Panther Commando

Chapter 2758: never give up

Wan Lin's firm voice made the room immediately quiet, and everyone's faces became extremely nervous. At this time, everyone has understood Wan Lin's plan. He wants these comrades around him to stay away from him and create opportunities for the enemy to hijack him!

But since then, Wan Lin himself will be surrounded by many enemies. Once a critical situation occurs, everyone will not be able to rush to his side in time to ensure his personal safety!

Ye Feng and Professor Chang glanced at each other gloomily, they shook their heads at the same time, Ye Feng looked at Wan Lin and said, "This method is not feasible, it is too dangerous! Once an accident occurs, our people will not be able to rescue them. you."

Professor Chang also said solemnly: "Yes, now we have called out Peacock and the others, there is no need to rush them, they will fall into our eyes sooner or later."

Cheng Ru and Xiaoya also opened their mouths to deny Wan Lin's plan. At this time, Wan Lin raised his hands grimly and stopped Xiaoya and the others from talking.

At this time, Wan Lin's face was extremely serious, looking at Professor Chang and Ye Feng and said: "The threat of the spy station Peacock to our China is self-evident, as long as they are hidden in our China, our weapons research institute and China's secrets will be kept secret. Intelligence is in danger, and China's scientific research elites like President Yu are also at risk of being hijacked at any time."

He continued with a solemn expression: "We have only dug up one Li Xiaofeng now, but as long as we don't dug up spies like Peacock, they will develop another Li Xiaofeng who is greedy for profit. They are in the dark, we can only passively look for them. They, but when they were exposed, maybe our China's classified information has been sent abroad by them, we can't afford this kind of loss!"

When everyone heard Wan Lin's words, their faces became extremely grim. Wan Lin's words are indeed the difficulty for them to detect these spies. Hidden spies cannot detect their existence if they are not active, but once they are active, they may have stolen relevant confidential information. This loss is indeed too great. !

Wan Lin glanced at the crowd with piercing eyes, and then said, "I am a special soldier. Now that I have worked so hard and I have already caught the enemy, how can I go back, and how can I let these The spy escaped our sight unharmed?"

"For this operation, we have been planning for a long time, and we have let the enemy follow in our footsteps to come here. At this last moment, we must not give up! Besides, Bao Ya and Lin Zisheng may be attacked by the enemy at any time. I will never allow such a thing to happen to me!"

Wan Lin's voice has become sonorous and powerful, and his voice is like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of everyone present! Everyone understood that Wan Lin's analysis was intricate and to the point. But according to Wan Lin's plan, he himself will definitely be in great danger. Once Wan Lin is in danger, everyone will not be able to arrive in time!

At this time, everyone had stood up from the sofa with a dignified expression, and nervous expressions appeared in their eyes. Wan Lin also got up from the sofa, looked at the worried eyes around him, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he continued, "I understand everyone's feelings, but at this critical moment, our soldiers don't rush forward. , who is going to rush up? Our special soldiers are fighting on a special battlefield, which mission is not dangerous?"

He turned his head to look at Xiaoya, whose expression had become extremely nervous, and suddenly held her hand tightly and said softly, "Xiaoya, don't worry, we have all come out of strong winds and waves, what kind of dangers have we never experienced, What kind of difficulties and obstacles have never been broken through?! Don’t worry, no one can do anything to us, the children of the Wan family, and no enemy can escape from my Wan Lin’s hands!”

Wan Lin's voice suddenly became hard from the soft voice at the beginning, and the last two hard voices were like a burst of flames that suddenly burned, causing a sparkle in the eyes of everyone around him!

Wan Lin suddenly let go of the hands that were holding Xiaoya tightly, turned his head to look at Ye Feng and Professor Chang and said loudly, "Two chiefs, now success or failure has been decided in one fell swoop, I, Wan Lin, are ready to go through fire and water. Order!"

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he suddenly took off the black-rimmed glasses on his face, his feet slammed together, his body stood upright, and he looked at Professor Chang and Ye Feng with piercing eyes. At this moment, the casual clothes on his body suddenly bulged outwards, and fierce infuriating qi surged towards the surroundings.

Following Wan Lin's actions, everyone's feet suddenly came together. Cheng Ru and Xiaoya all stood up straight. Ye Feng and Professor Chang suddenly brought their feet together. , looking straight at the leopard head of the steel-like leopard commando in front of him!

At this moment, a layer of frost seemed to have condensed on the faces of Professor Chang and Ye Feng. The two looked at each other with piercing eyes, and Professor Chang suddenly said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "Okay! If you want to rule the world, today In this world, whoever will give up on me! We are all special soldiers, and when someone endangers my peace in China, we will not go to anyone!"

He stared deeply at Wan Lin's bright eyes, and said in a deep voice, "In the name of the commander-in-chief of this operation, I agree to your action plan!" He followed Cheng Ru and ordered: " Immediately cancel the tracking protection of the leopard head, and all actions follow the secret instructions issued by the leopard head!" Cheng Ru immediately took a step forward with a grim expression and replied, "Yes!"

Professor Chang followed Wan Lin with a dignified expression and said, "Once Peacock and Li Xiaofeng have taken action against you both internally and can we get in touch with you?"

Wan Lin immediately said: "From the current situation, Peacock is a spy with rich experience. Once they hijack me, they will definitely search me carefully to prevent me from having a positioning device and self-defense weapon, so I can't carry it on me. Any communications equipment and weapons."

He immediately lowered his head and glanced at Xiaohua and Xiaobai who were lying on the coffee table. He was about to say that he was bringing Xiaohua, but he shook his head gently and said, "Once I am taken away by Li Xiaofeng and his accomplices, Xiaohua will You can't follow me either. People like Li Xiaofeng are very vigilant, and if they find that Xiaohua is following, they will definitely kill him, so you can't let Xiaohua follow me, and you can only rely on Xiaohua and Xiaobai to covertly follow."

At this time, Xiaoya said nervously: "Then how do we know that people like Peacock have appeared by your side? How to determine the timing of the action?"

On the occasion of the coming of the New Year, Bamboo Fragrance Bookstore wishes all friends a happy New Year, a happy family, and all your wishes come true! Thank you friends for your support throughout the year!

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