao Ya quickly hugged it and whispered, "Don't go there!" She raised her hand and covered it in front of Xiaohua. Click to signal it not to look that way.

Xiaohua raised her head and glanced at Bao Ya, turned around from him and ran into the car, then lay down beside the car window in frustration and looked at Zhang Wa.

Bao Ya smiled and gave Xiaohua a thumbs up, then turned his head and looked to the other side, just in time to see the wind knife's car also slowly driving from the highway into the service area. Bao Ya turned around and secretly made a gesture to Zhang Wa on the side, closed the door and walked to the bathroom.

As soon as he walked to the door of the bathroom, he saw Wan Lin and Lin Zisheng come out, but there was no Li Xiaofeng beside him. Bao Ya whispered to Wan Lin and Zisheng: "Xiaohua is in the car, the brothers have followed, where is Li Xiaofeng?"

Zisheng glanced around and replied, "He said to squat inside for a while. Let's go to the supermarket to buy something to eat." Bao Ya nodded and walked to the bathroom. He knew in his heart that Li Xiaofeng must have contacted his comrades in the bathroom.

Wan Lin and Zisheng walked slowly to the supermarket in the service area, while looking around casually. At this time, they have seen that Zhang Wa and Fengdao appear in the service area with their own team members, and Chengru and Xiaoya's vehicles must also be near this service area.

Wan Lin and the two bought a few bottles of mineral water in the supermarket, and then walked out with some bread and ham. As soon as the two walked to the car, they saw Bao Ya and Li Xiaofeng also walking out of the bathroom and striding towards the car.

Wan Lin raised his hand and handed the two breads in his hand to Bao Ya and Li Xiaofeng, who were approaching, and said to Li Xiaofeng with a smile: "Little Li, make do with it, so that you can save some time and get to your destination as soon as possible."

Li Xiaofeng took the bread and said, "I'm so sorry, these things should be handled by me. My stomach is not feeling well these days, so I just squatted for a while." After speaking, he reached out and took Lin Zisheng over it. bottle of mineral water.

At this time, Li Xiaofeng's face was a little excited. While eating bread, he looked at the parking lot and said, "There aren't many vehicles in the service area, so you have to come out early when you drive."

Wan Lin turned his head to look around, and saw that Zhang Wa, who was standing outside the car just now, had returned to the car, and his teammates could no longer be seen around. He knew in his heart that Zhang Wa and the others were afraid of attracting Li Xiaofeng's attention, so he returned to the car to monitor the surrounding movement.

Zhang Wa and the other leopard team members were only on the mission to **** Yu Jing secretly and did not appear in the research institute, so they were not afraid to meet Li Xiaofeng, but at this time they could not determine whether the spies of the intelligence station were following, so they acted are very careful.

Wan Lin and the others finished their bread and drank a few sips of water. Li Xiaofeng turned around and said to Bao Ya, "Old Bao, you have been driving for several hours. Shall I have a meeting?"

At this time, Lin Zisheng walked up to Bao Ya with a smile, took the car keys and said, "I'll do it. Our mission is to protect Researcher Wan. It's our duty to drive, and you should lead the way." Said Then, he opened the side door beside the cab and got in.

Seeing that Li Xiaofeng was a little embarrassed, Wan Lin said with a smile, "Little Li, let them drive, we each have our own division of labor." After that, he followed Bao Ya to the back seat, and Li Xiaofeng also hurried to the other side of the car. Sitting on the side of the passenger seat.

It was not a holiday and there were not many vehicles on the highway, and most of them were heavy trucks laden with cargo. Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng took turns driving their off-road vehicles madly on the road. At noon, a few people drove into the service area and ate something hastily, and then they dashed all the way to their destination.

The off-road vehicle ran for nearly ten hours on the highway. Li Xiaofeng sat in the co-pilot seat and looked down at his mobile phone. Wan Lin in the back seat leaned on the back of the seat and closed his eyes. The inside of the car seemed very quiet.

At this moment, the phone rang Wan Lin quickly straightened up and took out the phone from his pocket, he raised the phone to his ear and listened for a while, then said, "Okay, I see. ."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and stretched, looking at Li Xiaofeng in the front passenger seat and asked, "Little Li, how far are we from our destination?"

When Li Xiaofeng heard Wan Lin's question, he looked up at the road sign on the highway in front of him, then turned around and said, "The two brothers are driving really fast, there are still more than 100 kilometers to go, and it takes about two hours to enter the provincial capital. Now, you should be able to go near the research institute at ten o'clock in the evening. By the way, do you need me to book a hotel near the research institute online?"

Wan Lin shook his head and replied, "No, the military area security office has already arranged accommodation for us. After we arrive at the provincial capital, we will find a place to eat, and then we will go to the hotel to rest. That's how I arranged it, you will bring us there tomorrow morning. Research Institute, where I will check the processing equipment, if there is no problem, we will return early the day after tomorrow."

Li Xiaofeng said with a smile: "This is your first time here, right? The provincial capital is surrounded by mountains and there are many famous scenic spots. I suggest you to visit. You are too busy during this time, and you also need to rest and rest. Besides, those who are engaged in research need to be clear-headed, and looking at the green mountains and green waters can also broaden their horizons, maybe in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, your research will be done!"

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