Panther Commando

Chapter 2744: heart scars

"Hehehe..." Wan Lin laughed when he heard Li Xiaofeng's words, he raised his hand and pushed the black-rimmed glasses on his face, and said with a smile, "That's true, research work is like this, when you encounter a bottleneck, you The more you lie there and don't move, the more you can't think of a solution, but if you go out for a walk, maybe you can come back and solve the problem."

He followed up and asked, "Xiao Li, seeing as you are so familiar with research work, have you been in this line of work before, why are you now in administrative work?"

Hearing Wan Lin's question, Li Xiaofeng suddenly flashed an angry look in his eyes, his face turned pale, he hesitated for a while before sighing in a low tone: "Oh, don't mention it, I was assigned to the Institute after graduating from university. At that time, this institute was not the current weapons institute, it was a physics institute in the province at that time.”

Wan Lin had already studied Li Xiaofeng's file in detail with Professor Chang, and knew that it was most likely because of his psychological changes that he was instigated by foreign spies and became a spy hidden in the weapons research institute.

But Wanlin was really curious. He wondered why Li Xiaofeng, a well-educated person who had practiced martial arts since childhood, could have embarked on a road of no return to betray the motherland because of a little setback in his work. ?

In the contact with Yu Jing, Wan Lin has already realized that people who are engaged in scientific research have extremely high IQ and logical analysis ability. People like Li Xiaofeng must understand the consequences of betraying Huaxia. What about people with extremely high IQs being spies?

Wan Lin sat in the back seat and looked at Li Xiaofeng quietly with a questioning look in his eyes. Li Xiaofeng's expression seemed very gloomy. He turned his head to look at Wan Lin and continued: "I was really happy when I was admitted to the institute, and I fantasized about being a scientist like Mr. Yu and you. A small accident shattered my dream!"

When he said this, his face suddenly turned red, and he continued emotionally: "Actually, the accident was not my fault! It was because the professor in charge of the research project wrote a wrong experimental procedure in the experiment, and my experiment The experimenter just carried out this wrong procedure! But all the blame for the failure of the experiment was put on my little experimenter."

At this time, Li Xiaofeng's face was very excited, both eyes were full of blood, and even his breathing suddenly became rapid. Obviously, Wan Lin's question had deeply touched a scar buried in his heart.

Wan Lin looked at him quietly. At this time, he understood Li Xiaofeng's psychological changes at that time, and also understood that this was the direct reason for Li Xiaofeng's betrayal of the motherland, that is, the conclusion of being wronged, which turned Li Xiaofeng's psychology upside down. The changes made him embark on a desperate road to betray the motherland in the extreme.

At this time, a sad feeling suddenly appeared in Wan Lin's heart. Li Xiaofeng betrayed his motherland and joined the spy organization. Of course, this has his own reasons, but some external factors directly led him to take this road and ruined him. Such a dream student. It is truly a sad thing that a college graduate who could have made great achievements in his career, but because of such an unfair thing, led him to embark on a path of self-destruction.

Li Xiaofeng was deeply touched by Wan Lin's sudden mention of this topic. His emotions suddenly lost control at this moment, as if he had changed a person in an instant. The polite appearance he usually pretended to have disappeared completely. The muscles on his face were trembling slightly, and the blue veins near his neck and temples were exposed, and his body had unconsciously exuded a fierce murderous aura.

Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng in the car felt the murderous aura emanating from him, their muscles tensed up, and they turned slightly to the side of the furious Li Xiaofeng to prevent him from suddenly shooting in his rage. At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly put his arms around his chest, with a surprised look on his face, and his face suddenly turned pale.

At this time, Li Xiaofeng suddenly saw Bao Ya sitting next to Wan Lin, turning slightly to his side, looking at him vigilantly. And Lin Zisheng, who was driving next to him, was also holding the steering wheel with one hand and the gear lever of the off-road vehicle with his right hand.

Li Xiaofeng was suddenly startled, and quickly looked at Wan Lin, only to notice that Wan Lin frowned slightly and folded his arms around his chest, as if he could no longer bear the infuriating energy emanating from him. He immediately realized that he had lost his temper in the rage, and a strong murderous aura had unconsciously poured out of him.

He quickly took a deep breath to restrain the murderous aura emanating from his body, then took a few more deep breaths to calm his rage, and then looked at Wan Lin apologetically, shook his head gently, and said in a low voice: " Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a little rude."

Wan Lin looked at Li Xiaofeng, who had calmed down, and was secretly surprised. Just now, he was facing Li Xiaofeng directly. Li Xiaofeng's infuriating anger in his body was the first to hit him. Sharp.

Therefore, Wan Lin immediately showed the reaction that an ordinary person should have, and his face also showed an uncomfortable look, but in his heart he secretly praised that Li Xiaofeng really had good skills. At that time, the small carriage was full of people. It feels like the air is Wan Lin frowned when he heard Li Xiaofeng's apology, and said to Bao Ya next to him, "Open the window, why do I feel a little suffocated?" Bao Ya heard Wan Lin's voice and knew that the leopard's head was specially made for Li Xiaofeng to see, and was reminding herself that she should react properly to prevent Li Xiaofeng from becoming suspicious.

Bao Ya stretched out his hand and pressed the window glass, then looked at Li Xiaofeng with a surprised expression and said, "What a sharp breath, have you practiced martial arts before?"

At this time, Li Xiaofeng was carefully observing the reactions of the three people in the car. Although he had inadvertently exuded the true energy in his body just now, he immediately observed the reactions of the three people in the car vigilantly after he woke up.

When Wan Lin pretended to be a researcher and first came to the institute, he had released his true energy to test Bao Ya and Zisheng. He knew that the two bodyguards around Wan Lin had internal skills, but the skills displayed by the other party at that time were not the same. Not deep.

Now his murderous aura in his rage is very strong. These two bodyguards should have a clear sense of being in such a close distance. If the people sent by the security offices of the two military regions, Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng, did not say anything, this only It can be shown that the Military Region Security Office has already investigated him in depth, knowing that he has a solid foundation in martial arts, so this business trip is very likely to be a trap.

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