Panther Commando

Chapter 2792: gunshots

Brothers Zhang Wa and Yuwen, who were following closely behind, saw Xiaohua's movements, and immediately raised their guns and rushed behind the surrounding trees and rocks. The three of them hid themselves and raised their guns to aim forward. The microphone issued a concealed command to the team behind.

The mountains in front of them were quiet, with bare rocks scattered across the slopes and at the foot of the mountain, and clusters of weeds and shrubs scattered in the mountains, and nothing unusual could be seen.

At this time, the three of Zhang Wa raised their guns and carefully observed every move in the distance through the scope. They knew that during this kind of mission, Xiaohua would never stop for no reason, and there must be an abnormality ahead. At this moment, the three of them saw Xiaohua standing on the rock suddenly turning her head and looking back, her eyes flashing with a blue sheen, and then they saw Xiaohua jump off the rock and run towards the left hillside.

Seeing the blue light in Xiao Hua's eyes, Zhang Wa and the three immediately lowered their bodies and gently pulled the gun bolt. Zhang Wa then issued a battle alarm to the microphone.

When Zhang Wa raised the alarm, she pressed her body tightly behind a thick tree at the foot of the mountain, turned her head and quickly took a look at the surrounding terrain. At this time, they were at the foot of two big mountains. In the middle was a canyon more than 100 meters wide. The canyon was overgrown with wormwood half a person's height and boulders rolled down from the hillside. The hillsides on both sides were It was also covered with clumps of weeds and thorns, and a few half-human thick trees stood scattered on the hillside.

After Zhang Wa observed the surrounding terrain, she raised her hand and pointed to the top of the mountain on the right to the Yuwen brothers who were lying on the rocks. Then she made a "cover" gesture to the two of them, and then suddenly jumped out from behind the tree to the side. Carrying the gun, he ran towards the right hillside like smoke.

At this time, Cheng Ru, who received Zhang Wa's report, was lying on the back of a rock and whispered: "Fengdao, take Zisheng, Bao Ya and Dazhuang to occupy the commanding heights on the right. Dali, Lingling and I will walk from the left hillside. Outflank the past. Xiaoya, you bring Wu Xueying and Wen Meng to support the scout team in front. "

He gave the order and immediately bent down and stood up, carrying a sniper rifle and ran to the left hillside. Lingling and Wang Dali also jumped out from under the rock at the foot of the hill and followed. Feng Dao took Lin Zisheng, Bao Ya, and Kong Dazhuang to run towards the right hillside ups and downs with the help of the rocks and vegetation in the mountains.

Xiaoya, who was squatting behind a rock, saw Cheng Ru and the others running towards the two-winged hillside, and immediately turned to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, who were behind her, and pointed to the scattered rocks in front of her, and then made a concealed gesture to Xiaobai beside her. , then rushed out from the side of the rock with the gun in hand, and ran up and down to the mountains ahead. Wen Meng and Wu Xueying at the back immediately spread out on her flanks one by one, and also bent down and rushed behind the rocks in front of her.

The mountains were very quiet at this time. In the breeze, the weeds growing messily on the hillsides on both sides are shaking the emerald green grass blades slightly, a group of leopard players are undulating in the grass and rocks, and are quickly approaching the mountains ahead. .

At this time, Zhang Wa was already rushing up the hill on the right. He rushed towards the top of the mountain among the rocks and grass, trying to rush to the top of the mountain as soon as possible to occupy this commanding height to monitor the movement in the mountains ahead.

Just when Zhang Wa ran halfway up the mountain and just got up and rushed behind a big tree above the side, "Whoosh", a hot wind suddenly passed from the side of his head. He was shocked! The body that jumped forward suddenly paused, and at this moment, a bullet flew past his face with a sharp air-breaking sound.

Zhang Wa didn't care to shoot back, and immediately rushed to the side of the hillside, and then rolled quickly on the hillside, and rolled towards a rock pile not far away. At this time, cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead.

Thanks to his rich combat experience just now, he stopped immediately at the moment of the attack, and did not continue to pounce behind the tree in front of him, otherwise the opponent's second sniper bullet would just pass through his head!

At the moment when Zhang Wa was attacked, a blue light suddenly appeared from the top of the mountain on the left, and the blue light beam went straight to the hillside seven or eight hundred meters away!

"Da Da Da", "Da Da Da", two strings of crisp gunfire followed, and two strings of bullets flew towards the distant hillside in the direction indicated by the blue light. The Yuwen brothers, who were lying on the rock pile at the foot of the mountain, had already discovered that Zhang Wa was attacked, and the two moved to the front and pulled the trigger in unison.

At this time, Cheng Ru, who was flanking the hillside from the two wings, had already discovered the danger on Zhang Wa's side. He got up and rushed behind a thick tree trunk in front of him. He raised his gun and aimed at the hillside in the distance. .

On the hillside in the distance, a black shadow leaped out from behind a rock like an arrow, and went straight to a bush on the hillside below. Cheng Ru's muzzle moved immediately, and just as he was about to pull the trigger with his finger, he suddenly noticed a dark shadow suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain in the distance. The bullets whizzed towards the hillside where Cheng Ru was.

"Bastard!" Cheng Ru immediately retracted his body from the side of the tree trunk, and a rain of bullets roared beside him. Clusters of dust mist immediately appeared in the surrounding grass, and a few rocks also sprayed out. Click on Suddenly, dust and mist flew up on the hillside, and gravel flew.

"Machine gun, suppress the enemy's firepower!" Cheng Ru roared into the microphone. With his roar, "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", two strings of fire snakes have already sounded from the hillsides on both sides, and a cloud of dust immediately appeared from the hundreds of fire snake-sprayed mountains in front of them. The sound of the machine guns shooting at Cheng Ru's side on the top of the mountain stopped immediately.

At the same time, between the foot of the mountain and a rock on the side of the hill, two faint flames also appeared. Two sniper bullets roared and flew straight to the hillside where the sniper was located in the distance, followed by two clusters. Gravels flew from the bushes in the distance. Wen Meng at the foot of the mountain and Lin Zisheng on the side **** had already aimed at the position of the opponent's sniper and pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle.

As the gunshots of his comrades rang out, Cheng Ru turned around and jumped out from behind the tree, pounced towards the back of a few rocks on the hillside above, followed by the muzzle sticking out of the rock crevice and aiming forward. He knew that the position just now had been seen by the opponent's machine gunner, so he immediately rushed out under the cover of his teammates.

Intense gunshots suddenly sounded from the mountains, and the distant hillsides and the rocky sides at the foot of the mountain also followed with clusters of fire from the muzzle. Bullets flew across the mountains, dust mist and gravel hit by hot bullets were flying everywhere on the hillside, sparks had appeared on the piles of dry grass and dry tree trunks, and black smoke was coming. Rise in the air.

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