Panther Commando

Chapter 2790: temporarily safe

Seeing Li Xiaofeng's condescending expression, Wan Lin nodded to him in surprise, then leaned on the rock and squinted his eyes, thinking to himself, "What does this kid Li Xiaofeng want to do? He was almost in the swamp just now. Killed him, but how could this kid be so polite to himself again, this kid is narrow-minded, and this behavior is a bit abnormal now."

He thought of this, and looked at Li Xiaofeng with the corner of his eyes in deep thought. At this moment, the boy was already leaning on the rock behind him. Light, as if making a major decision.

Wan Lin closed his eyes and leaned on the rock behind him, pondering the mole's thoughts in his heart, and thought to himself: Ever since Li Xiaofeng threw himself into these spies full of excitement, people like Peacock didn't treat him like a successful minister. The warm reception, but the evil words from time to time.

This may have hurt the mole with the back of his head, and his self-esteem has been greatly damaged. Just now, he was at the juncture of life and death in the deep swamp, and the spies around him looked at him with cold eyes and did not come to rescue him in time. This has shown that these spies did not regard him as their own, which probably made the mole annoyed. main reason.

Wan Lin pondered in his heart, then turned to look at Li Xiaofeng, and found that a look of resentment suddenly appeared on his face. His narrowed eyes stared straight at the two Peacocks, and there was a kind of resentment in his eyes. look. He stared viciously at the peacocks for a while, and then turned his eyes to Wan Lin's side again. A contemplative look suddenly appeared in his eyes, as if he was thinking of something bad against Wan Lin?

Wan Lin stared at this kid's every move calmly, and a thought suddenly flashed in his heart: Could this kid Li Xiaofeng want to transfer his resentment towards Peacock and the others to himself, and prepare to be detrimental to himself? Otherwise, how can this kid's demeanor be so strange.

He immediately became vigilant in his heart. Li Xiaofeng, this kid, has profound internal skills. If he suddenly attacked, he really had to be careful. He leaned against the rock at the foot of the mountain and closed his eyes. He quickly analyzed the current situation in his mind. Under the circumstance of being surrounded by powerful enemies, he really could not be careless at all. He must analyze the abnormal performance of each enemy to avoid In this case, he was plotted against himself.

He immediately looked towards the peacock and thought to himself: Although the peacock has lost interest in the mole, Li Xiaofeng, the fake senior researcher himself is the sweet pastry in the hands of the peacock. Now, in the eyes of Peacock spies and Li Xiaofeng, he is the treasure who holds all the secrets of the cutting-edge weapon, the micro-laser generator.

He suddenly felt at ease when he thought of this. Under the current circumstances, neither Peacock nor Li Xiaofeng would attack him for the time being. If Li Xiaofeng had any evil thoughts now, he could only use himself to deal with Peacock. hurt oneself!

Wan Lin carefully analyzed his current position, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. As long as the enemy didn't see that he was a fake researcher, he would never pose too much threat to his personal life. It was Li Xiaofeng's heart for Peacock Dissatisfaction will never threaten his safety.

Wan Lin analyzed the situation in front of him and immediately stretched his legs forward, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then picked up his infuriating energy and quickly recovered the physical strength he had lost in the swamp.

At this moment, a chirping sound of birds suddenly came from a distance. Wan Lin opened his eyes and saw that a group of black birds suddenly flew out from behind the top of the mountain in the north, flying towards the side of the mountain in panic. A group of spies who were resting around heard the birdsong, and raised their heads in surprise and looked into the air.

At this time, Wan Lin stared at the flock of panicked birds in the air, and already understood in his heart: "Something must have happened in the mountains on the north side not far away? Otherwise, so many birds would not have been startled. Did you do it with that group of mercenaries?" He thought to himself, and immediately turned his head to look at the peacock on the side.

At this time, Takahashi Yumi, who was leaning on the rock at the foot of the mountain, was also staring at the sky in astonishment. She stared at the flock of birds that flew by for a while, and suddenly pointed to the top of the mountain in the west and ordered Takada beside her: "Go, north. There must be something wrong in the side mountain! Let's quickly evacuate from the top of the mountain in the west. If the pursuers are surrounded, we will have nowhere to run."

Hearing the sound, Gao Tian quickly stood up. He turned his head and glanced at the swamp behind him, and immediately understood what the stationmaster meant. Once the chasing soldiers climbed to the top of the surrounding mountains, they would definitely be made dumplings in this mountain pass! When encountering opponents in this swampy area, they are indeed unable to retreat, and retreating into the swamp is a dead end.

He hurriedly greeted the surrounding spies to stand up, then looked at the kid next to Wan Lin and shouted, "Watch this kid, never let him run away." After that, he and Takahashi Yumi followed the spies in front of him. I ran to the top of the mountain to the west.

A group of spies dragged their tired bodies and staggered towards the west mountain top. At this time, Wan Lin was also pulled up by the boy beside him, UU reading www.uukanshu. com grabbed his arm and ran to the top of the mountain.

As soon as Wan Lin reached the top of the mountain, he immediately saw black smoke rising from behind the rolling hills on the north side. He looked at the smoke column rising in the distance, and immediately judged in his heart that the black smoke rising in the distance must have been ignited by hot bullets or explosives that ignited the dead wood or hay in the mountains, otherwise it would not be here. Such a cloud of black smoke rose from the inaccessible mountains. This shows that the battle is very fierce there. From the analysis of the current situation, it must be Cheng Ru and the others who caught up with the group of mercenaries, otherwise such a fierce battle would not have occurred.

At this time, Takahashi Yumi and Takata had already run to the top of a big tree, and both of them held binoculars and looked towards the mountains to the north. The rest of the spies crouched nervously under the big trees or rocks, and all raised their guns and aimed at the rolling hills to the north.

Wan Lin was pulled up to the top of the mountain by the boy beside him, and he pretended not to understand the dangers of the battlefield, and stopped in a daze. At this time, the boy beside him pressed on his shoulder and scolded in a low voice, "Why are you **** standing here looking for death? Hurry up and squat down!"

The boy pushed Wan Lin under the rock with great force, and he quickly crouched behind the rock and raised his gun to aim at the mountains on the north side, but he just raised his gun and glanced in the distance, then suddenly turned his head to look at Li Xiaofeng who was behind him. Go, with a vigilant look in his eyes, as if he was afraid that Li Xiaofeng would attack him from behind.

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