Panther Commando

Chapter 2791: Reinforcement

At this time, Wan Lin sat under the rock with a calm face. He glanced at the vigilant look of the boy beside him, and looked back with a smile in his heart. He knew that these little devil spies were suspicious by nature, and he didn't trust the mole that suddenly appeared in his heart, so when he was in danger, he was really worried that the mole behind Li would suddenly be bad for them.

Wan Lin glanced at Li Xiaofeng, who was sitting under the rock behind him, and saw that he was still staring at the two Peacocks with a gloomy expression. Wan Lin turned his head and looked at the mountains on the north side, where the faint black smoke was emerging, thinking about the current battle situation between Cheng Ru and the others, and unconsciously stretched out his handcuffed hands around his knees to his feet.

At this moment, Yumi Takahashi, who was standing beside the tree, suddenly took out the satellite phone and put it in her ear, what did she say in a low voice? With a nervous expression on his face, he put down the phone after a while.

She then looked at the rolling mountains on the north side and pondered for a while, then dragged Takata to squat down, took out the map and said in a low voice? After a while, Takata suddenly called out to a boy on the side who was holding an assault rifle and aimed into the distance: "Fujimoto, come here!"

Following the voice, a boy on the side bent down and ran towards the two of Takata. He ran over and immediately crouched beside Takahashi Yumi and Takata. Takahashi Yumi pointed to the map and whispered something to him, then raised his finger again. He pointed to the mountain to the north.

Fujimoto stared into the distance and nodded, then suddenly stood up and shouted to the surrounding: "Group 2, Group 3, follow me!" With that, he raised his foot and ran towards the mountain on the north side. Five boys ran behind him, and a group of people glanced nervously at Takada Yumi and Takada, and then ran to the top of the north side of the mountain behind Fuji itself, and then ran down the hillside.

Wan Lin stared at a group of spies running towards the mountains on the north side in surprise, and then looked at the peacock who was holding the binoculars and staring at the mountains on the north side. He suddenly understood in his heart: The call the peacock received just now must be the group of peacocks. The mercenaries who were fighting with Cheng Ru and the others were obviously asking for support from Peacock, so Peacock sent two action teams to rush over to support.

He thought to himself, his eyes carefully observing the peacock's expression. At this moment, Peacock looked at the distant mountains with his binoculars, his face was very gloomy. Looking at Peacock's gloomy face, Wan Lin secretly said in his heart: Peacock may have to send reinforcements as a last resort. There were not many people on her side, and now she has sent six more men to reinforce her. If something happens on her side, She must be stretched thin in personnel deployment, no wonder her face is so ugly.

But Peacock should also understand that the mercenary was ordered by Kuroda to come to meet her, and now the mercenary must be fighting fiercely with the opponent who is tracking her. It will definitely chase her side quickly. At that time, the people on her side are even more powerless to resist those powerful chasing soldiers. Therefore, she can only send reinforcements now, try to hold the other party as much as possible, and buy time for her to quickly escape the border with the hostages.

Wan Lin judged the whereabouts of these spies, and followed with his eyes fixed on Takahashi who was standing beside the peacock, his left hand hanging on the slanted edge quickly pressed the micro-locator hidden in the sole of the shoe.

At this time, Takata and Peacock were staring at the smoke rising from the mountains on the north side, and they didn't have time to pay attention to him or check the radio detector, so he seized this opportunity and quickly pressed the locator, followed by putting his hands on his shoes tightly. Watching Takata's movements closely, ready to turn off the locator at any time.

At this moment, Takahashi Yumi suddenly put down the binoculars she was holding, and hurriedly ordered to Takata who was beside her, "Let one person lead the way ahead, speed up and approach the border as soon as possible!" After speaking, she turned to Wan Lin. He and Li Xiaofeng looked over and shouted, "Bring the hostages here!"

Seeing the anxious look on Peacock's face, Wan Lin immediately pressed the sole of the shoe with his hand hanging at his feet, and quickly turned off the positioning device to prevent Takata from being discovered during the action.

At this time, the boy on the side had already stood up, he ran to Wan Lin, grabbed his arm and pulled him up, then pulled him to Yumi Takahashi and ran to the west side of the hill together, Li Xiaofeng also quickly stood up , followed silently.

At this time, in the mountains about 30 kilometers north of Wanlin and the others, fierce gunshots were echoing. Some withered weeds on the hillside were bubbling with green smoke, and some withered tree trunks were also bubbling up. With the dots of fire, clusters of fire flickered from time to time on the hillside, and the sound of "da-da-da" assault rifles and "bang-bang-bang" machine guns came one after another.

The two sides in the fierce battle were the mercenaries of Cheng Ru and a team of mercenaries who were supporting Peacock. Last night, after Cheng Ru and the others briefly exchanged fire with the group of mercenaries in front, Cheng Ru immediately ordered his team members to follow the opponent's trail and chase them overnight.

Zhang Wa took the Yuwen brothers as a scout group to follow Xiaohua, and ran straight to the southwest mountain. Cheng Ru and the other team members followed behind them in the mountain more than 100 meters away. At this moment, the expressions of all the Hua Leopard team members were very excited. Each team member trotted and chased forward in the dimly lit mountains. Their feet looked very brisk. The donkey that was driven by Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai was not worried Follow behind a group of people slowly.

There has been no news of Leopard Head for several Everyone's hearts have become a little anxious, although they still haven't received the accurate positioning signal from Leopard Head, but there is such a group of well-equipped equipment in front of them. This means that the other party must be the **** of the group of spies, and the general armed men such as drug dealers do not have such sophisticated weapons and equipment.

Therefore, this group of leopard team members immediately raised their spirits and chased after each other's traces without obtaining the exact position of the leopard head. At this time, all the team members firmly believed that since the other party was responding to the group of Peacocks, they would bring themselves to Peacock and Leopard Head sooner or later!

In the middle of the night, a group of people followed Cheng Ru's order, and the speed of the pursuit was not fast, and they were all thinking about letting the mercenaries in front bring them close to the leopard head and the peacock.

Until the afternoon of the next day, Xiaohua, who had been running in and out of the mountains in front of the queue to scout at the front of the queue, suddenly ran out of a grass at the foot of the mountain in front, followed by getting up and jumping up to a rock more than three meters high on the side. Stand up and look forward.

It stared forward for a while, then turned to look, and a blue light suddenly flashed in its two big round eyes. It then turned around and rushed towards the side hillside, and ran towards the top of the mountain like a smoke along the uneven hillside, apparently to observe the situation ahead from a commanding height.

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