Panther Commando

Chapter 2757: play hard

The wind knife, disguised as the director of the processing factory, looked at Wan Lin and replied, "Okay, we'll go in right away." Then he said apologetically to Li Xiaofeng and the others, "I'm sorry, the things you processed this time are classified equipment. , President Yu ordered to let Researcher Wan check it in person, so I can only aggrieved the few of you to go to the reception room next to you to rest, sorry."

After he finished speaking, he said to Wang Dali who was on the side: "Little Wang, you bring the three to the reception room and treat them well." Wang Dali agreed, and led a few people to the reception room on the side. Fengdao walked towards the factory area in front with Wan Lin, who was holding a small flower.

The air knife took Wan Lin into the processing workshop in front, and followed through the roaring workshop to a spacious office on the side. Wan Lin walked into the office and saw Cheng Ru and Xiaoya holding Xiaobai standing by the door looking at him at a glance.

Wan Lin took a step forward and grabbed the hands of the two of them and shook it vigorously. The little flower on his shoulder also jumped on Xiaoya's shoulder with joy, and then jumped with Xiaobai to the sofa on the side. The two leopards landed on the sofa and rubbed their heads together a few times, then sat up on the sofa, grinning and shaking their front paws, as if they were exchanging things along the way.

Xiaoya took Wan Lin and walked into the house, while walking, she said worriedly: "You are here, we are all worried." Cheng Ru also said with a smile: "Yesterday we heard about you and Li Xiaofeng. Living alone in a room really makes us feel uneasy, so hurry up and sit down."

As he said that, he took Wan Lin and walked to the sofa, followed by bending over and picking up the two leopards who were standing on the sofa gesturing happily, and said, "Two little brothers, let me go." He put the two leopards in the corner of the sofa, reached out and took out two pieces of chocolate from his pocket and said, "Come on, congratulate our little brother."

Xiaohua and Xiaobai saw the chocolate in Wanlin's hand, raised their right paw and grabbed the delicious food in Chengru's hand, followed by wagging their big tails and jumped off the sofa, and ran to the side where there was no one, "click", "click" was wiped out.

Wan Lin and the others sat down, and Zhang Wa hurried in wearing a security uniform. Wan Lin beckoned Zhang Wa to sit down, looked at a few people and said, "Judging from Li Xiaofeng's reaction, he has already met Peacock in the expressway service area, and he has accepted the order of action. But at present, I have no guesses. Find out when he took action? Did you find anything on the periphery?"

Cheng Ru shook his head grimly, and continued: "Since entering the expressway, we have been following you, but we have not found any suspicious vehicles or personnel. Peacock and these people are professional spies, whether they are following you or with Li Xiaofeng. When contacted, they didn't show any clues. However, from the current situation analysis, these people are by your side! But if they don't take action, it is really difficult for us to find them. "

When Wan Lin heard Cheng Ru's answer, he was about to ask the professor about the situation on the National Security Bureau's side when the door was suddenly pushed open, and the professor strode in from outside with Ye Feng.

Wan Lin and the others saw that Ye Feng, the director of national security here, came over in person, and they all quickly stood up and saluted. Ye Feng raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads. He walked up to Wan Lin with a grim expression, grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously. Then he looked at the Chengru people around him with serious faces and said, "Professor He arrived here yesterday by plane, and he has already informed me about the **** battle between you and the enemy during this period of time, brothers, you have worked hard!"

At this time, Professor Chang glanced at Wan Lin and the others who were standing upright, and greeted everyone to sit down. He then looked at Wan Lin and said, "Director Ye has secretly increased the vigilance around the guest house, and the restaurant where you ate yesterday has also sent investigators. The staff is in, do you have any requirements here?"

Wan Lin glanced at Ye Feng gratefully, and continued: "The enemy has not taken action yet, it is difficult for us to distinguish Peacock and his men. Without action, we will not be able to start.”

Professor Chang glanced at Ye Feng, who was sitting beside him, and said thoughtfully, "Yes, this is indeed the difficulty of this mission. If the other party doesn't move, no matter how many people we have, we won't be able to start. Director Ye and I are also thinking about it. How can I call out the peacock? Director Ye came here in person this time, just to hear your thoughts."

Wan Lin nodded thoughtfully and continued: "From the analysis of the current situation in the area, Peacock has obtained samples of the micro-laser generator and what they think is the cold stone powder, but they don't know the mechanism of this laser generator emitting high-energy laser beams. .And Mr. Yu and my fake researcher are the main researchers who carry out this confidential research, so they will definitely hijack me, a senior researcher, without any effort."

He looked up at Ye Feng and Professor Chang and continued: "For Peacock and Li Xiaofeng, Mr. Yu and I are the key to cracking this micro-laser generator, and I am by their side now. Therefore, they will definitely I think that as long as I hijack a researcher who holds research secrets, all the mysteries of this cutting-edge weapon, the micro-laser generator, will be solved, so they will definitely follow up on this business trip to attack me.”

"For I am the bait to lure the enemy into taking the bait and wipe them out. Can we wipe out the spy intelligence network of Peacock? It depends on how we use my bait."

Everyone stared at Wan Lin attentively, mulling over every word he said in their minds. At this time, Professor Chang suddenly said with a solemn expression: "You mean, let us relax the surveillance of your surroundings, play hard to escape, and create opportunities for Peacock and Li Xiaofeng to hijack you?"

As soon as Professor Chang said this, nervous expressions appeared on the faces of the people around him, and a pair of worried eyes stared straight at Wan Lin. At this time, everyone has understood Wan Lin's plan. He wants to completely expose himself to the eyes of the enemy, and use his identity as a senior researcher to attract those enemies who are hidden in the dark!

Sure enough, when Wan Lin heard Professor Chang's question, he immediately replied with a firm attitude: "Yes, that's what I think! I have ordered Chengru to let all Hua Leopard team members relax their vigilance against me and create something for Li Xiaofeng and Peacock. Give me a chance to get close to me. We can only use my bait to fish out the peacock and his subordinates, so as to complete the task of wiping out the spy intelligence network of the peacock!"

Bamboo Fragrance Bookstore wishes all friends: Happy New Year, all your wishes come true! Thank you friends for your support throughout the year!

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